
in the university


Beniei · Teen
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36 Chs


The next morning,,it was already 8:19am by the time Alicia woke up,she woke up to see the inquisitive faces of Tammy and Sophie standing close to her bed and staring at her,they were curious to know what had happened last night.

Well, Alicia didn't feel like trying to remember last night's event or even saying it so she told a half truth by simply Telling them that she had gotten lost and couldn't find her way back to the hostel and that she was so scared until she finally did.

Tammy and Sophie seemed to buy the story as they finally relaxed,they had been so worried for her all through the night but gladly,she was okay,they were then finally able to leave the room to go about their day.

After they left,Alicia glanced at the time and then at her time table,she had an 11:00am - 1:00pm class today and it was just 8:30am now, Alicia rubbed her tired eyes,her long hair sprawled messily on the small bed,she wished she could skip class today because of her mood which didn't seem to get any better since last night but sadly it was just too early to start skipping lectures.

Hence,she got up and had her breakfast,it was so sad that the sumptuous dinner Ryan had gotten for her yesterday got spoiled.

At exactly 10:00am, Alicia's mother and sister called to find out how she was coping and Alicia did everything in her power to make sure her mum didn't catch her gloomy mood or smell anything fishy.

After the call, Alicia got ready and headed to class with the help of Sophie and as they walked together, Alicia began to notice the different faculties and the class names and then she figured locating a class wasn't that hard,the only thing one had to do was to locate the block.

Alicia arrived at the class few minutes to lectures and again,she sat with her newly found friends and as they discussed and laughed, Alicia found her mood getting better.

At exactly 1:00pm,the class came to an end,after bidding her friends goodbye, Alicia came out of the class building and headed straight to the main campus ground bustling heavily with students,in the middle of the school,she saw a bench under a big tree so she moved to sit on it.

She didn't want to go back to the hostel all alone and start thinking of what happened last night,she sat down there for a while thinking about a lot of things as she watched the students walk by on the ground,where she was was a very busy place since that was where most halls of residence were located.

Just then,in the middle of her thoughts,the boy of last night's face popped up in her head and the deep lines on her forehead smoothened,she remembered he had given her his number to call him today, something she was yet to do.

Alicia took out her phone and removed the card from it's pouch and stared at it,she was busy thinking if she should call him or not, ' what if she didn't call him and she somehow needed his help again in the future and then he decided not to help'.

She knew she owed him alot for saving her last night but then apart from ' thank you', Alicia had nothing else to offer, definitely not her body nor money but then there was also something about his face that piqqued her interest,last night it was so dark but she could clearly see that he had stunning and breathtaking features that outshone the moon itself,she wanted to see that face in the day.

In the end,her urge to see his face once more won,she took out her phone and inputed the digits from the card to the phone, taking one deep breath,she dialed the number and placed it over her ear,she didn't know why but she held her breath waiting for it to ring as she was damn nervous,but to her utmost disappointment,it read ' number not allocated' probably the phone was switched off or network issues.

Well,since the number read not allocated,she decided not to try again, however,she was just about to drop her phone and get lost in her world of thoughts again when her phone rang and jolted her back before she could fully dive in.

She looked up to see the the caller ID creasing her brows,it was a restricted number,but who could be calling her with a restricted number. She picked it up and was just about to say hello when she heard at the other end.

"Where are you"

Alicia's eyes widened upon hearing the voice as she immediately recognized it,. ' b- but how did he get my number, could it be that the call went through' she thought.

"I'm at the,at the erm faculty of law area,just under the wisteria tree" she described looking around to make sure of what she was saying.

"Okay great". She heard him say. " Just wait for me in front of the faculty I'll be there in a jiffy"

"O-okay" she replied and then the call ended, Alicia picked up her small bag and began to move further,it didn't take her three minutes before she arrived at the main law faculty.

As she stood there,she began to feel really shy as everyone who passed by her turned to look again. All the while,her eyes were busy scanning the area for a red car but she couldn't find any.

Just then,she sighted a black car coming towards her,it was a gleaming black Grand Cherokee. As usual, Alicia didn't know the brand name but she was certain that it cost a lot.

As she stood, Alicia was busy thinking how parents could just buy such expensive cars for their kids to ride when she herself had never even gotten the chance to ride a bicycle,she was still in her thoughts when suddenly she looked up and saw that the black car was right in front of her with the passenger door right at her face.

The windows were tinted hence Alicia couldn't see the driver. Thinking that he probably wanted to park there, Alicia moved sideways to her right giving a little distance between her and the car,she glanced at her watch and then looked around again but still no sign of a red car, ' it's been over 3 minutes' she thought.

She was still looking around when the black car appeared in front of her again

cheer me up guys and the moment this book starts to get good reviews I'll try to start publishing 2 chaps a day because I'm currently a student and dealing with this and school stuff isn't easy but I'll try to balance it though if you guys encourage me

I promise you won't regret reading this book

Benieicreators' thoughts