
The Professor

The most petrifying thing in this world I think is the thought of the unknown. The unknown of death, of life, and of what lurks in the depths below or in the most forbidden places damned of human life.

My uncle is a researcher and teacher of ancient cultures around the world. He's a professor at the university of Ridgewood, whom goes by the name of Professor Henry Morton. He had recently heard of what looked to be the site of an ancient city buried beneath the snows of Antarctica, My uncle who is not the youngest man if I do remember correctly he had just turned fifty five years of age. Because of my uncle's age he has decided to put together a research team to help him in the journey through the frigid temperatures and dangerous terrain of Antarctica. I was assigned to be the leader of the arduous journey because of my past experiences with my uncle traveling to many places all around the world. What I fear most from this is the effect that it may have on the Professor, he has been speaking in strange tongues as he sleeps as if someone is talking to him and he's responding, I've deciphered the language that he's been speaking and it is an unknown language with hints of characters from ancient languages but it was a mixture of many, he said that in the frigid peaks of the coldest land I will find what I seek.

I'm afraid of what's happening with my uncle's sanity and many people have come to me questioning if he has gone mad through his studies, but I think something has changed him... he's seen something that has caused this ambition of exploring the arctic, something has driven him into the drive for some unknown knowledge that we do not yet know.

I've decided to check out his office where he caries out his research. to try to find any hint of what has caused this frantic research, which is where I found the photograph of what I imagine to be what has caused this madness, It was a grotesque creature that was frozen in the ice on one of the shelves of Antarctica I couldn't even begin how to describe it and I fear to look at it any longer as I'm starting to feel my sanity begin to fray at the sight of the creature. The picture made me feel a fear, a primal, instinctual fear that is caused by the unknown, I see now what has troubled the professor so.