
The Quest

Time has passed quickly ever since Percy arrived he has been with his mother, who was staying at the big house, rather than training in earnest. It was driving me crazy, here all the other demigods were training or something similar yet he did nothing. When I overheard Annabeth getting him to join capture the flag I was elated. Unfortunately, due to being a counsellor I was unable to join but that didn't stop me being a referee with Chiron.

On the day of the game, I expanded my senses to see if I could tell when Luke summoned the hellhound. Another ability since awakening my demigod potential, the ability to sense up to 80m around me if I focus. That was when the horn sounded and the game had begun.

Looking out for the campers, I notice Percy by the creek and a squad of Hermes and Athena campers following Luke towards the enemy flag. The battles where quick and I could see how Luke was the most talented swordsman in the last three hundred years. He took down the Ares campers like they were toddlers, he danced around them in a display of speed and he seemed to know where to strike to do the most damage before escaping. For him to actually hate his father when he is clearly the most powerful of his children is concerning due to what is to come.

As I was watching Luke, I didn't notice Clarisse and some of her siblings approach Percy. As Luke captured the flag I turn to follow Chiron to the blue teams base and see the hellhound prowling in the woods. As it jumps at Percy, Chiron released his arrow and struck the hellhound in the head instantly turning to dust. Then when I approached Percy I saw the Trident floating above his head and kneeled as Chiron said,

"All hail Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon the Earthshaker, Horse Lord and God of the Sea!"

As everyone was kneeling, Percy just stared at the symbol appearing dumbstruck.

When we headed back to feast at the dining pavilion, Chiron spoke with Percy and I assume told him to meet him at the big house after dinner. I sit next to Melody at the Hermes table.

"So kiddo, what have you been doing recently? causing trouble? talking to dead people? or jump scaring the other campers?" I said.

As she giggled, Melody replied " No Mr.Jack, I was just playing with the flowers and visiting the Demeter cabin's garden. Did ya know they have Cornflakes!!!" All around her the younger kids, most of whom I rescued, just nodded in awe. I just stared.

" Well at least you had fun yeah? so is there anything you want me to do I will be staying here for a week or two before going back out." I asked her, honestly I have been gone so much it feels like I rarely spend time with her anymore. Especially since she has her own friends now.

" Can you teach me the magic squiggles Mr. Jack?!! I wanna do MAGIC and be a Magical girl when I grow up!" she cheerfully stabbed my heart with a potato peeler and started twisting. I heard some snickering coming from the left and I saw the criminal scum glancing at me, the Stoll brothers. Glaring at them with my red eyes quickly silenced their laughter as I promised retribution, in there hands has a copy of a knock-off sailor-moon.

"..m.r..mr Jack! Mr Jack!" Melody yelled, trying to get my attention.

"sorry Melody, Just plotting. Sure I will teach you but first we need to see how long it takes for you to draw on your divine power we will start tomorrow."

Most people in my situation would probably try to join Percy on his quest and carry him to the finish line having been his legs but not me. While he is on his quest I am going to be minimising the rate of recruitment to Kronos has going. But first I am going to craft a boundary in the big house, after I get permission, which will hopefully detect the influence of the Titan king on the demigods and by us noticing it we could stop them from leaving. The hardest thing is coming to the realisation that I will end up killing demigod.

For now though I will be working on a trump card, one that embodies my past and future, one that will hopefully change the tide during the labyrinth or Manhattan if things don't derail. As Percy, Annabeth and Grover walked passed Thalia's tree with Sally waving them off following Argus to his van, I ask my father to bless them, to minimise the amount of monsters that will attack in the day. A warm breeze is all I get as acknowledgment.

Giving them a wave I go back to the more pressing matter. Teaching Melody to manipulate the world through 'Magik Squikkles'.