100 100- maid dragon? (último capítulo)

Naoru could live in the city for several months but she had to go do something, she couldn't stay forever in the house she had bought, besides it would be very suspicious that she has money without doing anything ... They will say that I am a boat ...

Naoru looked for work online, and found a few minutes later one, "programmer" the benefits were good and the pay was good ... Naoru knew about programming, very little but he knew ... But to be sure, he went to the system to buy Anything to do with programming, naoru studied for a week to make sure I could handle the job ... What naoru didn't know is that the programming skills were heavenly level faith, for example the division program from the god of dxd ...

So naoru went to the interview and went directly to work in the office ... Clearly there were several cubicles on this floor, but naoru was not affected much, he was just curious about a reddish hair that stood out above all ... Naoru chose to scan the target ...

-clothes: normal ... (normal men's clothing)

-level: normal ... (Normal high: slightly higher than the others)

-name: kobayashi ...

Naoru was thinking about the name, it became well known to him, he searched his mind but could not find that connection that made him remember ... He gave up ten minutes after he began to remember ... Naoru concentrated on his work, the hours went by until it was time to leave ... He turned off his computer and began to prepare to leave ...

: OYEE ...

naoru: what's up? ...


naoru: they are on my desk ... You can grab it yourself ... See you ...

: you are fired...

Naoru: ok ... Then I'm going to erase everything I did ...

: wait, that's company property ...

Naoru: don't you guys pay me to do this, if they fire me before receiving the payment, then this is mine ... I'll just delete it ...

: no, no, no, don't wait ... you can go ...

Naoru: So am I fired or not? ...

: no, of course not ... Search your desktop ...

Naoru: well, see you ...

Naoru started walking, the streets were very crowded, Naoru had to go the other way, he was afraid that it might affect someone, his blood was still poisoned so anyone who touches him will be destined to die in agony ...

Naoru walked home, suddenly she saw kobayashi wobbling her face was completely red, she was drunk ... She turned around for a moment and pointed at Naoru ...

Kobayashi: ohh ~ ... It's the new one, what are you doing here again ...

Naoru: nice to meet you ... And answering your question, this is my house ...

Kobayashi: ohh ~, what a coincidence, this is also my house ... Hahahaha ...

Naoru: yes? ...

Naoru grabbed and put his hand in the kobayashi's bag, took out his wallet ... Kobayashi's apartment was on the other side of town ... Naoru immediately called a taxi and presented the document, paid the deductible and saw as a problem he went home ...

Naoru sighed at the loss of more money so he took his way again, but saw that this was not his normal path, it was a path in a forest ... The trees from one side to the other swayed according to the wind that blew in. That silent night ... Naoru started walking until he came to a clearing in the forest, it was big, he didn't even know where he was ... But he did know something, that shouldn't be here ...

: WHO ... OHH ~ THAT'S JUST a human ...

It was a green western style dragon, it was large, I would say that a little less than the jubi, the dragon in front of Naoru was in a middle range between the biju ... Naoru saw a sword stuck in her side .. Naoru approached ...

: human, go ... I don't have time to ... AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHH ...

Naoru forcefully drew the sword, when looking at it a force wanted to enter naoru, he felt the hatred that was in that sword, clearly if he did not have the system, that force would have devastated naoru ... But it was completely absorbed, naoru looked at the sword and keep it in his inventory under the stunned gaze of the dragon ...

: why?...

Naoru: you were hurt, so I wanted to prevent you from suffering more ...

: the sword of the gods will not kill you ...

Naoru: really? ... I know stronger people, if these are the gods of the world ...

: I have to pay you for this act ...

Naoru: well and? ... What will you give me ...

: what do you want ... Money ... Revenge? ... Tell me

Naoru: it's vague ... In the first I can get hundreds of thousands at a time, in the second I have no one who can overcome me so my enemies are null ... (I already eliminated them all, well almost all) .. .

: So ... How can I help you? ...

Naoru: how about you get me a maid ... I didn't even bring mine

: I understand ... Wait for the ...

The dragon spread its wings, spreading them across the forest clearing, the gust of wind resulting from the dragon's flapping was incredibly strong, knocking down some trees in seconds ... Naoru with all his clothes wrinkled ... He started looking for the exit from this forest ... It took about 20 minutes until Naoru hit the road again, just in front of his house ... Naoru opened the door ...

He made dinner and took a bath, the truth naoru wanted to go to a brothel or something like that, to ... Satisfy the desire, but he felt very tired, before going to bed he took out the sword that he had taken from the dragon ... and scanned it ...

-sword of the gods (cursed item)

- forged in the forge of heaven ...

- damn with the effect of

+ trapped ...

+ bleeding ...

+ trapped: means it cannot be removed by the traditional way ...

+ bleeding: means that the wound will not heal ...

Naoru understood why even though he had it there at his mercy, he couldn't take it out himself ... He put it in the system inventory and that was his end ... Naoru lay down to sleep while trying to remember why he was familiar with the scene that had happened now ...

The next morning he went to the office to work as usual ... It was a particularly hard day since the kobayashi began to apologize to me and invited me to lunch ... One thing I knew was that she was a woman, but she looked like a man and not one pretty ... One thing led to another ... And I finish ...

With her in a taxi heading home, Naoru did not know how to deal with her, as something simple he did not believe that Kobayashi would fall in love with him ... But to drink with a stranger, so much ... Or he has a confidence in others alarming or is it ...

Naoru put those thoughts out of his head and went home ... The week was very bad, the boss was especially tired with Naoru making him do the most work ... Naoru didn't care because with his speed he finished it in ten minutes ... Although she would not say it early, she did not want to work more ... In that week also kobayashi became a great friend of naoru, although she could not leave her lying in the street when she drank ... She scolded a good impression of the ...

Now naoru wanted to rest late but ...

-tock tock-

Naoru got up with a face still asleep and went to her door, opening ...

End of cap friends

Thanks guys for reading on, this was the last chapter I did, I'm rewriting the story with more words, but I'm only going to upload it in Spanish, so you won't have to be upset about my grammar mistakes ...
