13 013- mission: rescue the wifu

Naoru was sneaking off to one of the training grounds, which were ... He had been practicing the ice dragon bullet jutsu that he had obtained from the system, this jutsu even though he had practiced it for a week he just couldn't perform it well ...

Naoru divided his training in two ... First the fundamental sealing speed to be able to do the jutsu ... And second the release of ice ... In this part Naoru made ice sculptures with the hyoton, only releasing it abruptly .. The first few days were a bummer, she could only make ice cubes ... Naoru bought dozens of books with pictures of animals in an attempt to enrich her imagination ... After she finished with. They would donate them to the orphanage, of course with another identity ...

With the training and today it had already been two weeks since he started training the hyoton ... He stood cross-legged in the middle of the training field he put his hands in front of him concentrating on making a hummingbird ... The white mist came out of his hands to a lesser extent, converging in a small sphere ... When naoru opened his eyes he saw that he had failed, but he had also had a breakthrough ... He had formed the head of the hummingbird but his body was still an ice cube. .. With this advance

The next day a feeling of discomfort left him thinking ... He had saved the father from Neji ... But the feeling of discomfort did not leave him ... He was remembering the anime and what was happening to make it so bad. ..

Suddenly hana came in and with a hug she knocked down Naoru ... Naoru grabbed her and shook the pan she had in her hand ...

Naoru: you're silly ... You shouldn't play in the kitchen, you're going to ... ... ... burn ~ ...

The burning element of the village of suna, pakura she should be full on the mission to act as a representative with kiri ...

Hana: I don't see you for weeks and it's the first thing you say ... Hpm ... Bad ...

Naoru: no, no, don't give me that face I'm just telling you that you're going to burn if you knock me down like this ...

Hana: bad, bad, bad ...

Naoru: (sigh) well, calm down, tell me how your mission was ...

As she got up and went to sit down, she began to tell him about her mission and how the solution was, Naoru was looking at the kitchen calendar to see when Pakura was going to be killed by Kiri ...

At night naoru came out ... Kyoka suigetsu helped him again ... Leaving the village, dressed as a moon flower he went to a nearby town ... There he found a very old guy who was smoking in an alley ...

Old man: I don't sell my cigars ...

Naoru: you don't sell, I don't buy ...

Old man: what do you want? ...

Naoru: information ...

This old man was the contact with the black market in the naruto world, naoru had been watching him since he saw some shadows come out with things from the alley ...

Old man: what kind? ...

Naoru: recent, about a person ... Ninjas suna pakura ...

Old man: ohh ~ she ... Hmm some things have happened recently, the cost is 3,000 ryo ... Shopping? ...

Naoru with all the pain in her heart withdrew 3,000 ryo from the system, the truth was like an electronic purse, she could put it in and out without the need for a cost ...

Old man: well, this is the technical sheet, there is another thing ... According to rumors she has been traveling through the iwa territory, according to the estimate she should go to kiri right now ... There is no more knowledge of her until now. ..

Naoru retired when he heard the news ... He is now passing through the territory of iwa, so he should be approaching towards the hour of death ... Naoru sped up ... I go home and prepare everything ... How could he not leave Only Naruto made Kyoka Suigetsu become a clone of him so he could go on a trip ... Leaving his clone sword ... He ran towards the border of iwa, there should be the ambush ... Naoru had good feelings this girl pakura in the anime was beautiful plus she had great morals not killing children ...

She was strong and determined, but Suna, wanting to blame iwa, sacrificed her causing her to die in the most unjust way possible ...

Naoru traveled for a week fado that was not trained and did not have much speed with the leather of a child, it had taken longer ... The territory of iwa is one of the largest but naoru had his memories of the anime so he just had to looking for the right place ... This was easier said than done, naoru took another week to find the right place ... Hiding among the trees I hope ...

A few days later it began to cloud, this was the kiri style ... And there they were ... He saw dozens of kiri ninjas chasing a lone shadow that was taking down the ninjas one by one ... Their element burning was really powerful making mummies in a matter of minutes when the red orb touched the body .... The rain of kunais and shurikens was hundreds, not even hiruzen could dodge all that ... Like such pakura either, several managed to hit on really important places, more than an hour had already passed here and the kiri ninjas could only be counted on one hand ... Pakura bleeding to death managed to do with the last of his chakra 4 orbs that calcined the ninjas before he fainted ... But he lacked one ... the one that was going to give him the coup de grace ...

But suddenly he was scared, he could not move, he wanted to scream but his throat was scratching ... He felt the cold penetrate his bones ... And he felt that white hands were holding his neck ...


Naoru froze him and broke his neck causing the crystallized blood to come out ... He went to Pakura and began to check her ... He was weak very weak ... Seeing the bodies he began to look for a woman among all the corpses ... He found to the mummified version ... But he was recovering his appearance as time passed, he cut his hair and with an explosive label he exploded his face ... And he undressed her ... With the clothes to one side he saw pakura to one side , and also began to remove her clothes ...

"I'm a 6 boy, I'm a 6 boy"

With this dharma he managed to prevent his nose from bleeding when things bounced in front of him ... The two were dressed in each other's clothes ... He saw the project from the front with the image of suna and took it off ... This It was the last thing he was missing, with the explosion the hair was burned ... So they would not know who he was, they could only guess who he was with the ninja gang ... He picked up pakura and took her from there ... Arriving at a small town got a fourth starting pakura healings ... also taking out the ointment he had gotten from Ino that day ... It wasn't much but it was effective ... Raw medical chakra helped too ... I didn't want her to wake up so I just help her not to bleed to death ...

Naoru lived for two days in the small town before turning back to Konoha ....

On the way there were rumors that Suna was asking iwa for compensation for killing her hero ninjas ... She knew her plan was in motion now she just had to convince Pakura not to go to Suna again ...

Naoru: another headache is coming next ...

End of chap

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