
In the end you weren’t worth it

She can’t help but have feelings for him, knowing he’s dating someone else doesn’t help her let go. She wishes she could stop, but at the same time can only think of wanting to be with him. Even knowing who he’s with and not wanting to hurt her. She tries to improve herself for him, but in the end, disappointment is the only ending for those who try too hard.

AlixGHF · Teen
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

It was that type of friendship

Emma changed poses, opting to put her hands on her hips instead, "Psh! As if," she exclaimed as she shut her eyes, her face had a smile upon it and said smile was positively brimming with smugness. "Obviously he copied me."

Ethan let out a muffled laugh, he'd quickly covered his mouth and turned his face away from Emma after hearing what she said.

He was trying desperately to stop the sounds from escaping his mouth, but to no avail and he eventually gave up, letting go of his mouth and instead turning his hand around and holding the back of it to his mouth.