

"You're going to be my spy in Konoha"



"What the hell do you mean by that?" I asked the Raikage who was sitting at his desk with his feet up

"You are going to be my spy in Konoha. Hiruzen seems to have a few prodigies in his ranks and I want you to become a double agent for those tree huggers. Plus, with Iwa and Suna creating skirmishes on the borders of the Land of Fire. I can sense a war coming from miles away and having you there as a spy will be a huge boon." He explained lazily with his eyes shut

I sighed and thought back to what has happened lately

It has been about four years since the end of the Second War, leaving us in a treaty with the rest of the world, at least temporarily

I'm now 11 years old, having trained with Ay for almost 5 years now which has been utter hell

Seriously, who makes someone kick and punch at a metal - METAL - pole for five years non stop?! The only saving grace was that Ay allowed me into the Raikage's library a few times to grab a couple Techniques

I have calculated everyone's ages, however. Minato and Kushina should be about 15-17 years old, seeing as how the council forced the man to try and Kidnap Kushina a year or two back and from what I remember, she was about 14 then

That also means that Hiruzen is into his 40s or so, making the Sannin about 25-30. The Ame trio should then be about my age - 11 or 12, meaning Sasori is in a Chunin right now and Sakumo is already dead

The seven swordsmen should have around 5-6 years until they get slaughtered by Duy which is plenty of time for me to take advantage of

"Why me? You can't send someone like Ai or Yoroi?" I knew he couldn't send those two, but I really didn't want to do this

"I'm choosing you and not them because you are unknown. I burned all record of you after taking you in, which is why you would be safe in Konoha no matter what. No more arguments, you'll have all of your belongings sealed by tomorrow morning at 0600 house before leaving the village until I decide to recall you, is that clear?"

My posture straightened in that last bit and I saluted

"Yes sir!"

"Good, Dismissed"

I left soon after

This is a good time to talk about my progress in training, actually

Basics, My chakra is apparently already High-Jonin to Low-ANBU, making control difficult to learn, though I did manage to reverse engineer the Shadow Clones, making training quite a bit faster

It was really just - Split your chakra and mind into two different pieces. Simple...

Okay, there was much more to it than that, but putting it into words would be like explaining why Oak is a cool tree to a duck.

In other words, my Rasengan and Chidori have both been mastered enough that I can use them in combat, which was great. I had to pull a Naruto with my Rasengan after learning the SC since my control was trash back then, but I eventually got it down to one handed and Chidori only needs a half Bird seal to activate now

My Sealing knowledge started two years back after my last update and has come along nicely. I'm at Level 2 or so, meaning I can make decent Storage Containment Seals and start on Barriers

The night went by quickly and I stored everything into a couple scrolls before Sealing those into one on my wrist

Storage seals on the body are actually quite simple, but not many people know how to do it correctly, so in the Canon timeline - the show - you would never see many if any instances of people Sealing things into themselves other than Jinchuriki

I met up with the Kage at the gate at 5:30 am, the sun just coming up over the ocean in the east

"Remember, you are a lost child from Tanzaku Gai. You've been wandering the wild for 5 years after discovering your chakra. If any Yamanaka try and mind walk you, focus on the seal on the base of your neck" The muscular man explained one last time, to which I nodded

"I'll see you later old man. If I die, this was your decision" I gave him a handshake and smirk

He returned the gesture twofold, almost crushing my hand before throwing me over the walls, scaring the Chunin at the gates

"Damn old man.."

"I heard that!"


My sprint began there, down into the land of rice

It took two weeks to reach the capital at Civilian speeds, seeing as how I wanted to be low key as possible, and then another 4 weeks to get to one of the small towns in the northern part of Fire Country

Nothing serious happened, seeing as how the war got rid of a lot of bandits and the border around here is very fortified at the moment because of Suna and Iwa, though a Civilian Trader pass - that I may or may not have stolen - was enough to let me through

Something interesting happened midway through the seventh week, however

I was camping about 70 miles north of Konoha, 50 from the Capital, where I was foraging for supplies in the area

It was quiet, especially for a forest. There were no birds around and the wind was gone

That was before I realized the sky was perfectly clear. Not - oh there's no clouds in the sky - clear. There was no Sun and it was midday

I tried Kai a few times, which didn't work, leading me to explore some more

It took maybe 15 Minutes to come across a small cave that dropped down into a dark area below

Stupidly, I dropped down below, creating a low powered Rasengan for light as I'd walked ahead

The ground below me gradually turned into stone bricks, obviously manufactured by human hands, seeing as how they were worn and didn't have any extra chakra signature

Continuing to walk, collapsed statues started to pop up near the walls, rubble also clearing away further in

Symbols started to appear maybe a mile in, an upside down V which was encircled

'Please no...'

Lines of purple appeared from the floor another half mile in, creating crazy purple tribal designs all over the walls

'What the hell did that god do to this place..?'

Eventually, I saw an arch at the far end of the passageway, signaling some sort of room, which I reached in a minute or so

As expected - it was a room. Not expected - There was 11 different cylindrical objects sitting around the place, each of them having a futuristic look.

The room was insanely cold, making me think that the objects were some sort of Cryo Stasis chambers

In the middle of the room was a computer. It looked like it was straight out of Dead space, or Batman - Almost 20 different monitors sitting around a large one in the center

Sitting as the screen saver in the large one was an unmistakable logo. One of something I put hundred of hours into in my previous life

The same symbol that was on the walls before

It was the Vault Symbol

"What the fuck...?"

I can't help myself tbh

As far as I know - None of the Borderlands characters will show up physically (Yet). For now, we will test something with their powers

Remember to comment and leave feedback. I thrive off of that and it helps show that I have active readers. Anything you want to say, as long as it's constructive, or even a thank you, helps!

Anyways, thank you for reading!

Faveryycreators' thoughts