
In The Heaven We Trust

Warning this story is very brutal in it's nature. It contains dark philosophy, dark events, tragedy, betrayal, benefits oriented villains, benefits oriented protagonist, gore, killing, crimes, references of adult crime, etc. You must be at least 18 if want to read this. You have been warned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The world is unfair, the heaven is mighty and uncaring. Living the life that is dictated by the heaven, this is the fate of the mundane. What will happen if the will of the heaven makes a mistake, what if it will send someone away from this fate, a life full af adventure and struggle, a life that is not permitted to the mundane where social status and money were of secondary importance and strength was primary. Chang Luo Chen a mundane in his previous world, arrived in this new world, how will he experience it, how will he surpass the struggle, how will he achieve success and surpass the heaven. Only he will know. -----‐--------------‐------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own the photo cover, all the rights belong to the respective owner. Aditional goals to be achieved: 5 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 10 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 20 reviews = 1 bonus chapter ( only once 0/1 ) 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter ( forever, can be increased depends on how easy it is to get power stones 100 power stones = 1 bonus chapter ( same as the above )

The_Little_Hero · Fantasy
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34 Chs


He couldn't believe it, an existence that had reached the pinnacle of cultivation, the rank 9 mythical being has appeared before him, this was too ridiculous, is fate joking with him. What did he do, just what did Luo Chen do to garner it's attention, this was no different than a god being interested in the matter of an bacteria, it was too ridiculous.

Luo Chen was beyond shock by this confirmation, and he didn't know what to do.

'Wait, it's pointless to assume anything, he will not kill me regardless, otherwise he wouldn't show me the courtesy of appearing right here before me.

In other words this is fine, this being before me, The Emperor Of Heaven even called me my friend, so as weird as it sounds perhaps he wants something from me, some kind of help, but how could such an existence that cannot be comprehended by human mind even need my help, isn't it omnipotent?

'How can a bacteria like me even help me, for God sake I actually haven't even started to cultivate, in other words im not even a rank 1 mythical creature, not even a cultivator, so how can I help it?' Luo Chen thought about his priorities and what he should do from here on.

Suddenly a new tought emerged in his mind.

'That's it, how stupid I am, how could I not even see it. Its the cultivation tehnique that I obtained from that incident in the forest, the True Heaven Fusion Scriptures, that's why the Emperor Of Heaven is so interested in me and came to visit me personally

"Very good, it looks like the manipulation of fate that has the characteristics of confusion has been lifted out of you" the Emperor Of Heaven informed Luo Chen about his situation.

"Manipulation, fate with confusion characteristics, what are you talking about?" Luo Chen asked, his face was tense and full of worry. His heartbeat started to accelerate slowly but steadily and his fingers started to tremble slowly.

Thoughts and imagination started to fill his head, each one worse than the other, as he was slowly controlled by a hierarchy of uncertainties.

He had a bad feeling about this, as if hearing the next words from The Emperor Of Heaven would decide his fate permanently and force him inside an inescapable web created by the desires of these higher beings. There he would have no control of his future events, so he might as well harden his mind and prepare himself for it, after all the universe was destroyed infront on him, what was the worst that could happen.

He started to take steady breaths and stabilize his state of mind, he couldn't confirm the things that invaded his head. He decided to ignore it until a final answer was given. After a while he finally calmed down to a certain extent. The Emperor Of Heaven observed his condition carefully and started to talk.

"Fate can be described in many things, each fate with it's corresponding characteristic, effect and definition. The characteristic implies what type of fate it is, the effect is self explanatory and is modelated by the characteristic and definition of the fate, and the definition can be understood as it's scale and how big of an effect can be generated with it. The fate that affected you for an extended amount of time until now, which is the moment that you broke it, is the fate that contains the characteristic of confusion, the effect is to confuse you, and the definition is that you will be confused about as much as the confusion generated by a non-lucid dream on anything that is related to the information of the 'True Heaven Fusion Scriptures', in other words anything related to that incident, whatever action you took whether it was in your dreams or in your reality would be no different from the action you would take in a non-lucid dream state." the Emperor Of Heaven explained with a deep description.

"To be honest, you solving your problem with your fate is a feat equivalent to becoming lucid inside a non-lucid dream, which is a very good feat and it means that you have talent, thanks to that im very interested in you, maybe you can help me in the future with a matter I have to deal with" the Emperor of Heaven also informed Luo Chen his reason of visiting him and the possible future developments.

When he heard what was on the plate, the world infront of Luo Chen crushed. 'What... manipulated, my destiny was manipulated?

This... what the hell is he talking about, you mean that everything until now can be easily manipulated, with just a tought... by these higher beings? Then what about my life, how will I live from now on?

How do we live from now on, will everything around me be manipulated?

He he do we even have free will?

No, no, stop thinking, calm down... calm down!'

Luo Chen was at his limit, the more he tought the more he understood, no wonder these cultivators, have such a crazy hierarchy where the higher position is undisputed even when a logical argument may come against him, this was their hierarchy.

It was a hierarchy of control, it was a hierarchy of obedience Luo Chen understood the weight of these words.

Each tought was like an evil God that pierced his chest with a sharp spear, and worse they flowed against his will and it couldn't be stopped.

He realized that this world was based on a realistic cultivation model, and in a realistic cultivation model the first priority was always to suppress the masses, if one couldn't achieve this the chaos will ensure and the world will come to an end. In this world everyone tried their hardest to maintain the cycle, to maintain suppression, thus the hierarchy was born.

Luo Chen deduced this from the various stories about their loyalty, about the matters in the countries and the continent, he also took in consideration the good life of the village.

The manuals he found out in the

library at the center of the outer area in the Crystal Pure Waterfall sect, there were many descriptive stories about the prosperity of live among the country with many villages leading a good life, there were books who described the prosperity and kindness of the cultivators regarding prosperous life condition, decent salary, some human rights, and a strong vision towards the future and progress.

Luo Chen could deduce a lot of things with this information.

First this cultivation society is mostly based on a realistical world society with the biggest difference is shown in the fact that the hierarchy is based on individual brute strength being the most important rather than political and monetary power who are secondary.

Second because individual power is the most important, a hierarchy based on suppression is vital on keeping the world on it's track.

While maintaining this hierarchy, never forget to destroy any uncertainty and control the society, make sure that the uncertainty of their thoughts is destroyed, if the previous condition isn't meet despite the deep preparation to realise it, get rid of the uncertainties. There were still more ideas that come to his mind but Luo Chen stopped his thoughts.

He was breathing heavily, the world was blurring, he was already in a bad state thanks to the ridiculous demonstration of the Emperor Of Heaven, now he found out that even his destiny was not his to command, and it was in such a barbaric form. The worst thing is that he did not realize it, now that he analyzed the events more thoughtfully it all made sense.

Why did he go so far all by himself when there were other easier pray much closer to his village, why didn't he heard the bear, he already had experience in such matter, he heard more than 5 bears when he went, each one atleast as far away from his as the one who ambushed him, yet he failed at the last one.

Why did he dodge such an attack? The first attack that he dodges wasn't one that could be seen. The bear literally attacked Luo Chen behind his back right after he growled yet he still dodged it for some reason, and Luo Chen knew that he turned his head around a little from instinct and rolled soon after, this was a reaction 0.1 seconds slower than an instant one. Even with an instant reaction from a trained hunter adult it would be impressive to dodge such a sneak attack, giving the hunter a max of 20% of success.

For this event to occur Luo Chen honestly felt that he would have a better chance at winning the lottery, yet he could still do it, not only that but he soon after dodges many blows from a bear even with his skills this still gave Luo Chen a 10% chance to dodge and that was for each individual blow.

This scene was also manipulated, in other words Luo Chen fate of probability was manipulated, the bear was slower than him which means that the bears encountered many accidents in his pursuing, it may even lose his balance or directly enter a tree by accident a few times after all Luo Chen had gotten some distance a few times, he even had to time to climb several meters into a tree before the bear caught up to him, this would also take him at least 3 seconds.

The bear literally destroyed the tree with the cultivation tehnique inside of it, it also chased Luo Chen up to that tree and Luo Chen also climbed that tree, which is another feat of manipulating the probabilities.

If that was not manipulation then Luo Chen didn't know what manipulation was. After a while he finally calmed his thoughts and his breathingreturned to a steady rhythm. He was exhausted after all this mental battle he had to endure with these realizations.

Suddenly he remembered something, help, the Emperor Of Heaven needed help, his help to be specific, altought Luo Chen suspected something like this because he visited him in person, when he truly tought about it and seeing that it was real, a chill climbed up on his back.

'Damn it I hope this day end already, but this is the price you have to pay if you embark on the path of cultivation, a path filled with madness and violence. Let's just hope that at least the Heaven will have mercy on my soul' tought Luo Chen as his hope for mercy was at his lowest.

Luo Chen took a while to digest the information, arrange his thoughts and emotions then nodded. Altought he was terrified by the situation he found himself in. However after thinking calmly about it, he wasn't necessary in a dangerous situation right now since he survived his events back in the forest and up until the present, in a way this was not much different from a fortuitous encounter that he knew from the other novels he readed on the internet. Not only that but this world also had a good chance to sent a dose of disastrous fate to Luo Chen so that it fits with the realistic cultivation hierarchy that Luo Chen identified through his observations. Never forget that he was still alive up until this point and even a fate that supposedly bounded him was broken. Because of this the amount of danger was likely minimal.

Even if there was danger, he wasn't necessary too worried about it, after all, the Emperor Of Heaven, one of the peak existences in this world appeared before him, meaning that he likely wanted something from him or atleast accorded him some attention for whatever reason, if anyone of a lower scale did not give him face despite the fact that The Emperor Of Heaven personally visited him and gave him face, for example, explaining him his problems with his fate, wouldn't that mean that someone on a lower natural life order didn't give face to the Emperor Of Heaven, if that happened, what would happen to them who knows what the emperor would do.

Of course Luo Chen first analyzed the most logical conclusions, for the ridiculous conclusion that a rank 8 was capable of manipulating his fate in order for him to obtain the True Heaven Fusion Scriptures, this was impossible for various reasons.

First this cultivation tehnique was soo high that the Emperor Of Heaven himself was interested in the fate brought by it, why would a mythical creature of rank 8 gave it to him instead of keeping it to himself. Even if that was the case The Emperor Of Heaven who could solve most of his problems with a snap, considered that Luo Chen might help him achieve something in the future.

If any idiot that was too strong to the point that Luo Chen didn't have anyway to protect himself against him, then it's very likely that the Emperor Of Heaven would dispose of this unfortunate fool so that his investment 'Luo Chen' would remain alive and do his job, after all if Luo Chen had to offer his help he needed to be alive to do it.

Of course Luo Chen also suspected that if he could deal with his enemies using any method he had to succeed, like lying, fake loyalty, traps, conspiracy, backings, money, and most importantly violence the Emperor Of Heaven wouldn't interfere, if he died the so be it, it simply meant that he wasn't that destined for greatness, after all there likely were more options than Luo Chen himself.

In the case that a 'average' rank 9 mythical creature wanted something from him, in this case The Emperor Of Heaven could have discussed things with anyone within that rank and reach a final conclusion, giving him priority.

The Emperor Of Heaven had the Heaven in his title, and Heaven is the highest possible point in cultivation.

As each rank of cultivation had lower levels and higher levels, there was a hierarchy between them, because of this and his title The Emperor Of Heaven was the highest among the rank 9 mythical creatures so he could easily get the highest priority.

As a result the others would have no choice but to obey and forget about their plans.

The final possibility, and the one that Luo Chen had expected to be the truth was that he was destined by nature itself, in other words Heaven had choosen him just because. Now that he was choosen by Heaven, Luo Chen had no choice but to bear the costs, he would do whatever Heaven had in mind for him, and bear any destiny that would confront him, because of this specialness to him, The Emperor Of Heaven decided to visit him.

After gathering his thoughts, assessing his situation and wanting confirmation Luo Chen asked. "Why did you come here?"

"Yoh are right on your theories. First i will only help you if you meet an impossibility, other that that I will give you relevant information in regards to the secret of cultivation.

As for meeting you it's your third theory, you were choosen by Heaven, thanks to that you will bear the Heaven's fate and the disaster that can be brought by it.

Because of such fate if you manage to transcend it, you will achieve an incredible amount of power, it will be enough to make you capable in dealing with certain possibilities that always escape from my control, and in some bad cases it's very hard to contain them by myself.

Once you transcend, there will be certain possibilities and fates, basically the ones that you will bring up to the table will be very useful in containing these problems"

After listening to all of this Luo Chen was filled with undescribable horror"So basically regardless of what I do and where I go, there will always be problems in this world"


"If these problems are not contained what would happen" Luo Chen asked, at this point he was so disheartened that he started to lose his mind, he stopped thinking too deeply and he almost did his things instinctively.

"Altought I can't describe it with human words, believe me you don't want to see it."

"What do you have in mind for me".

" If you become a member of Heaven, I will help you cultivate towards the highest level in Heaven by giving you the relevant information. Afterwards you will help me deal with some of the problems that I told you previously. For the moment you don't have to worry about it, this is not at a level where you can interfere with it as you are now. And I can also suppress it by myself for the moment, otherwise you and your fellow intelligent lifeforms would've been annihilated a long time ago." The Emperor Of Heaven reminded Luo Chen that the situation wasn't all that bad, after all he wasn't alone and this fight wasn't only his, because Luo Chen had a hard time during his first life, he instinctively tought that all the problems in the world belonged to him. When Luo Chen heard this he calmed down a little.

"If you want to help me cultivate then can you make me a member of the Heaven".

"Come here" The Emperor Of Heaven ordered.

Luo Chen approached him.

As Luo Chen approached him, The Emperor Of Heaven took his crown off his head, which transformed into a long sword ant touched Luo Chen's head with it

"Under the name and title Emperor Of Heaven Feng Zhui I declare my descended Chang Luo Chen as a member of Heaven, I declare you as The Author Chang Luo Chen" as he said that, a mysterious transparent fog entered Luo Chen body. This fog was the fate that connected someone to Heaven, it was the absolute proof that the receiver became a member of Heaven.

"I used the Absolute Fate when I declared these words, so its pretty much impossible for someone to take this declaration back, no matter who it is, even myself." The Emperor Of Heaven informed Luo Chen kindly, he was happy that a new member joined their organization, when he will be fully cultivated, he will be an excellent ally with the future disasters.

"Congratulations Chang Luo Chen, welcome to Heaven" The Emperor Of Heaven declared solemnly.