
Something Amiss with Gwen

Despite being beaten up twice by Russell, Hulk now had an extraordinary level of trust in him.

"Good! Starting tomorrow, I'll teach you how to be a superhero. I'll make you a superhero everyone loves!"

Russell looked at Hulk and said seriously.

After speaking, he finished the whisky in his glass.

After chatting with Hulk for about five or six minutes, Russell returned to the office at the factory.

"No. 3, design a uniform for Hulk that suits him and add the symbol of the Justice League!"

"Understood, sir!"

No. 3's electronic voice responded immediately.

When Diana had decided on the team name as the Justice League, Russell had already settled on the symbol for the Justice League.

Since they were already using the name of the Justice League, they might as well use its symbol too.

Compared to the Avengers' emblem, the Justice League's symbol was much simpler.

A shield-shaped frame with the letters "JL" inside it, with a pentagon star in the middle.

The Justice League's symbol wasn't overly complicated but had its own style, and it had decent recognizability.

After instructing No. 3 to create a new uniform for Hulk and checking the factory's recent production progress, Russell returned to the Octopus Monster headquarters' office while still wearing the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor.

Although the press conference and the Hulk matter were resolved, he still had one more minor issue to handle.

Although he had mentioned during the press conference that he would invite Spider-Woman to join the Justice League, the truth was, he hadn't informed Gwen beforehand.

Since Diana's return from her business trip, Russell had seen Gwen much less frequently.

While Diana might not mind his extracurricular activities, it didn't mean she would indulge him in them.

To put it simply, Diana had a perfect handle on him, keeping his worldly desires in check.

Although Russell noticed Diana's intentions, he had no choice but to let Diana have her way with him.

Choosing between a full stomach and an empty stomach was an obvious choice.

Back in the office, he didn't remove the Endosymbiotic Battle Armor. He sat in the boss chair, called Gwen's number through the armor's communication system, and his call was met with an unanswered tone a minute later.

Since the call didn't go through, Russell sent Gwen a message asking when she was available.

After sending the message, he was about to remove the armor when he received a response from Gwen.

"Now! Turn around!"

Looking at the message displayed on the helmet's screen, Russell was momentarily puzzled.

However, when he turned his chair to look outside, he saw Gwen hanging upside down like a spider outside the window.


He hadn't expected Gwen to be right outside his office.

Seeing Gwen hanging outside the window, his mind couldn't help but recall the passionate scene from the night he had stayed over at Gwen's apartment.

Just as that steamy memory was surfacing, he shook his head, pushing those inappropriate images out of his mind.

Subsequently, he pointed to the window beside him, indicating that there was a window for easy access to leave the office.

To accommodate his swift exits, one of the office's windows had been modified to function like a motion-sensing door.

Without hesitation, Gwen, who was hanging outside, nimbly walked along the office's glass outer wall and entered through the window that operated like a motion-sensing door.

Once in the office, Gwen removed her mask, revealing her delicate and beautiful face.

"Your battle suit is quite impressive!"

Gwen was the first to speak.

"Battle Armor. It's decent."

While responding and correcting Gwen's misstatement, Russell removed his battle armor and walked toward the visitor sofa.

Gwen sat down on the sofa in a relaxed manner, saying to Russell, "Give me a glass of whisky!"

"Whisky? Aren't you not of legal drinking age yet?"

If Russell remembered correctly, Gwen was only twenty years old this year, which was below the legal drinking age of twenty-one.

"Do you really care about that?"

Gwen looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course!"

He said that, but Russell still picked up a glass and poured Gwen a drink.

Since he wasn't sure about Gwen's tolerance and drinking habits, he didn't pour too much, just about a quarter of the glass.

After handing the glass to Gwen, he asked slowly, "Why did you suddenly come here?"

"Didn't you want to find me?"

As she spoke, Gwen took out her phone and shook it at him.

"Alright, I do have something I want to talk to you about. You see..."

Before Russell could finish speaking, Gwen's voice interrupted him.

"No need to explain, I accept!"


Gwen's response was somewhat unexpected.

While he had done some things that only couples and spouses did with Gwen, he hadn't expected her to agree without a second thought.

"You really don't want to think it over?"

"No need to think, I trust you!"

After saying that, Gwen picked up the glass and downed its contents confidently.

After finishing the drink, she raised her left hand and aimed it at a bottle of whisky on the liquor cabinet.


A precise thread of white silk accurately struck one of the whisky bottles.

The next moment, the whisky bottle was in her hand.

Gwen didn't say anything; she opened the bottle and poured herself more than half a glass.

Although Gwen wasn't speaking now, Russell keenly sensed that something was amiss.

The fact that Gwen had come over on her own accord was already strange. Agreeing to join the Justice League without hesitation was even stranger. However, the strangest thing was Gwen's heavy drinking now.

While Russell didn't know much about Gwen's alcohol tolerance and habits, her slightly flushed face suggested that she didn't have much experience with alcohol.

"Hey, are you sure everything's alright?"

Setting down his glass, Russell asked Gwen.

"I'm fine! What could be wrong? I'm feeling great!"

Gwen said while picking up her glass and downing the drink.

Seeing Gwen's current state of downing the drink, Russell frowned slightly.

Gwen, at the moment, didn't look like she was alright no matter how you looked at it.

Just as Russell was suspecting that something might have happened to Director George again, Gwen placed the empty glass on the table with a thud.

Then, under Russell's gaze, she stood up, stepped on the table, and approached him. She lowered her head, looking down at him.

For some reason, seeing Gwen's gaze now, Russell suddenly had a bad feeling.

As it turned out, not only were women's intuitions accurate, sometimes men's intuitions could also be spot on.

Without giving Russell a chance to speak, Gwen lightly used her legs and jumped from the table into his arms.

"Don't talk, don't ask why!"

Gwen raised her right index finger and placed it over Russell's lips.

The next second, Gwen began unbuttoning his shirt.

Although Russell wasn't sure what was going on with Gwen, he did know that he should just cooperate with her for now.

Soon, the sounds of their struggle echoed through the office.


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