
Chapter 1

Rico looked at Death. Death looked at Rico.

"You're early." Death finally said.

Rico said nothing and looked off in the distance.

"What's the matter? Weren't you having a blast just moments before you died?" Death inquired.

At last Rico turned to Death and replied indifferently, "Prior to my death? I presumed you had knowledge about what happens in each and every being's life? Or is that since sort of myth?"

"I'm not God." Death simply claimed. " I only know what's going on five minutes before one dies, if that answers your question. Not that grand, so shall we?" He motioned Rico to start walking.

As they moved forward, the light slowly started to fade away into pitch black until only their bodies were visible as they softly glowed.

Looking around, Rico tried to think, but could not seem to concentrate. Death glanced at him, then kept his gaze forward.

" I want to know," Rico started, breaking the silence. "What is going to happen to me? Will I continue walking in this eternal darkness?"

Death stopped, stared at him for a while before sitting down.

Confused, Rico followed suit and asked," Is something wrong?"

"I've seen many calm souls like yours but that's not what their initial questions are. I've to say, I'm quite taken aback. But to answer you, soon we'll reach a point we cannot further advance. There'll be more souls... and something fun will begin."

Finishing his last few words, a smile spread across Death's face, making Rico so uncomfortable he looked away immediately.

"Before that," Death continued," Let's have a background check, shall we? After all, which soul isn't curious about their past life? Let's-"

" I thought you said you only knew moments of last five minutes before someone's death." Rico interrupted.

Death sighed," I don't get paid for this. Listen to me Sherlock-"

"Is that my name?"

"What? N-no! Your name is- Let me finish, will you? Now, where was I? Ah, right-"

"You were about to give me a lecture."

Death's jaw dropped. Annoyed at Rico's constant interruptions, he ripped out Rico's vocal chords.

"Now listen here, I don't have time for charades. There are more souls, waiting to be reaped. Do not, I repeat, do not, interrupt me."

Spooked out of his wits, Rico nodded his head vigorously.

"Anyway, your name is Rico, 24, cause of death, let's see... suicide. Wow that's so lame. I was expecting something cool. Oh well. Moving on, oh, that's it."

Rico waved his hands at Death to get his attention. He looked up and saw Rico point to his throat.


Death put Rico's entrails back to where they belonged.

"Ahem. Ah, alright. So, suicide?"

"Uh-huh. Anything else you wanna know?" Death said, looking at his watch.

"Okay, okay Mr Impatient. I understand you prefer to be an efficient reaper. By the way, why does a reaper wear a watch? That is quite queer."

Death raised an eyebrow. "You know, of all the souls I've collected, you sure don't know your place. Hmph. I dislike you. A lot. Hurry up and finish this."

Rico nodded and continued, "It is not like I love you. I loathe you at the moment. For someone who is reaping souls this whole time, you sure are rude and impatient. Why did I commit suicide?"

Death started walking back.

"Hey, where are you going?" Rico called after him.

"My job here is done." Death waved at Rico.

Before Rico could do anything, Death vanished into thin air. For a moment, he stood completely still, processing what had just happened. Suddenly, the background shifted, as if in a movie. Rico winced hard.

Ugh, he thought, it hurts. My throat...

He fell to the ground. clutching his throat gently, in an attempt to make the pain go away. It didn't. The pain stayed as if it was always there. Rico's eyes became misty because of the intense aching in his throat.

Through his blurry eyes, Rico walked around and tried to observe his surroundings. He tripped, and fell into someone's arms.

"Woah, there. What's the hurry?" a gentle voice suddenly broke out, making him feel fuzzy.

Rico jerked his head back and fell down. He looked up to see a boy standing in front of him. He opened his mouth, only to groan in pain.

"Argh..." Rico winced again.

The boy helped him up and patted his back.

"Are you alright? Does your throat hurt?" he said, concerned.

Rico shook his head. The boy chuckled.

"I'm sorry. It's quite obvious, isn't it?"

He put his hand into his pocket and took out a candy. Rico titled his head in confusion.

"Here, eat this."

Still skeptical, Rico hesitantly put it in his mouth and chewed it down. Relief came over his throat instantly.

"It... it no longer hurts. How?" Rico inquired.

But he only smiled.

"Um..." Rico continued," Could you tell me what is going on? Who are you?"

The boy finally spoke," At last you ask about me! My name is Louie. I'm 23. I was murdered!"

Rico's eyes widened. For a moment, he was shocked. He gulped and began," Why... do you look so happy? You were literally murdered to your demise!"

Louie laughed it off. "Um, your throat. Does it hurt?... Actually, the pain should stop instantly. Tell me about you!"

"M-my name is Rico, I am 24 years old. I... committed suicide... Um, can you tell me what is happening? Is this hell or something?"

Louie opened his mouth and closed again. He then grabbed Rico's hand and led him through what had now morphed into a room. Louie sat down on the bed.

He exhaled. "Haa... Let's begin. From the start?"

Rico nodded.

"I suppose there was a reaper leading you in eternal darkness, right? It was the same for me, and we stopped at the end, where he explained some of my background information. Name. Age. How I died. But nothing more. I was super lost and saw other souls. They looked like they were suffering from some sort of wounds. What they didn't do, though, was check their surroundings and clothes."

"Wait. Clothes?" Rico cut in.

"Yes. You see, we each have enough candies to relieve the piercing pain we have. It was worse for me. Even though I was murdered, the pain seemed to shoot through my body. I couldn't move an inch. It was excruciating. I managed to fumble around in my pockets because I felt the candies. I was doubtful of course. But honestly, a bit curious. So, I ate it. Instantly, the ache all disappeared. I tried to go to other souls and help them. Sadly, they weren't listening to me."

"I kept walking around, the background changed abruptly too. Then I spotted you. You gave off a strange vibe. I wanted to ignore you. However I was pulled towards you as if you were a magnet. Okay, that sounded very strange. Anyway, that's all I know."

Rico looked around. There were paintings with dark themes, strange utensils were lined up on a table next to a lamp. There were jars with unknown liquid inside them. The room itself shone very dimly, giving it a horrific look.

"What will happen now?" Rico asked, still eyeing the queer items placed around the room.

"Hmm... from what we're seeing here and all the weird things around, I think we're supposed to find out about our past lives and repent for the sins we've committed, whether we were aware of them or not." Louie replied, thinking hard.

"That is a very deep analysis. Very deep, indeed. Now then, thank you for saving me back there. I you owe a candy."

"Now what? Are you gonna go solo or form a group?" Louie asked.

"...What do you mean?" Confused, Rico went ahead and sat down next to Louie.

"Another thing to consider: The reapers are treating all of this as if it were a game. Sooner or later, there'll be souls showing up and hiding your memories, acting like obstacles."

"Why do you know this?"

"It's nothing but a simple observation. By the way, I am willing to team up with you. You seem to have what it takes to get out of here. Together, we can find our memories."

"Aren't you so full of yourself." Rico looked away as he muttered under his breath.

"Didn't you say you owe me a candy?" Louie asked, staring hard at Rico.

Rico jerked his head towards Louie. "And? What does that have to do with me going with you?"

"I searched your pockets, there wasn't a single candy. Check them again. If there's one, give me and we'll go our separate ways. If there's none, tag along with me, until you can pay me back. How's that sound?" He negotiated.

Reluctantly, Rico nodded and checked all the pockets he could locate. He looked up at him.

Louie laughed," Well then. That settles it!"

Next chapter