

When the Raikage said 'Train', I was afraid, and very much entitled to be so

That man is scary! Have you seen his muscles?! The only way he died was from Chakra Exhaustion after 3 DAYS OF FIGHTING!! What the fuck is that?!

Anyways, I had thought he would make me start off with Guy's training. You know, a couple thousand push ups or maybe several hundred squats?

Well, I was wrong. No, I wasn't wrong in the sense that he started me off kicking teddy bears, no he started me off kicking metal poles

Do you know how many times my shins broke because of that?! And I couldn't say no because he was right behind me the whole time, making sure I was doing what he said! He's insane!!!

I lost count of how many bones I broke after the 453rd...

And I have had to endure this for Three years now

Jeez, in other words, I started off my list of what I wanted to learn and compiled it into a schedule

6:00-7:59 ; Warm Up

8:00-10:59 ; Physical Training

11:00-13:59 ; Meditation and Lunch

14:00-15:59 ; Rasengan Training

16:00-18:59 ; Chidori Training

19:00-5:59 ; Rest

This is the simplified version. Ay is making me learn MUCH more than this, but on my more relaxed days this is what I do, and it has worked out for me in these three years

Something interesting I found out about a year and a half into the torture actually -



It was another day of endless punching and kicking at this damned metal pole. The sun was high in the air and the lack of foliage in the area provided little cooling


"Stop here boy, I'm curious about something" Ay stopped me suddenly

As soon as he said that, my legs gave out and I collapsed onto the rocky ground, breathing heavily

"Wha is i ol man..?" I managed to get out in between breaths

My internal senses told me the guy was giving me such a smug smirk... Damn him..

Something landed on in front of me after that thought, making me take a look

"Chakra paper?! I thought this was at least Chunin level stuff?" My surprised question got out accidentally

"Yes, it is supposed to be for at least Low Jonin level Shinobi, but I'm curious about your natures. I suppose you know how it works, given you know what it is?" He answered and asked gruffly

I didn't give him any reply and picked the paper up

'What would my natures be? I suppose Lightning would be one because of my Plasma Release, but what else would I have?'

Throwing all fucks to the fan, my chakra ran through my hand and into the paper

Unsurprisingly, the paper crinkled into a tight ball. Surprisingly, however, it proceeded to cut itself into two, which left me with two baseball like halves, while one of the halves dampened and the other crumbled into dust. From the water and dust, a strong smell of ozone and spring came from it along with an orange colored smoke

'Everything but fire... But what is that orange smoke? Yang affinity? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I didn't see it in Canon...'

Ay walked up with a grin "A main Lightning affinity, as expected from a Kumo shinobi. Along with an affinity for Wind, Water and Earth. The smoke is interesting, likely a Yang Release affinity like what those Akimichi use. Seems you have quite the future ahead of you..."

That made me smile. It wasn't often the man gave out complements like that

*End Flashback*


So I've also been working on Nature Transformations

I haven't started on shadow clones yet, however, so the process is going excruciatingly slowly. Right now, after another year and a half, I have the first stage of Lightning Release transformation almost mastered. Maybe in a week or two I'll have it down pat

The Rasengan and Chidori now, were two that really emphasized how much PLOT ARMOR NARUTO AND SASUKE HAVE!!


Do you know how many water balloons I had to go through for the first stage?! 632! And I only completed that after almost 8 months! Naruto had even less knowledge and Chakra Control than I did, and he did it in a WEEK! If that's not plot armor, I don't know what is...

For now, I'm stuck on the second stage. I've taken a break on it in favor of practicing my tree, or should I say rock, walking to improve on my control

And don't even get me started on the Chidori. It's definitely easier to learn compared to the Rasengan (Most likely because of my Lightning affinity) but it is still complicated as fuck to figure out

Ay actually saw me practicing the Jutsu and said that if I can get the Chidori down and Mastered, he'd give me tips on the Lightning Chakra Cloak of his which, if that didn't motivate me, then something like the Rinnegan was on the other end

Anyhow, I've just turned seven. Meaning - Academy! Ay had chosen that, as I was basically apprenticing under him, he wouldn't want to send me into battlefield so young just for me to die

So I'm going in at Seven, for now, so that I can officially become a Genin

Not going to lie... I'm very excited

Extra chapter for today.

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