
Chapter 249 : Meeting The Unknown

Pain seared through Kirito after Black Zetsu's blade pierced his side. The world blurred, and in that moment of agony, Kirito's vision faded to black. Suddenly, he found himself in an abyss—an infinite expanse of pure darkness.

Opening his eyes, Kirito found himself in a void, his senses shrouded in an all-encompassing black. It was as if he had stepped into the abyss of his own consciousness. The air was heavy with an ominous stillness, and the only sound that echoed was the distant murmur of the battles waged in another realm.

While Kirito grappled with the void, Naruto, Sasuke, and the others engaged in a fierce confrontation with Kaguya. The battlefield was a tumultuous symphony of elemental jutsu and flashing blades, an epic struggle between the defenders of the shinobi world and the ancient force that sought to reshape it.

Actually, it was just a blood bath as currently, both Naruto and Sasuke didn't have the Six Path powers. Kirito himself was cursing at this time, why wasn't that old sage is giving his powers to both of them?

Back in the dark expanse, Kirito felt a strange connection to the ongoing battle. His surroundings seemed to flicker with the echoes of their clashes. Each clash in the physical realm resonated within the depths of Kirito's consciousness.

He looked around, trying to use his observation Haki to see where he was but no luck there.

As Naruto unleashed a barrage of Rasengans and Sasuke wielded his Sharingan, Kirito, in the black void, sensed the surges of chakra and the crescendo of their struggle. It was as if the darkness itself held fragments of the ongoing battle, and Kirito stood on the precipice between two worlds.

In the abyss, Kirito's focus intensified. The darkness that enveloped him began to ripple and contort, mirroring the ebb and flow of the battle outside. His eyes, now reflecting the chaos beyond, glowed with an unfamiliar intensity.

As Kirito traversed the inky abyss, a distant glimmer caught his attention—a faint light cutting through the oppressive darkness. Drawn to its ethereal glow, he ventured toward the source, feeling an inexplicable connection to whatever lay beyond.

As the light grew more pronounced, Kirito's surroundings began to shift. Shadows gave way to a surreal landscape, and in its midst stood a figure bathed in an otherworldly radiance. The silhouette gradually solidified, revealing a man of immense presence while he did look humanistic his face was still different.

The realization struck Kirito with a force akin to revelation. It was the Sage of the Six Paths, The sage with funky eyes that held the wisdom of millennia and is the worst parent out in the history of anime besides Goku and one shit who experiment on her little girl her pet dog.

"I don't think that I am the person right now you need to meet," Kirito quickly tried to reframe his outer look and to calm himself down and ask.

"Ah, so you know who I am, I kinda thought that you would," said the old man floating in front of him with a knowing smile.

"Yeah I do know you, but before all that, tell me why you haven't given your power to Naruto and Sasuke yet," Kirito asked without missing a beat.

"Hmm going straight to the point, well I can understand. You are anxious right now after all. The reason I am not sharing my power with them is that I can't. I don't know how you know that I was about to do that but apparently, something is stopping me from doing that. And although I can't say what exactly I do know that it has something to do with you Kirito Namikaze," Said the floating sage.

"What do you mean you can't ?" Kirito asked, how the hell was he gonna handle that crazy goddess out there?

"I can't say but I do know that it has something to do with you. Your presence here is already an ... well I guess you know about that all more than me right ?" Hagoromo asked.

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter right now, if you can't share your power with them then who gonna save the world ?" Kirito asked the million-dollar question.

He saw Hagoromo taking a thinking pose and then calmly saying, " I think you are the only person who can answer that right, it's you because of whom the timeline of this world changes. Many people died who shouldn't have and there are still many who live but should have died. 

You change the world didn't you, so I believe that you should also save the world," Hagoromo said with again knowing smile.

Kirito didn't say anything at this, what could he say, in many ways what the super gramps were saying was right. He was the reason why all of this happened. 

But how is he gonna save the world, is that even possible? How is he gonna kill that Crazy moon goddess? Kirito started to rock his brain, trying to find a way but then suddenly snapped back at the floating old man in front of him.

"I believe that you are not here just to tell me that, are you," Kirito asked with suspicion in his eyes.

"Well yes, I can help you handle my mother. With three of our powers combined it might work," he said and at this Kirito's confusion grew. 

"Who three ?" Kirito asked.

"Me, you and the shinigami of course. You were about to summon him right? Bring him in and make a deal with it, ask to bless your weapons and most likely he will ask for your contract with him to be undone. I don't get how you get a contract with someone like him in the first place," Hagoromo said.

Kirito was now getting a spied-on vibe. How come he knows so much about him?

"Well at this time I don't even know what will surprise me more. Tell me then what are you planning" Kirito sighed and asked.




(After explanation)

"You want to kill me," Kirito had veins popping out of his forehead after hearing what was Hagoromo's idea. 

It was not even one of those silly funny ideas, but an outright suicide in which even he agreed that Kirito would die.

"Well do you have any other idea," He asked in a non-chalant manner like he didn't even care if his mother, yes his mother, took over the planet and went full homicidal on humans.

But he was right, that was the only thing he could do right now. 

"And why should I even go with that plan, it's clear suicide," Kirito asked as he talked about how he gonna die.

 "Well I don't know, but you just seem like the person who will save his precious people even if takes his life," Hagoromo hmm.

"And why would I do that, something like that," Kirito raised his eye brows and asked with irritation.

"Well, becuase you always wanted to be a HERO right, that why you got that power right ?" 


Those words completely shut up Kirito. 

"Hero... When did I ...." 

He wanted to say something but like those words struck something inside him, he couldn't say anything. 

"Didn't you always find your father a Hero? That's why you got those powers right? Because you always wanted to be like him, a HERO," 

"One minute how do you know this,... wait who are...

 "Minato Template was it... why the Minato template... it could have been something better right," 

"Wait who are you... You are not Sage... I remember this voice you didn't have this voice before... 

"Are you sure that you are a HERO Kirito Namikaze? How come you can't even rememeber what you wish for before dying," 

Kirito clutched his head, his head was ready to spin by this point. It was like thousands of voices were buzzing in his brain.

It was like memories long forgotten coming back to him.

"Who are you," Kirito finally asked with blood shot eyes as he again found the bloody hole that zetsu put in him. 

"Who I am, hmm not important. What you want to be and what I want, well that will define the future young sampling. You journey still now has been entertaining, I saw you grow but you still haven't become the hero which you always wanted.

So what are you gonna be, will you be the Hero you once wish for ?" 


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