
In Naruto as Kokushibou

Our Mc dies and meets God, he reincarnates in Naruto but like Kokushibou, without weakness to sunlight. Oh, he was also adopted by a certain green beast of the leaf, he also had some books containing information about certain breaths. See how he creates his own samurai clan, while he gets a certain Yamanaka as a companion. '' Sorry Sai, but Ino is mine '' I do not complain Naruto not even Demon Slayer, all are works from their respective authors.

Lorenzo5798 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: The True Meaning of ''Fear''

Everything happened according to Keikaku, Mizuki went after Naruto, managed to trick him into stealing the forbidden scroll, which everyone else knows.

Kokushibou also sent some of his shinobi to keep an eye on the Uzumaki boy, just to make sure everything went as it should, but for now, he'd just have to wait for the Land of Waves arc to begin.

After the Land of Waves became his territory, he would focus on sending his agents to the Land of Tea, which borders the south of his land, and then focuses on his neighboring country.

As far as Kokushibou knew, the Tea Country has a population of 1.27 million people, and its lands are fertile, if he takes this country for himself, it will have a population of 1.87 million people, plus more arable land.

Once his agents had a solid footing in Tea Country, they would start making people rebel against the current government, Kokushibou would send some troops to help the rebels, then when the Daimyo and the nobles were overthrown, he would install a puppet government, which will change public opinion to make them part of its territory.

Kokushibou will also help them after the civil war, so he can earn some more brownie points from the local population.

After taking the 2 countries bordering his lands, he will focus more on increasing his sphere of influence, making other countries his vassals, Kokushibou even now which has its targets.

(Images of countries are circled)

But apart from that, our protagonist could now be seen talking to one of his shinobi.

''Agent-069, send a communiqué to all our agents in the Land of Waves, that Operation 'Sea Lion' can begin,'' Kokushibou spoke with a straight face, the shinobi nodded and quickly left to tell his comrades.

The Operation ''Sea Lion'' that Kokushibou was talking about was an operation with a simple objective: to mess up Gatō's life even more until Team 7 arrives in the Land of Waves.

The population of Land of Waves has been rebelling for a long time, destroying many of the businesses that Gatō owns, but this time it will be on a large scale, Kokushibou will no longer just arm people, he will also send several shinobi who will work alongside the infiltrators and rebels from your agent.

But Operation also had another objective: Recruiting Zabuza, because from what Kokushibou learned from his agents, he hasn't been hired by Gatō yet, won't allow his enemy to have a great swordsman against him.

Zabuza would make a great trainer for his samurai and shinobi, being a swordsman, Kokushibou is willing to pay millions and donate free weapons and supplies to the rebels in Kirigakure if it means he can improve his troops' training.

To be honest, Kokushibou was already thinking about supporting the rebels, if he could come to terms with them, as he wanted to ensure they had some influence in the future Mizukage's actions.

Kokushibou has also sent several Shinobi to search for survivors of Clan Uzumaki, he is thinking of returning Uzushiogakure to its former glory, but they will have to be part of his future Empire or at least Vassals.

Putting all this planning aside, our protagonist took a bottle of wine that was kept in his desk drawer and started drinking it from the bottle.

/Mansion of the Patriarch of the Hyuuga Clan/

Hyuuga Hiashi was heading to his daughter's room with a dark look on his face, one of the Clan Elders proposed that his daughter Hinata marry Kokushibou.

This brought a heated debate with all the Elders as there were some who were reluctant to let their Kekkei Genkai leave their Clan, but most agreed as they felt it would increase the Hyuuga Clan's influence.

When Hiashi arrived he sighed and knocked gently on the door when he heard his daughter's voice saying ''come in'', he opened the door and saw his daughter writing in her notebook, what were you writing? he didn't know and didn't want to know.

''Daughter, I have an important warning to give you,'' Hiashi spoke with a reluctant tone, Hinata stopped writing in her notebook and looked at her father curiously.

''The Clan elders have decided that they will propose to you in marriage... with young Kokushibou'' When Hiashi said this, he felt like throwing up, as he didn't want to force his daughter into marriage, but the reality was different.

Hiashi expected his daughter to say something, but he saw his daughter with a happier face, but at the same time he had a crazy smile on his face, Hinata nodded, seeing that he had nothing more to say, he decided to leave, but just as he was about to close the door, he heard his daughter say.

''Finally, we'll be united... Kokushibou-Kun.... I'll make sure no one gets in our way.. hehe'' When Hiashi heard this, he got scared because his daughter really took her mother's side, he turned and went to look through the crack in the semi-closed door and he got even more scared.

He saw his daughter with a kunai stabbing a poster that had the picture of the Heiress of the Yamanaka Clan, while there was another picture that was of Kokushibou, with lots of hearts.

Hiashi closed the door slowly and left his daughter, he could only pray for Kokushibou's life.

''At least I'll have someone who understands the true meaning of 'fear' '' muttered Hiashi under his breath as he went outside to drink some wine.