
In the world of food wars as a side character

Kairos0310 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: The Pressure Mounts

The next round of the Totsuki Autumn Election was even more challenging than the first. The competition was fierce and the stakes were high. The pressure was intense as I prepared my dishes in the kitchen, knowing that one mistake could mean elimination.

But I refused to let the pressure get to me. I had come too far to let nerves get the best of me. I focused on my cooking, letting my passion for food guide me as I worked.

The theme of the round was "French Cuisine" and I knew that I had to bring my A-game if I wanted to impress the judges. I began by preparing a classic Coq Au Vin, slow-cooking the chicken in red wine and bacon until it was fall-apart tender. For my second dish, I decided to put a modern twist on escargot by serving it with a garlic herb butter and a side of truffle fries.

As I presented my dishes to the judges, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. But as they took their first bites, their faces lit up with pleasure and I knew that I had done it again. I had cooked a meal that would win the hearts and taste buds of the judges and secure my place in the next round.

The judges praised my dishes for their unique flavors and modern twist on traditional French cuisine. I felt a sense of triumph wash over me as I realized that all my hard work had paid off. I was one step closer to becoming the top chef.

But I knew that the competition was far from over, and that the next round would be even more challenging. But I was determined to give it my all and come out on top. This was my chance to prove myself and make my dreams a reality.

As I left the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. I was going to win this competition and become a culinary legend, no matter what it took.