
In The Abyss As A Toon Character

After dying, I learned there was nothing on the other side. The only thing that awaits me is emptiness, with nothing to keep me company but my thoughts. ...by a sheer stroke of luck, fate gave me an opportunity. Another chance was granted to me, and I wouldn't let it slip away. Even if I am just a mere "show" of whatever sent me here, I will strive to make the best shot with every fiber of my being... ¿¿¿even if I need to turn into an MLP character??? (Disclaimer: Don't expect something good; it's decent at best, unlike you really like his ability, English isn't my first language, and it is my first time writing, I do it for fun, " so yeah this is my journey into learning how to write a novel, the first chapters are going to be bad but But they get better and better As I learn ALSO! this novel contains HIGH LEVELS OF MY LITTLE PONY!) Note 2 You can read my review and understand the theme of the novel/fanfic quickly

HeyItsMrOof · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 58 What's your type of woman?

A black nothingness engulfed Dante's consciousness. The void that enveloped him shifted, morphing from inky blackness to a disconcerting, otherworldly orange that shouldn't exist, pulsating with an eerie vibrancy. This hue defied the laws of nature, a color that shouldn't exist, but it kept reminding him of someone he met.

His ephemeral consciousness flickered like a dying candle in a whirlwind. For a fleeting instant, he felt as though he were drowning, submerged deep within a murky swamp.

The weight of his own thoughts pressed upon him, threatening to pull him under it. "I feel like... I'm drowning... deep into a swamp... That I got myself into..."

But the soaring sensation was quickly followed by the onslaught of a thousand pieces of shattered sharp glass that mercilessly pierced his brain.

Dante abruptly woke, gasping for air, instantly opening his eyes with his perception of reality completely altered; the sky twisted and bent, and the clouds were erratically dancing into strange spirals in the dark sky.

Struggling to orient himself and with a heavy pain in the chest from just breathing heavily, Dante found himself sprawled on the ground, feeling the cold dirt of the earth against his skin, his magenta eyes locked on the raven sky telling him not that much time passed while he was away.

With every fiber of his being feeling as if it had been battered and broken down until the very spark's cry for mercy, he hardly managed to babble with a hoarse voice, "I really hit rock bottom..."

With a wave of disorientation and a groan, he pushed himself upright from the cold soil, his muscles screaming in an effort, each movement feeling like an insurmountable task as if a bunch of skyscrapers had crashed upon him.

With his eyes half-closed, he muttered with grogginess, "Am I alive...?" His hands began slowly opening and closing to see if they worked. Then, with a burst of positiveness, he cheerily yelled with optimism, "I AM!!!"

"Now... Where am I?" Dante's hands gingerly reached for his bloodied forehead. The aching pain pulsed through him, reminding him of the brutal damage.

Trying to ease his mind, he said to himself while cleaning the blood, "Fighting is like drinking... is nice at the moment, but the consequences are a bitch..."

"Well, I'm still in this world, but!" Dante's eyes, still adjusting to the waking world, blinking in disbelief against the fog of confusion, his eyes swept over the bleak surroundings, trying to remember something that should exist in front of him, "Am I really that amnesic, or wasnt a city supposed to be here?" 

A desolate wasteland stretched out before him. The towering buildings were completely reduced to dust, only leaving behind the light of the moon.

There wasn't sight of any human constructions in hundreds of meters away, as if someone had burned and nuked the place with an unfathomable amount of power.

His fingers traced over the charred ground, the gritty remains of what once was a bustling metropolis crunching beneath his touch. The atmosphere hung heavy with the acrid scent of burnt remnants, a stark reminder of the tempestuous event that laid this city to the ground.

The towering skyscrapers were now nothing more than scattered dust accentuated by a beautiful moon that hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape, its pale light starkly resembling the emptiness in front of him.

A cold shiver ran down his spine as he muttered to himself, "What just happened..." The vastness of the expanse swallowed his voice. Dante stood there for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the overwhelming destruction.

While he was gone, someone evaporated a city, and luckily, the extermination didn't reach him.

With half of his body struggling and the other half barely reacting, Dante was about to fly away to the clouds to wait till the time passed and use potions to help his body, but then a loud, chaotic sound echoed through the eerie silence.

Intrigued, he flew to the source of the noise, and with his cracked glasses vibrating from the shockwaves, offering a distorted view of the unfolding fight of Geto against a crowd of sorcerers. Dante watched in awe the ferocity of the combatants as the sorcerers tried to match Geto's strength, but it was clear that Geto was in a league of his own.

Dante mused, "If he was that strong, he could have helped earlier against Gojo..."

In the middle of the storm, a reckless impulse stirred inside Dante. One of the seven deadly sins called upon his heart, he muttered while his eyes shone in a blazing green fire, "Could I get there and kill someone...?" he quickly shut down himself with a wave of rationality, "No, those guys are really strong, I am out of steam from fighting against two monsters and running away from one."

Dante's glasses barely worked, but they weren't as needed as before. The heavenly restriction enhanced his senses on a new level, allowing him to somehow perceive the curses, but as the negative effects go, one of his swords is broken, coupled with his bones that met a similar fate that are trying to regenerate, but something doesn't allow them. It's a miracle that he can stand upright, and the internal bleeding hasn't been treated properly. Heck, the potions are just temporarily taking care of the situation. If he has an object inside, it needs to be removed so the tissue can grow again.

While Dante drank a healing potion to delay the inevitable, he asked, "How much time till I leave the system?"

The system replied with its usual metallic voice, "4 minutes and 11 seconds."

"I-" Before he could finish the sentence, he expectorated a loogie of really condensed blood with fragments of tiny white things. He cleaned his mouth and said, "I don't think I can call you a safe plan, but the smallest number is better than 0."




At Geto's fight, an alluring blonde girl with voluminous hair and a seductive pose aimed one of her fingers at Geto as she posed provocatively, asking the compelling question, "What is your type of woman?

Before Geto could respond with his usual stoic and cryptic answers, he was interrupted by a female voice that responded with a bizarre answer: " A girl packing a real set of badonkers!"


Authors note:

Perhaps the chapters has a few errors and I might re-tweak it later but I got not time!


Sorry for taking sooooo long to update a chapter, but I WAS SAVING MY ARSE!

Now the, why I was gone:


Yup... that's it!

I already completed most of the things; now I just gotta study for the "Statistics and Probability" exam. Apart from that, everything else was a supreme victory (a 9 or 10)

I'll be working on those chapters, and I worked as much as I could

You probably sensed that this chapter was cut in half because IT WAS the chapter that ended up being 2.5k words large, SO I had to Go/jo it.

Anyways that's it for now (I also got sick again, but this is routine, my immune system sucks, Tho I don't aport him much, it probably rejoices in happiness every month because I eat an orange)