


For all, it is the drive of life itself like the fear of death, the fear of losing, and many other fears. Some don't have these fears, but those who do can't lose them easily.

Edward who is now Satoru lived his life in the streets alone, with no friends, no family, no allies. He had to survive on his own.

Being alone meant being in a risky situation all the time and having to work alone for food, but it also meant more food for oneself.

Since he wasn't much in the body department back then, he leaned to the mind department and was able to make a successful life, but even that only lasted for 2 small years.

And even after death and becoming God, Satoru's fears never went away, this was because he didn't modify his soul.

Our soul is a collection of information and energy, it functions like a smartphone although much more complex.

But all we need to understand now is souls like all smartphones that have a system, a system that decides our instincts, emotions, understanding, intelligence, and finally evolution. For a normal human or any other creature to lose all fear his/her body must not be able to integrate this system.

Such a defect is caused by Urbach-Wiethe disease which destroys the amygdala resulting in no fear, this case was recorded from a woman whose name I don't know you may have seen or have heard of some warriors who don't fear death, well that is not all true, they fear death, but can suppress this fear.

When Satoru became God he had the ability to change this system of his but he feared not being himself anymore, hence, he didn't do it and his past fears and traumas remained.

But in his unconsciousness, he realized something when he heard Naruto and Sasuke's voices and the slapping sound.

They had changed, in the original works Naruto was always in one way or another sad or depressed and he always sought out acknowledgment but now he was smiling, happy, and was having fun, no longer seeking acknowledgment to an extreme extent.

Sasuke who originally didn't really like Naruto and thought of him as annoying was getting along with him having fun and treating each other like brothers they always were.

And they were both stronger, but because of Satoru's plans and traps just to not get hurt, they didn't grow strong enough and were caught and got slapped.

A simple slap but this clicked something in his mind, he was stagnating their growth, he was stagnating his own growth by holding on to his past, he wanted to grow stronger, he wanted Naruto and Sasuke to grow stronger but his own self was holding him back.

So, when this click happened time seemed to stop as Satoru made a decision, he decided he would let go, he would lift this curse and blessing of fear, and anew himself, he would no longer hold his past, he would live in the present.

He would no longer fear.

And that is what brings us here, where Gai has just charged in to punch Satoru and Satoru punched back with a little something added.


The impact of 2.5x hits especially hard when used at full concentration, there was a cracking sound before Gai's fist was pushed back.

Gai was caught off guard and made an opening due to the pain, Satoru immediately went in for the torso delivering another Blackflash.


Gai spat out blood this time but didn't forget to return the favor to Satoru by giving him an uppercut right to the chin.

Satoru went flying but with a satisfied smile stuck on his face, and Gai was also hit on the chin by an unknown attack.

'All I am feeling right now..., is the pleasantness of this Reality,'

These words although many wouldn't understand, these words meant only one thing.


How many people are enlightened in this world's history or even the multiversal history? Even many gods that exist in the far lands are not enlightened, why, why is it so.

The Buddha gained enlightenment by sitting under a tree while starving himself to death, just to see his own true self.

Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen gained enlightenment when he was near death after the fight with Toji.

Some Yogis from ancient India also gained enlightenment through sheer meditation.

Even Jesus Christ was enlightened.

But there was one thing that was a similarity between all these enlightened people. They always kept on smiling like idiots like they have nothing better to do than smile like fools.

This smile comes from the pleasure they feel from the world, the pleasantness of their respective nature, and its realization.

And right now our Mc Satoru whose Soul had moved differently from humans and other creatures had also gained enlightenment and he was smiling like an enlightened idiot.

His body was moving fluidly, the damage he took lessened and his physical strength grew since the new soul was much more compatible with his body.

After a smooth landing, Satoru charged towards Gai and punched him in the chest once again.


A third blackflash straight to the chest and Gai's chest made a cracking sound. Gai held the pain and fell back as much as he could, he looked straight to see Satoru just standing there not coming in for an attack.

'He is not coming in for an attack,'

Gai kept his guard up as Satoru mumbled in a small voice, "Oh, I remember now tomorrow is my birthday,"

After saying this Satoru blacked out, the new power and adrenaline rush was too much for his child-like body and he passed out.

Satoru's body went limp and fell on the ground, motionless.


And just when I thought there was going to be more action. Anyways I know I took this little fight a little too far, but hey, no ones dead and character development so I guess its a win win.

Now for the Uchiha massacre, this one is going to take some time and mental strength so wish me luck in the comments.

And like I said this Uchiha massacre is going to be built different so stick around.

Prayers over here pls, I will need it.

Next chapter