
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Still in the forest, near Fusha village

The birdsong created a symphony, complementing the serenity of the moment.

Amidst that natural beauty, three new female figures stood out, each exuding a unique aura.

Chun Li, the first among them, had muscular and well-defined legs. Her short, tight blue outfit highlighted her slender waist. The silver bracelets on her wrists shone. Her long black hair, tied in two bulky buns, was her trademark.

Beside her, Cammy White, with pale skin, had well-defined muscles. She wore a military green leotard, topped with a beret covering part of her braided blonde hair. Her gaze, serious and determined, signaled she was ready for any battle.

Crimson Viper, the third, boasted a more mature aura. Her combat outfit was stylish, paired with a white shirt and tie. High-heeled boots and her long wavy red hair cascaded down to her waist. Her sunglasses hid mysterious eyes.

The ensuing silence was broken by the whispering wind. The three warriors looked at Satoru with confusion and curiosity.

Mai Shiranui, observing the situation from afar, stepped forward, her brown eyes shining with a mix of irritation and jealousy.

"Why are they all women, Satoru?" she asked, her fingers pinching her belly tightly.

"It was convenient, Mai. And they're strong." Satoru laughed, albeit a bit nervously.

"Convenient? Really?" She approached him, her index finger pointing at his chest. "You've always been full of surprises."

Mai shot him a sharp look, crossing her arms, her ample breasts swaying.

Satoru sighed. "I know, I know... But it's nothing personal. We need a strong crew, I'll explain later."

"That doesn't answer my question."

She tilted her head, a sly smile forming on her lips.

He sighed again.

Reflecting on his ability, Satoru had several insights.

He admits, his inclination to create women may be partly attributed to his own appearance resembling that of Satoru Gojo, whose handsome features seem to captivate them. It's no joke. Satoru Gojo is indeed a handsome man, and he couldn't deny. Mai later admitted that she initially helped him in Loguetown because she fell for him, a common occurrence in the anime universe.

He deduced this from his interaction with Mai, who, fascinated by his blue eyes and striking features, obeyed him without hesitation at first sight.

Even without memories from the Street Fighter universe, Mai still retained innate characteristics of her original self, such as an intrinsically passionate nature.

This ability for quick submission certainly minimizes potential setbacks. Which pleased him greatly.

Moreover, his tendency to create martial art 2D game characters was likely due to the "akuma no mi" restrictions, preventing the transmission of mystical skills from the characters' original universes, allowing only their pure physical abilities and attributes.

And he refrained from bringing indomitably spirited characters to life, recognizing the inherent dangers.

It must be understood that, even after his death, his creations would exist autonomously, having free will.

Thus, by splitting his soul to animate them, unlike creating a 'horcrux' from Harry Potter, if he died, he would lose all consciousness of his existence, synonymous with death.

And if he were to create a powerful entity that started feeling increasingly subservient and got angry, the decision to exterminate him might be imminent. This deeply frightened him.

Unpredictability would be constant, even in benevolent characters like Hashirama or Goku. It's impossible to predict their perception of their own existence and subservience to a being much weaker than themselves.

He contemplated an alternative, but it also failed. Initially, when thinking of Mai Shiranui, he meditated and envisioned her as a child, due to her vulnerability and the potential danger if she disobeyed or even attacked him.

He couldn't decide the life stage at which his creations would manifest. He thought a child version would be more docile. However, the adult Mai appeared. Fortunately, she was captivated by his natural charm, saving his life. This situation reinforced his theory.

Moreover, he worried that characters initially strong in spirit might, over time, resist complete submission, becoming permanent threats in One Piece. This thought was mainly due to remembering the scene where Madara and Hashirama were no longer controlled by the 2nd Hokage's imperfect resurrection technique. And, unlike this technique, his creation can be considered a perfect version. Which is a problem.

They were details that gave him a headache, and some of those things were sub-text in a contract he hadn't even seen or signed, but was already set.

For all these reasons, he focused on 2D fighting game women familiar to him. Their strengths were balanced, and their wills weren't unshakeably indomitable. This time, at least, he was confident in protecting himself.

Above all, there was an extra benefit, as for unknown reasons, creations retained innate traits besides physical attributes, like Mai's ability to create bombs or shurikens.

He recalled when they decided to steal a ship in Loguetown; she disappeared into the marketplace. She later told him she went to make some bombs for a stealthy robbery until a pirate invasion changed all their plans.

So, he was sure that besides martial skills, his creations had intuitive capabilities, probably anchored in intrinsic mental characteristics.

He turned his eyes back to the women in front of him, who still seemed disoriented.

"Let's talk," he said.