
In the DC world with Marvel Chat Group.

Schiller transmigrates into a professor at Gotham University. On the very first day, Bruce Wayne asks him, "What is the meaning of life?" Activating his Marvel Chat System, he asked the urgent question, "Someone is asking me 'What is the meaning of life?', an answer is needed quick!" Thanos: Killing is recommended! Charles Xavier: Don't listen to the one above, let me use my powers... So, this way, Schiller became the most famous psychology professor in Gotham. Batman likes to call him "Teacher”, Joker calls him “Sick Lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Slippery Loach”, and Nick Fury thinks he's a “Ghost.” Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel, and other comics do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom. Do become a PATRON! Go to www.pàtreon.com/shanefreak Read over 60+ chapter in advance on patreon, 5+ chapter release on Pàtreon everyday... This is not my novel, I am just translating as I read. Have fun!

ShaneFreak · Movies
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Chapter 128 The Big Bat Event (10)

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"Alright, now let's repeat our mission objectives," Peter squatted on the rooftop of a building, Pikachu perched on his shoulder, its ears blowing in the wind from the rooftop.

"After preliminary reconnaissance, we have confirmed that the location of the bat commanders should be underground in this block."

"It's daytime now, they must be hiding in some room and dare not come out. We need to coordinate with the vampire hunter named Daywalker and preferably take down their command post in one fell swoop."

Peter's gaze was fixed firmly on the street below the building, where there was a bar that appeared to be closed during the day but held great significance.

This is a contact point for a group of high-ranking vampires that has been chosen as the headquarters for the vampire commanders after the invasion began.

"Later, Daywalker will create some commotion at the main entrance to attract their attention. I will charge in for a decapitation strike, and you find an opportune moment to unleash your ultimate move..."

"Don't worry." Pikachu patted its chest and said, "The energy stored in my body is enough for me to unleash a 100,000-volt attack once, but the opportunity is only once. You must use your positioning to force them to gather together, so as to maximize the killing effect."

Peter shot a spider web onto the wall of the building across the street, while swinging down and saying, "Watch me."

At this moment, a car at the entrance of the bar suddenly exploded, and the debris from the wreckage shattered the bar's windows. The commotion was significant, and within two minutes, several figures rushed out of the bar.

However, they dare not show themselves on the street, but hide under the shadow of the bar building's walls, crouching near a truck on the street, Blade observes the situation and mutters to himself, "These rats are still so timid, afraid of a little bit of sunlight."

After speaking, he walks out directly with a submachine gun in hand and sprays the area with bullets. Several vampires are caught off guard and become panicked by the sudden attack. They quickly retreat into the bar. However, they soon react and one of them teleports, appearing in the shadow behind Blade.

Blade is familiar with their tactics, after all, he is also a half-vampire. He swings the other knife in his hand and lands a strike on the vampire's arm.

This vampire seems to be not a native of New York and has no idea about Blade's fighting style. He screams in pain when struck by the blade and transforms into a bat, attempting to fly away.

However, this plays into Blade's hands. He swings his knife and throws away his machine gun, quickly drawing out a strange handgun from his waist. A blue ice cone is fired from the muzzle and directly hits the bat's wing, instantly freezing the entire bat into a big block of ice.

Seeing this situation, the other vampires rush to provide support, completely unaware that two figures are sneaking into the back door of the bar.

Spider-Man was originally planning to smash the window, but following the advice of the great detective Pikachu, he decided to pick the lock instead. They entered the ground floor of the bar almost silently.

However, this floor was only a disguise, and their real destination was the basement. Peter bent down to look below the staircase and said, "I just counted, there were five vampires responsible for patrolling here in the past, but four have already left. One should be guarding the entrance on the second floor. We need to figure out how to deal with him."

"Use the freeze gun." Pikachu jumped off Peter's shoulder to the ground and took the freeze gun hanging from Peter's waist. He said, "I'm small enough to sneak past him in his blind spot. I'll freeze him with a shot when I get there. Before the ice block falls to the ground, you must catch him and don't make any noise."

Spider-Man gave him a thumbs up gesture, and Pikachu, holding the freeze gun that was a bit too big for him, slowly walked along the corner of the staircase.

As planned, the vampire guarding the door had just finished a fight at night and was now hanging upside down on the ceiling beam in the form of a bat, resting.

Pikachu walked right up to him, and he didn't even notice. Feeling a bit bored, Pikachu raised his hand and shot. As a result, Peter didn't even need to take action, and the freeze gun froze the bat to the ceiling beam without making any noise.

Peter walked down quietly, crouching outside the door and looking through the window into the room. He saw two figures inside and was about to go in when he heard a fierce argument coming from the room.

"Do you still believe in the nonsense of those human truths? Why don't you understand that they are completely made up to divide us?"

"You are stubborn! Don't you know what they are spreading among themselves now? They say there is something in our blood that can give humans eternal life. Do you know how dangerous this is?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"So what? Do these weak humans still want to hunt the great blood race? What ability do they have to do so? These fragile ants should be the food of higher life forms!"

"Diken, your arrogance is shocking. Those weak creatures you mentioned and your elite troops fought on the bridge for a day and night!"

"Why won't you admit it? It's not thousands of years ago anymore. Do you still think humans are monkeys fighting each other with sticks and stones?"

"They haven't changed at all!" Diken's tone was full of contempt. "They've just replaced the sticks and stones with guns and cannons. This race has inherent vices. They only know how to fight among themselves and have no understanding of unity. Their weapons are only thrown at their own people's heads!"

"I've spent years building relationships with many human politicians. These people have no bottom line, not even loyalty to their own race. As long as they stand with us, we can shake up the human situation. Once we drag it out until tonight, we'll occupy the entire Brooklyn area."

"This is the most populous area in all of New York, which means my subordinates and I will have countless resources. Our power will peak."

"Stop dreaming." The female voice said coldly. "Haven't you realized it yet? Humans are determined to unite as one. Do you know why?"

"They say we have factors in our bodies that can prolong their lives. Humans, as a short-lived species, will do anything to live longer. You don't even realize the severity of the problem!"

The female voice seemed to lose patience. She said, "I am here to warn you on behalf of the elder faction for the last time. If your crazy behavior brings destruction to our entire race, you will also become our enemy."

"You bunch of weak and unambitious cowards!" Diken said angrily. "We could have taken over this world! Made all humans our slaves. Why do you just hide in a corner and cower?"

"We do want to control human society, but it is for better enjoyment. Only they can create such a prosperous society, and we just need to manipulate it from behind the scenes."

"And you, you stupid person who only thinks about war! You are ruining our plan! Do you know that the stupid prophecy you came up with seriously interfered with the Elder's next plan?"

"We originally planned to unite in the next election and influence the results. For this, we have recruited many people, including professors from several universities on the East Coast, as well as many medical workers led by the Elder Council's hospital doctor and financial personnel from Wall Street!"

"This force, even if it cannot make us decide who the president is, at least we can control the legislature of a state!"

"There will be our stronghold. Elder Sebastian has already deployed many forces in Hell's Kitchen in the Brooklyn area. We will control human society from both the top and bottom. Your stupid plan has exposed many people ahead of time! Now, regardless of whether you win or not, the Elder Council will not let you go!"

"What infiltration plan! That is just an excuse for your greed." Deacon's voice became more and more angry: "Hundreds of years ago, our race was so glorious!"

"We could plunder humans on the streets recklessly, and dine wherever we wanted!"

"But ever since you appeasers negotiated with the humans, we have had to hide. Those cowards among you even accepted the stale refrigerated blood. Now I don't want to tolerate it anymore!"

"The final battle is tonight, and I will win! You don't even understand how powerful the Bat God's power is!"

"I think you're crazy. Your mind has been clouded by that mythological doctrine. Do you really believe there's a Bat God who will help you?"

"Huh." Deck sneered and said, "If I didn't have a solid grasp on things, how could I dare to go against so many in the clan and launch this war?"

His firm tone made the female vampire hesitate. She said, "I advise you not to entertain any delusions. Earth is not a place where anyone can act recklessly. You are far from being as long-lived as those elders. They have warned me to be cautious of all foreign beliefs..."

"Their cowardly words will be engraved on their tombstones," Deck finally said.

"Are you really sure that the power of the Bat God will come?"

"Not only that, but the Bat God will send down his most powerful guardians to personally come here and help me, at the moment when the moonlight is strongest tonight. And those foolish humans are unaware that the arrival of the Bat God's guardians does not require any ceremony. Their strict defense is useless!"

"We will share this world with Him!"

Peter listened outside the door, sweating profusely. He held Pikachu and ran upstairs, then quickly left the bar. Blade quickly dealt with the vampires attacking him. Seeing Peter running out, he said, "What's going on? Did you take care of them so quickly?"

Peter looked into Blade's eyes and said, "What do you know about the Bat God?"

"What's wrong?" Blade asked, noticing his expression wasn't good.

"Just now, I overheard the vampire leaders' conversation underground. One of them, the person leading this war, mentioned that the power of the Bat God will come at the moment when the moonlight is strongest tonight."

Peter's tone was very determined. Blade frowned and said, "This is impossible. This prophecy and the so-called Bat God are probably made up by them."

Looking at Peter's skeptical gaze, Blade said firmly, "You should know that I am also a half-vampire, but what sets me apart from them is that my mother was turned into a vampire. However, during my upbringing, I was also involved in the inner workings of this race. The legend of the Bat God has only been circulated in recent centuries."

"It all started with a negotiation that took place about hundreds of years ago in Kunlun," Peter continued, learning about the unknown history of this race from Blade.

A few hundred years ago, vampires had a war with humans, but it was different from this time. It was a conflict with supernatural humans, and the battleground was in the eastern continent. Europe also saw some wars, but the entire Americas remained unaffected, so people here don't know much about that war.

The details of the process need not be elaborated, but almost all of the radical vampire factions were killed by supernatural humans at that time. In the end, it was Count Dracula, who was still alive, who came forward and negotiated with humans. The negotiations took place in Kunlun.

Since then, the vampires have followed their policy of seclusion. In Asia and Europe, there are specialized reconnaissance agencies that ensure that vampires living in human society do not cause too much damage to the entire society.

But there are ambitious individuals everywhere, in any era. Newborn vampires are very dissatisfied with this humiliating treaty, and the representative figure among them is Deacon.

In simple terms, they've never been beaten before, so they think they're special.

Blade said to Peter, "The belief in the Bat God emerged with the gradual growth of this new radical faction of vampires. This belief is essentially fabricated for their own aggressive ideals. Prior to this, there was never such a thing."

"If there really is such a god, then he could not have appeared only a few hundred years ago with such great power. Furthermore, I heard from some veteran vampire hunters that there is a mysterious power guarding the Earth, and not any creature can claim to be a god here."

Finally, Blade concluded, "I think they may have been deceived by some kind of extraordinary being with strong power, which may have called itself a god and shown them some miracles. They foolishly agreed to summon him. This is a very dangerous thing. They are digging their own graves."

"The problem now is whether this god will really come?" Peter's expression was serious. He said, "Those crazy bats will surely launch a general attack at night. If there is another powerful being coming at this time, humans will definitely not be able to resist it, and the losses will be very heavy."

"Humanity has the determination to resist these monsters at all costs, but what we need to do is to minimize these losses as much as possible." Peter's tone was firm. He continued, "I think we need to continue investigating."

"I plan to take down Deacon. As long as we take down Deacon, there will be no one to lead that summoning ritual, and that guy who claims to be a god won't be able to come." Blade said.

Spider-Man was once again caught up in that very clear tactical thinking. He stopped Blade and said, "No, there is more than just Deacon in the radical faction. Even if we can't completely kill this vampire, even if we do kill him, his subordinates will still do the same thing. As you said, there are many of them. Before they arrive at night, we cannot kill them all."

"From what I heard in their conversation, that woman may represent the moderate faction. I heard them say there is a plan to secretly control humans. What's going on?"

"This is normal," Blade said with a sneer. "Vampires have never been creatures that submit to humans. They may choose to hide temporarily, but it's only because they were hurt a few hundred years ago and have switched to a different method of invasion."

"Is the conflict between the radicals and moderates deep?"

"Of course, as you just heard. The moderates plan to accumulate power and gradually control human society from the shadows, but the radicals keep causing trouble, causing their plans to fail again and again. Humans' vigilance is increasing, slowing down their process of achieving their goals indefinitely."


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