
Hinata Hyuga vs Hiashi Hyuga


In a barbeque restaurant.

"Shikamaru, you have to try this barbeque sauce, it's really good." (Choji) was eatinghis ribs with sauce.

"What as drag Choji, I told you I didn't want to come with you today, I have very important things to do." (Shikamaru)

"What things, all you do is sit around and do nothing. What about you Ino, what do you think of this sauce." (Choji) asked to his female teamnate

"I don't know i'm trying to watch my weight, tsk. If it wasn't because Sasuke was training somewhere with Kakashi I would have never come here with you two." (Ino)

"Then why don't you just leave, no one is forcing you to stay here." (Shikamaru)

"Because if I go back to my home I would have to work with my parents, I would much rather stay here and do nothing." (Ino)

"Then stop complaining." (Shikamaru)

"I don't want to hear that from you out of all people." (Ino) said annoyed at the fact what Shikamaru just told her.

Then all of a sudden, Naruto came into the barbeque shop and put a flier on the door, then he left without saying a word.

"Was that Naruto?" (Ino)

"I saw him, but what was he doing." (Shikamaru)

"One of should go check it out, i'm busy eating." (Choji)

Shikamaru looked at ino, signalling her to check it out, and that he wasn't moving from his spot.

"Aw fine! Why was I paired with the two of you." (Ino) stood up and read the flier that Naruto left there. Then I surprised look appeared on her face.

She returned quickly to the dou.

"What's wrong, you look very surprised" (Shikamaru)

"It-it's a fight, Hinata is gonna fight her father." (Ino)

"And…" (Shikamaru) could care less about a family fight.

"Don't you guys get it, Hinata is a very timid girl, so how can she fight against her father like that." (Ino)

"You and Hinata aren't even friends, so why do you care so much about her." (Shikamaru)

"Because we women have to support each other, no matter what it is we all have to stand up for each other. Come you two, we have to cheer for her." (Ino)

"I don't wanna go, I prefer eating here. You guys can go ahead." (Choji)

"It's too much of a drag." (Shikamaru) said lazily.

"I don't care, the both of you are coming with me" (Ino) grabbed the dou and used her full strength to pull them to the fight.

"Nooooo! My ribs." (Choji) cried out to the unfinished food he left at the table.

"..." (Shikamaru) thought it was too much of a drag to fight it out with Ino, so he let her drag him to the fight.


"Hm! I wonder what Sasuke is doing right now." (Sakura) was just there sitting on a bench day dreaming about Sasuke.

"Sakura!!" (Naruto) sprung up out of nowhere.

"Grr! Naruto, how dare you interrupt my train of thoughts" (Sakura) was angry, but then she was surprised at Naruto's actions.

"Here, please tell everyone you know about this, bye!" (Naruto) Although Naruto likes Sakura he knows that Hinata right now is more important. And for some reason, he doesn't look at Sakura with love puppy eyes. He wonders why…

(let me give you a hint… *Hinata*)

"Naruto…" (Sakura) was confused, right now Naruto would be hitting on her but this time it's different.

She looked at the paper and it surprised her, she did what Naruto asked and spread it to her friends and family.


Tenten was busy examining the KubikiriBocho that Chris gave her 2 days ago.

"TenTen, there is a fight happening in about 4 hours, it's about a Hyuga girl named Hinata whom is gonna fight her father for her rights." (TenTen's father)

"Not interested, i'm busy examining this sword." (TenTen) said not caring for a stranger.

"I think that Chris is gonna be there, do you still not wanna go." (TenTen's father)

For the last few days TenTen has been acting weird. At first he thought it was because of the sword, but yesterday she accidentally said Chris's name when she was training and busy examining the sword.

He then knew she was love struck, he was very happy for her, all this time TenTen would always spend most of her time training with weapons or collecting various types of weapons. And that was the first time she has ever lost her concentration, he wished for her to get a boyfreind, and Chris looks like a nice guy, and strong too.

TenTen stopped examining the sword and blushed a little, looks like her father knows.

"O-okay, i'll be right there, i'll go take a bath first." (TenTen) couldn't get the courage to look at her father's eyes and ran upstairs to take a fast shower. She reeks of sweat, and metal from the swords she has touched.

"Hmmmm!" (TenTen's father) smiled at her, hopefully her and Chris get together.


Naruto did a good job, with the help of his shadow clones everyone in the leaf village heard of the upcoming battle of the Hyugas.

Right now i'm teaching Hinata a certain move that she must use for a sure win.

"And that's how you win, you think you can do it Hinata." (Chris)

"Hmhm!" (Hinata) nodded

"Good. I don't want you to lose this fight, remember do it for Naruto." (Chris)

"Yes" (Hinata) looked down and said in a soft whisper, I knew her secret and I used Naruto to get her motivated.

"I'm back!" (Naruto)

"Oh you're back already! That was quick." (Chris)

"He! Nothing me and my shadow clones can't handle." (Naruto) said as he scratched behind his head.

"Hm! Now we have to wait. Hinata, for the next few hours take a break, you need to be at 100% for the fight." (Chris)

"Hm! Yes Sensei!" (Hinata)

"And if Hinata wins, i'll invite you both to an all you can eat buffet. Or maybe the movies." (Chris)

Then when we arrive at the movies i'll leave Naruto and Hinata alone, this way it will be a date for the both of them. I don't wanna be a third wheel anyways.


For the last few hours we just did nothing but rest, HInata was fully rested and was ready to fight Hiashi. It might seem too fast paced if you ask me, but the Chuunin exams are coming up and I already have enough on my plate as it is. So I thought of settling this as fast as I could.

This fight will also be a great experience for Hinata, it will boost her confidence in the upcoming exams, and possibly upcoming fights to the death.

Right now we're standing in the middle of the fighting arena, it looked like a colliseum. This place is where the fight with Naruto and Neji happened in the anime, it was pretty big and it was the perfect fighting ground.

And Surprisingly looks like literally everyone in Konoha was here, even the elders of the Hyuga came here, they were mad because they thought this as a waste of their time. In their minds, Hiashi won already, but since it would look bad for them if they didn't came, they came here anyways.

I was on the front of the row with Naruto on my side, he looked very nervous for Hinata, it looks like he really cares for her. I lightly patted his back and told him there was nothing to be worried about, he calmed down and kept observing Hinata.

Hinata looked a bit nervous but I did get her motivated to erase her uneasiness. Looks like it mostly worked, Hiashi on the other hand was nowhere to be seen. Where could he be, since there was another ½ hour left for the fight to begin I didn't complain.

I also saw all of the Genins in the original Naruto, they're all here in the colliseum with us, except Luna, Sasuke and Kakashi weren't here, they must be busy training. As well as the sand ninja weren't here.

TenTen was sitting at the row behind me, the clothes she wore are very different compared to what she originally wore. It was a black shirt with blue jeans, she even had a bit of make up and she wore a pretty detailed necklace.

She was still looking at me very funny, and everytime I turned around she looked quickly in another direction, to avoid my eyes, she was even faintly blushing.

Oh god she likes me doesn't she, what did I do, all I did was give her one of the 7 most powerful swords in Naruto, and I even returned her books after I finished reading them, which I only took like 3 hours to completly finish.

Why don't you just make a harem, at this rate you will have dozens of girls running at your door ٩(♡ε♡ )۶

Not happening blue screen, a man only needs one women in their lives, and I already have Luna. I don't plan on having a harem.

You know what I think…



I am not a pussy.

Sure you aren't.

What do you want me to do

Give her a kiss ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Tell me you meant Luna.

Of course I meant Luna, if you aren't a pussy give her a kiss when she comes back. (╯✧∇✧)╯

I don't see why not.

Mission: Give a kiss to Luna as soon as she gets back.

Mission reward: Something cool.

Mission failure: Be known as a PUSSY!!!!!! For the rest of your life

Why are you so interested in my love life all of a sudden?

When you're a blue box who has nothing better to do than watch a kid living a life, it gets boring in here, and i'm trying to be not bored by talking to you more. I mean seriously it's pretty goddam boring in here (ಡ艸ಡ)

Yeah anyway's where was I… Oh yeah!

Neji was with the elders, he hates Hinata very much, it was the same thing when he was first introduced in the anime. I swear if he says anything about 'fate' and shit, I am going to beat him up, and everytime he even thinks about the word fate, it'll hurt him so much.

Damn that's Hostel! But I like it (屮`∀´)屮

Yeah damn right it's hostel, when he kept mentioning about fate and stuff, it got me so pissed that I wanted to cut out that tongue out. man i'm not usually this dark, I need to get my brain checked.

Sakura on the other hand is sitting on the other side of the colliseum, I can't believe she's here as well, I thought she'd be somewhere else. And even Shikamaru, Choji were here too, they don't look like they were looking forward to this fight at all.

Ino was cheering for Hinata very loudly, why?...

I even saw Kiba and that bug guy, I really can't remember his name. Even Kurenai was here to, looks like Hinata's team is here to support her.

And to my surprise I saw two bushy browed eye characters, they're the ones who I respected most in the anime, Rock Lee, and Might Guy. I swear they were more than motivated than they should be, They kept on spouting things like YOUTH SHALL WIN!!! and such

Lolz glad to see that some things never change, I should spar with Lee after this. I really wanna fight him at full power.

"Hey look! Hiashi Hyuga is here." (Random person 1) pointed on a direction.

I turned around and saw Hiashi, he looks calm and composed, I read his mind and all I could hear was him thinking that this is a waste of everyone time. And that he's gonna settle it very quickly.

Does he really hate his daughter that much, not only is he forcing her to do things against her will, but he doesn't even show a bit of emotion to his daughter. Except being utterly dissapointed in her.

Naruto looked at him with rage, this isn't good, if Naruto gets angry like this then the nine tails inside him will go on a rampage.

I comforted him once more, his rage subsided a bit, but he still looked at Hiashi angrily.

Hiashi walked in front of his daughter, they were more than 3 meters far from each other, looks like he doesn't want to waste more time than this and was really planning on finishing this fight quickly.

I got off of my chair and stood beside both of them, I was the referee for this match, since I was the one who proposed this fight I thought I should be the one to referee this match. I was also the doctor incase of any accidents happened today, I don't like being buyest so I will be a fair referee

I turned to the crowd and told them the fight is gonna star

"The fight of the Hyugas will start right now, Hinata Hyuga are you ready." (Chris)I said to Hinata.

"Yes!" (Hinata) nodded

"Hiashi Hyuga, are you ready" (Chris) I said to Hiashi.

"Hm!" (Hiashi) didn't answer.

"I'll take that as a yes. Then both fighters, ready," (Chris

Hinata took a defensive stance, Hiashi didn't do anything. He's really underestimating Hinata.

"Set… GO!" (Chris) I moved back to the wall and watched the battle unfold.

The two of them didn't move at all, Hinata did activate her Byakugan but still did nothing. Hiashi was calm and composed, looks like he doesn't even put Hinata on his mind. He thinks that she is still the weak Hinata from a couple days ago.

" 'sigh' Hinata stop this utter non-sense, we all know that you will lose today, so stop wasting everyones time and stop this match." (Hiashi)

"No father! I finally found friends who I care for and who care for me. I respect you father, but I will live my own live the way I want to." (Hinata)

"You're only 12 Hinata, what do you know about life." (Hiashi)

Uhhh! Naruto won a war when he was like 14-15 years old, hell at Hinata's age he has been fighting monsters like Orochimaru, Gaara and the one tails. Orochimaru's minions. Etc.

Naruto has probably seen more action in a week than you have in your whole entire life. So I think Hinata is more than ready to live the way she wants.

"I know what to do know father, I am really sorry for dissapointing you, I am sorry for not having the courage to fight Hanabi. But Chris has taught me a lot of things, like freindship, courage, strength. I now know what to do father, and that's by being with my friends and my Sensei." (Hinata)

"Hm? Me" (Kurenai) said to herself. Why was she talking about her all of a sudden.

"You don't know what you're saying Hinata, and what do you mean by sensei? What does Kurenai have to do with this." (Hiashi)

"I don't mean Kurenai sensei, I respect her a lot as well, but the one who i'm referring is Chris sensei." (Hinata)

"Who's Chris?" (Hiashi)

"*Cough* *Cough* That would be me." (Chris) I said

"So you're the one who made Hinata like this." (Hiashi)

"Yes." (Chris)

"After this fight i'll settle it with you, because of today you have hurt the Hyuga name." (Hiashi

"Oh wow! So scary." (Chris) Sarcasism at it's finest.

"Gr, *Pow*" (Hiashi)

Hiashi let his guard down and someone send a punch to him, that person was HInata. She saw how her father was acting towards me and that got her really mad.

Hinata punched her father in the chin, this is the tactic that I told Hinata to do. Hiashi would let his guard down and she would punch him underneath the chin, this is the exact same scene that happened with Naruto and Neji, only that this time the fight didn't last long.

(You see guys, this is why when you have a girlfriend you do nothing to piss her off. No seriously I mean it, this is not a joke.)

"Don't talk to my sensei like that!" (Hinata) said and stared very angrily at her father.

"Hi-Hinata, why you. Damnit I can't move" (Hiashi) of course you can't move, a punch to the chin would paralyze you. I noticed that Hinata used chakra on her punch. Making her punch even more powerful than usual.

That battle didn't last long, I knew it was against Hinata's believes to use a sneak attack but it was the only way I could think for her to win against her father. And besides in a battle, everything is allowed.

"This is outragious, Hinata should be disqualified for cheating" (Neji) Like father and… cousin? or was it nephew... Ah! whatever you know what I mean.

"I already stated that the battle started about 3 minutes ago, it was Hiashi Hyuga's fault for letting his guard down. So I deem HInata Hyuga the winner." (Chris)

"Fate wouldn't allow such a thing, I will prove to you that Hinata cheated, I will fight her" (Neji)

Neji got down and charged straight towards Hinata, I could stop him but I saw that Hinata was ready for it. She charged at Neii and kneed him in the stomach, she then hit him in the chest.

Neji also underestimated her and flew back several meters, he didn't even see her move much less attack. He didn't have time to counter attack and he fainted, was he always this weak, or is Hinata too strong. Probably both.

"Oh my god, Neji Hyuga who is a kid prodigy lost to Hinata like that." (Random person 1)

"At first I thought she won because of the sneak attack, but seeing her beat the Hyuga kid prodigy like he was nothing. I can say that it was indeed Hiashi's fault for letting down his guard against such an opponent" (Random person 2)

"YAY HINATA!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!" (Ino) Why is she so happy?

"Ha! The Hyuga sure made a mistake to kick Hinata out of their clan" (Random person 3)

"Kick? What do you mean!" (Random person 4)

"You haven't heard, this is what happened…" (Random person 3)

And soon everyone began to talk about the Hyuga clan, and the Hyuga elders faces were covered in shame. They clearly thought this battle was over before it began, they were only half right. Hinata won this fight before Hiashi could even launch an attack.

They were regretting kicking her out of their clan, they were truly blind to throw away such a precious jewel. Now their clan and reputation will take a turn for the worse.

Hanabi for some reason wasn't here, I don't know what she will think once she hears this news. I don't hate her because she is also a kind girl, she only fought Hinata because they were orders from her father.


"Wow, I didn't think Hinata would win that fast, and against two strong opponents" (Choji) said while eating a bag of chips

"Hm! I guess it was good, but Ino can we go now. It's such a drag being here with so many people." (Shikamaru)

"Well… I guess, she already finished. And since i'm happy for her we'll go to an all you can eat buffet" (Ino) is really happy.

"Yes, Ino you're the best" (Choji)

"Aw come on." (Shikamaru) hated it when he was invited to places like this.


"It's a good thingl that Hinata won, but I still can't figure it out why did she call that other kid her sensei" (Kurenai) was in deep thought.

"Is it possible that the kid taught Hinata and that's why she is so strong, because we have fought Hinata before, and she was never this fierce and strong." (Kiba)

"Don't tell me that that kid is stronger than Hinata" (Kurenai)

"I think so, if he is then I don't want to fight him anytime soon." (Kiba)

"..." bug guy (Seriously I can't remember his name)


"Oh good so he's her teacher 'sigh' I thought that he was her boyfriend" (TenTen) was relieved when she realized that Chris was only Hinata's teacher and not her boyfriend.



"Hmm!" (Lee) was just thinking, it's not his style to be this quiet.

"Hm! Is something the matter Lee?" (Guy)

"Its just that, if HInata is that strong, does that mean that Chris is even stronger. He is her sensei after all." (Lee)

"I guess so, but that's a good thing. Now you have another rival to fight with." (Guy)



"YES SENSEI, I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" (Lee) also followed Guy


"If he's that strong then, maybe he is stronger than Sasuke…" (Sakura) looks like she is starting to realize the gap between her and us.


Hiashi was lying on the ground, I put my hand on his chest and healed him. Like I said i'm not buyest so i'll heal him as well.

"You healed me? But why, I thought you hated me" (Hiashi) was confused by my actions

"I don't hate you personally, I only hate you because you aren't the father figure that Hinata deserves. Hinata is a good girl and she deserves better than this, in the future please be kinder to her and Hanabi as well." (Chris)

I don't love Hinata, but if anything I respect her a lot. I remember that scene when pain attacked the leaf village and Naruto was pinned down. Hinata knew the gap of their strength, but she fought pain anyway, she fought only because she wanted to protect those around her.

That scene was not implanted in my mind, but it was implanted in my heart as well. I decided to give her a better life, and protect her and the ones I love as well.

"What does it matter, Hinata won and our bet says that she won't be with the Hyuga clan anymore" (Hiashi) said a bit sad

"Father…" (Hinata) was a bit sad as well.

"I never said that?" (Chris)

"Huh! What do you mean?" (Hiashi)

"The deal was that she can be with anyone she wants without the Hyuga clans permission. It doesn't mean that she can't be with you and Hanabi." (Chris)

I'm not that much of a dick to keep someone away from their family.

"So you mean…" (Hiashi) said in disbelieve

"Yes, she can be with you for as long as she wants. I never thought of keeping her away from her family, I only wanted you to see that Hinata is more than meets the eye." (Chris)

"Chris! Thank you so much!" (Hinata) hugged me, it felt weird because Luna was the only one who has ever hugged me, but I let her do what she wanted.

I smell a harem! (๑♡3♡๑)

I said no blue screen

Tsk! you're no fun at all (¬ε¬)

"Okay Hinata, you shouldn't be with me, you should be with your father." (Chris)

"Hm! *sniff* thank you Chris" (Hinata) smiled at me and tears of joy starting falling from her eyes. She then walked with her father to the Hyuga clan, Naruto wanted to say congratulations but didn't because he didn't want to sully Hinata with his reputation.

I have to make everyone notice how wrong they were for treating Naruto like he was a true demon.

And soon everyone left including me, TenTen wanted to say something to me but I left before she could find me. I have no plans to make a harem. I only need Luna and that's it.

Since Hinata wasn't coming out anytime soon I decided to practice my water nature, I still have to take her and Naruto to the movies for their date, I am their wingman after all. Naruto was nowhere to be seen, probably at Ichiraku's ramen shop.

Next chapter