

Hi! My name is Jack

You know, I've had this thought in my head for a long time now

When someone says that they are afraid to die, they either mean that they are afraid of what comes after death, or that they are afraid of leaving everyone behind

I'm of the later philosophy myself at the moment

My cat, Popo, the cute little Calico. I don't even want to imagine what would happen to him if I were to leave him behind

My sister, Jess. She'd kill me before I even had a chance to leave anywhere

My parents...

Let's leave that for another time

Back on topic, however, I said that I was of the later philosophy at the moment

That moment has passed, and now I'm starting to fear what is going to happen after this black void passes on by

Yeah that's right

I'm dead

Don't even know what the hell killed me either. Could have been a car crash, maybe even an accident down the stairs, I have no clue

I really mean it by I have no clue since I have zero recollection of the last few days of my life, and I'm rapidly forgetting more and more

Furrowing my brows, I started to think up what could be happening to me to be losing my memories like this, but I had a faint clue

"...Is this the famed Reincarnation I've read too much about?"

If this was the case, then I'd have to take utmost advantage of it

If it wasn't and this was just the laws of the universe erasing my soul...

I shudder to think what would happen if I were to be erased right now

"Jess would probably find a way to cut through the laws of space and time just to pull me back and rip me apart before walking off.."




The silence of the void was getting to my head, making me go off topic

Anyways, right now I'm just sitting in what looks like a black void. Not even like space, with the uncountable number of starts in that place, no this was complete and utter black


The sound of my voice echoed throughout the void, giving off an eerie vibe

I got no response from my first greeting so I decided to shout some more, because why the fuck not?

"Is anyone out there?! Hello!?!"

Silence was still the only response I got

That was starting to become a recurring theme here...


[Jeez, do you know how to wait like 5 seconds bro? Quiet down...]

I certainly wasn't expecting that...

What sounded like a voice of a male teenager vibrated through the air of the void, scaring the shit out of me

"Ah... Sorry?" Was my elegant return to the, what I presume to be, god

[Bah, you're fine, I was just taking a nap anyways, which explains why you're in here]

That had me intrigued

"I'm in here because you were napping? Speaking of, what is this place?"

There was silence for a moment, making me nervous, before the voice gave me an answer

[This place is Limbo, the state between life and death. I was taking a nap and my secretary was full with the other souls so you were funneled here. It's actually quite amazing how you aren't a blabbering idiot by now. Goes to show how great your willpower is]

Limbo, huh, well that's ni-


[Owww, Chill, you're under my protection for now so your memories and other things will be safe until either you or I leave]

That calmed me down instantly. Protection from basically a god? Hell yeah

"That still doesn't excuse the years of memories that I've already lost.."

I couldn't remember the last 5 years of my life besides things like anime and facts about stupid things. Things like friends and acquaintances were completely wiped. I couldn't even remember what my room looked like

[Yeahhhh, sorry about that but those can't be replaced. Memories lost in Limbo are lost forever. Trust me, if I could, I would have restored every spirits memories that stepped foot in here, but those are the rules established]

I gave a small sigh but otherwise gave up trying to fix it..

For now at least

"So what's going to happen to me now?" I asked

I really hope he shows himself or we get finished soon because it's getting really weird talking to air

[Well, since you can still speak coherently, and I kind of owe you for putting you in here, you can choose a world to be reborn into or get thrown into heaven. Either or]

Choose a world to be reborn into? So it is...

"I can choose any world? Like.. Anything I want?"

I heard an exasperated sigh from the void

[I knew that was going to be your response... Yes, any world you want, name it and you can go]

Well this changes things immensely.. I thought I would have had to choose from a limited amount but an infinite amount...

"Will I be able to go to different worlds? I might get bored after a while if I stay in this one I'm thinking of"

[Sure, fine. If you become the strongest being in the one you choose, I'll allow you to jump worlds. Be advised, however, that your power will be sealed when you cross so you don't go breaking the power levels]

That made sense. Having someone with Dragon Ball Ki wouldn't be fair in a world like Pokemon, though I would have loved to be able to fly to every gym...

"Right, I choose the world of Naruto"

Giving him my answer, silence reigned for a few moments before he replied

[Great, another person going into that world. It's not like that isn't completely overdone to shit, noooo]

My eye gained an uncontrollable twitch at that answer

'What do you mean another person? I thought I was the only one..?"

[Seriously? The only one? Ha! Nope! I mean, you are the only one in that portion of the multi verse but along the timelines there are hundreds of people who chose to go into that world when I found them either here or in the escalator]


[Anyways, since you're going into the Naruto-Verse without any specific benefits, I'll allow you to bring in one person with you. Keep in mind, however, that they need to be willing to do so. I won't force anyone out of their lives just because of your wishes]

There goes that Idea of bringing trump with me...

After a moment of thinking I finally decided

"Ask my sister, please"

There was nothing for what seemed like an hour before a circular distortion appeared in front of me and out stepped a familiar face

Jess was a girl of above average height, around 5'7. She had red hair in a sort of Marilyn Monroe cut with Green eyes that could rival any forest. Jess was only 23 but she looked like she was at least 19

She was wearing a loose grey hoodie that hid her model figure along with some pajamas. Apparently it was night time where we were. Huh


Shit my ears...


So that's how I died

Jess strutted over to me and put me in a headlock, cutting off my air supply


[Ok, Lady, please let my friend go. If you have anyone to blame, it's going to be that asshole Zeus]

The girl cut her grip from my head and sighed, crossing her arms over her chest

"Fine, but it doesn't mean I forgive the idiot for going off and dying on me.."

[That's fine, I don't care. I'm going to give you guys a few minutes to discuss things then we'll depart]

Jess rose an eyebrow and looked at me, clearly meaning 'Explain'

I speak fluent eye gestures

"He didn't tell you anything, I presume?" A deadpan "Greaat.. Well, I got stuck here in Limbo, lost about five years of my memories, met the god dude, still don't know his name, he gave me an offer of going off to another world, I accepted and chose Naruto, he gave me another offer of bringing another person with me, I chose you, and here we are"

Throughout that whole explanation, her face didn't change one bit from her deadpan expression, literally actually nothing

She just stared at me for a moment before walking forward and putting her arms around me in a comforting hug

"You damn idiot.. Thanks for choosing me to bring along. Though I would have found my way to you either way"

I chuckled at that before I turned serious

"How much do you know about the series?"

She gave a smirk

"Do you think I've been living under a rock for the past 20 years? I know the plot like the back of my hand. Ended up binge watching it about 4 yea.. Oh yeah"

I ignored the depressed expression she had on her face and continued

"Listen, there's no guarantee that we'll be placed in the same location so we need to make a code, something only we would know"

This time, her face had the most radiant smile..

"Believe in the me that believes in you.."

I smirked

"Who the hell do you think I am?"

The grins on our faces

I should find a way to make Gurren Lagann mechs in this world somehow.. Imagine if I fought Madara or Kaguya with something like that...

[Alright kiddos, your time is up. Let's get a move on]

A white portal opened up in front of us

Jess gave me a small smile

"I'll see you on the other side big bro!" She shouted before leaping into the window

I shook my head and looked up

"Hey! Thank you for this! I mean it!"

I didn't even give him a chance to reply before I leaped through

Info dump for the first chapter, Sorryyy

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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