

That damned idiot!

Why the hell did I agree to come along with that DUMBASS?!


Hello. My name is Jess, or Eiri as it is now that I'm a damned toddler..

Yeah, a toddler! Can you believe that?!

At least I'm still a girl though. That's the one saving grace about this whole situation at the moment counting

Wait, no

Another is that I'm in the Naruto Universe

I know, right? A Universe filled with fire spitting, creepy eye murderers, and I get dropped inside as a toddler..

And I still question whether I have any sanity when I listen to Jack's ideas

"Come on Eiri! Let's go!" A female shouted from down the hall in the peach, sandstone house that laid on the outskirts of Sunagakure no Sato

You may be wondering

'Jess, how are you dealing with the dry hot desert? Is it as bad as it is described in the Anime and Manga?'

I'm wondering the same thing honestly...

You see, I grew up in Wisconsin. One of the coldest places in America. I've only ever been to the desert a few times to visit Jack because he decided he wanted to be near the new Netflix studios out there in.. Where was it? Texas?


What I do care about however, is this BLISTERING HEAT!!

Seriously! It feels like it's bordering on 40 degrees out here and I am not enjoying it in the slightest. No, not one bit

"Eiri! Get over here!" The female shouted once more, causing a sigh to erupt from my mouth as I began walking down the hall to my new.. Mother

I mentally shuddered at the thought of that

See, in my past life, me and my brother weren't very close to our parents

...Okay, 'Not very close' is a huge understatement. I think 'We hated each others guts and would gladly watch each other die if we could' is more appropriate

Honestly, I have no clue what brought it along, but Jack and I never got along with either of our parents

It was like oil and water, but every time we would talk with each other, somebody would throw a match into the water

One of us would be set on fire and the other would ignore the fire until it was put out

It always saddened me to watch other kids talking with their parents so happily, so I guess I'm just a little freaked out by the warm attitude my new mother is showing at the moment

"Come on, your first day at the academy is today and I don't want any daughter of mine being late. Really, Eiri, you're the first Ninja this family is going to have, so you must do well!" My mother, Kairi (Real original, I know) lectured as she got down on one knee and looked right into my eyes

Yeah, I was born into a Civilian family, and I wholeheartedly blame that god for doing so

Knowing my luck, Jack is probably already warming up to his Kage right now, asking to learn a secret technique and succeeding..


*In Kumo - Raikage's office*

A certain young boy paused his conversation with the big man as he stopped to sneeze almost 6 times in quick succession


He looked back up to see the Raikage chuckling softly as Kyo scratched the back of his head

'Is someone talking about me?'


Bah, whatever, he's probably still stuck playing Ninja with some other kids

Me and mother (Mom? I have no clue...) walked down the sandy roads of Suna, shielding our eyes from the intense winds around us

Seriously, if you weren't careful you could go blind with all of the sand and Iron dust that was just whipping up around us

I'm surprised nobody from the anime wore any goggles because this place is scary in the spring and summer months when it's the most windy...

Over the horizon, a large building appeared as we continued to get closer

Upon closer inspection, it looked just like the Konoha ninja academy, only a different color scheme of course

"Here we are Eiri" I heard my mother whisper into my ears over the loud winds

We walked through the front door to be met with a line of kids and parents funneling themselves into a fairly large auditorium for, what I presume to be, orientation

"Let's sit here" Keiri said, now sitting at a chair in a row fairly close to the front

It was interesting to see how many people were in Suna, since it was a desert, you would think not many would want to live here, but I was proven wrong

It was also interesting to see how many clans were here that you didn't see in Canon

I had seen a clan that could control wind currents. Another that could harden sand and use that in conjunction with Earth Jutsu

The whole thing actually opened my eyes. Kishimoto could never REALLY build this entire world. He was bound to miss quite a few things, and I've been noticing every single one

You know Pakura? That girl who died in the third war? Yeah, she has a clan now, with the Scorch Release bloodline. Apparently only 5-6 of them can do it in a clan of almost 50 people, but still, that's one thing that Kishimoto just didn't think of

And that also makes me wonder

What happened to all of these clans to make it so that they weren't in the actual Canon series?

I sighed and shook my head as the Third Kazekage walked up onto the podium and smiled

"Hello, Suna!" His voice PROJECTED, and god was that response crazy

'Suna really likes this guy, eh?'

I shut out the man's speech about the will of wind and the 'importance of loyalty' in favor of looking around more at the little kids

'Hmm... Tiny Pakura at the sidelines with her parents... Is that Chiyo? Damn, she was hot at this age...'

One thing caught my eye to my right

Sitting at the back of the room was a very familiar set of red hair, dead brown eyes and depressed expression. It was uncanny how similar he looked to the older version of himself

Yeah. It was Sasori of the Red Sand. Future Akatsuki Member and Puppetry master

And he was /In my class/

I couldn't decide which village to put Jess in so I let a randomizer do it for me. Suna was what it wanted to give me, so I went with it

I think I want to take an OC from each of the five nations. One from Suna (Jess), one from Konoha, one from Iwa, one from Kiri, and one from Uzu (I'm still debating this one).

I put the / / on that last sentence to emulate Italics. Idk how well that works, but leave me some feedback

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