
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


The sun gleamed brilliantly over Foosha Village, casting a warm glow on the simple houses and bustling streets where vendors shouted and peddled their goods.

The sounds of laughter and conversations blended with the sweet aroma of tropical fruits.

In the distance, messenger seagulls soared, descending to deliver the fresh newspapers.

Mai Shiranui walked ahead, admiring the familiar scenery, her determined gaze focusing on strategic points.

"It's a fine day for a heist," Mai mused, recalling the task given to her by Satoru.

Cammy surveyed the street activity, while Crimson Viper, watchful, stared at the horizon, lost in thought.

The trio walked past vendors, drawing attention with their revealing outfits. Especially Mai and Cammy.

Some villagers recognized Mai, but still paused to gawk with lecherous gazes. They whispered amongst themselves about the three exotic women strolling through their streets.

Some speculated they were emissaries from a distant kingdom due to their attire, while others suspected them to be pirates.

"I think we're drawing too much attention," remarked Cammy, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings.

"The presence of strangers always raises suspicions, and our appearance surely doesn't help," Viper laughed.

Cammy nodded.

Amidst the murmurs and curious stares, Mai pulled out a map from her pocket, given to her earlier by Satoru. It detailed the Grey Terminal, a critical point.

Cammy, intrigued, leaned in, "So, this is the place?" she asked, pointing at the marked spot.

Mai nodded. "Exactly. We need to stock up and sail the ship there. He'll meet us."

Continuing their journey, the three approached a supply stall. Mai negotiated prices, while Cammy and Viper hoisted heavy bags, showcasing their disproportionate strength.

They continued hopping from vendor to vendor, completing their shopping list.

Each woman emanated her own aura, displaying strength, beauty, and allure.

All eyes followed the trio, but they paid no heed.

"Water, food, medicine..." Mai began listing out the essentials, "We're almost ready to set off."

"We still need a few more things," Cammy remarked, sneaking a glance at the list.

Crimson Viper approached Mai, her piercing gaze locked onto her.

"You know, I've been trying to figure out," she began with a mischievous smile, "what's your relation with our captain?"

Mai shot her a cold look. "That's none of your business," she retorted tersely.

Crimson chuckled softly. "Oh, I can tell, he's my type of man."

Mai's gaze turned deadly.

C. Viper laughed.

Cammy rolled her eyes, "We have work to do, remember? Supplies and intel." Despite feeling an attraction to Satoru, she viewed him more as a leader than a potential partner, hence wishing to avoid such musings.

As tensions mounted between the women, a gathering of villagers grew larger by the minute. They eyed the trio from a distance. Many tales and rumors began circulating once they recognized Mai Shiranui.

Cammy noticed the suspicious gathering, "I'll be right back,"

Mai nodded, turning to see Crimson still gazing at her.

"What do you want?"

Crimson Viper leaned in closer, her entrancing eyes fixed on Mai.

"I was just wondering..." she began in a seductive tone, "how is he in bed?"

"That's none of your business," Mai huffed in annoyance. Memories of intimate moments with Satoru came flooding back, causing her to blush.

She looked back at C. Viper, "He's mine."

Viper chuckled, "Oh, I don't mind sharing."

Before Mai could retort, Cammy returned, holding a wanted poster.

"Enough of this. We need to leave,"

"What happened?" Mai inquired, leaning in to see the poster. Recognizing the face, her expression shifted, and she snatched the poster.

In her hand was a wanted poster displaying a familiar face: Satoru Gojo. The moniker "Touch of Death" was emblazoned in bold letters below, and beneath that, a bounty of 57 million berries. Wanted Dead or Alive.

"Hmm... doesn't this complicate things a bit?" C. Viper remarked, pondering the implications for the heist, as Satoru would now be easily recognized in Goa Kingdom's city.

Noting the increasing crowd, Mai signaled towards the harbor. "Let's go."

Approaching the dock, the sound of the sea grew louder. There lay the pirate ship they had acquired in Loguetown. Its mast rose majestically against the clear sky, sails fluttering gently in the breeze. Beside the ship, goblins fidgeted, awaiting commands.

"Prepare to set sail!" Mai shouted, ascending the ship's plank.

Cammy and Crimson followed closely. The goblins, hearing the order, rushed towards the anchor. One, with a puzzled look, turned to Mai, awaiting further instructions.

"Raise the anchor, you fool!" 

Without hesitation, the goblins began their work, pulling ropes and adjusting sails.

The ship started moving, leaving the village and dock behind.