
Chapter 2: Guidance

After that short introduction on Luka's part, the two left the village and started walking towards where he lived. During this time neither of the two spoke until Luka decided to speak up.

"Excuse, me, sir, but would you be willing to tell me your name?" The boy, Luka, asked

He chuckled to himself. He knew the boy was curious about him, so he decided to tell him. "My name is Kane, kid. Kane Wallace." He answered to Luka.

Luka smiled at Kane. He seemed to be similar to his own mother, who was kind and joyful. However what Luka didn't know was the hell he would go through in the next few years when they get to Kane's house.

It wasn't until an hour later when they would get home. Kane would show Luka to the guest room he had in case he ever taught someone. He gave Luka the rest of the day to do whatever he wanted. In the meantime, he would try to figure out what was in those two strange books that were in Luka's house.

He didn't start with the one that shocked him, since he didn't want to feel pain this early in the day. So he opened the other one, and his eyes widened.

[Welcome Kane to your destiny. I will guide you through this world and help you along the way.]

He looked around to make sure he wasn't going crazy, and when he was sure that he wasn't, he looked back at the blue screen in front of him.

"You'll say that you'll help me?" Kane asked the screen.

[Yes Kane! I will help you as best as I can! Ask me something you want to know and depending on the answer I can tell or I can't tell you!]

Kane hesitated, he wanted to know what happened to his family and the reasons behind it, but wasn't sure he wanted to know the truth. He decided to bite the metaphorical bullet though and ask the screen.

"What happened to my parents and my village, Remina? And the reasons behind it." Kane asked

[The first answer is that your parents were killed, and information about Remina is classified, I'm sorry Kane.]

Kane wanted to shout at the screen, but he knew that wouldn't do anything, plus he didn't want to alarm Luka. So he decided to ask something else.

"What is my level of combat in my various weapons?" He asked

[Showing combat levels:

Sword: Legend


Scythe: Master

Axe: Advanced

Bare handed: Advanced

That is all]

"What does legend mean?" He asked

[There are different levels of things, they go from:








And those are the different levels]

Okay then so he had some work to do with his weapons still, then.

"What is in this other book?" Kane asked.

[The basics of magic, however you must get permission from either the owner of the book or someone related to them in order to be able to pick it up or read it. Might I recommend asking the boy, Luka?]

He thought that it wouldn't hurt so he asked Luka if it was fine if he could read the book and Luka said it was fine. So with his permission Kane went back to the main room and started to read the book. After a few hours it was time for dinner so he got up and made something to eat for both him and Luka. He brought the meal to Luka and told him when he was done to leave the plate outside his door.

He went back to the book and two hours later he finally thought that he could do a basic so he went outside to the back yard and tried to cast a fireball, however it could barely be called a spell. It was tiny, and it was flickering now and then. So he tried a equal kind of spell for the other three elements and the results were all the same. So he asked the screen if had some kind of affinity to any element.

[Yes, you have a great affinity to fire and wind, a good affinity to water, and a horrible affinity to earth. However affinity's can be raised with practice and special methods.]

"Can you tell me how to raise my affinities then?" Kane asked.

[For fire you have to increase your willpower and passion, and expose yourself to hotter fires.

For wind you have to learn to be free and let go, along with increasing your exposure to wind.

For water you have to be calm and logical, along with increasing your exposure to water.

And finally for earth, you have to learn to be steady and firm like a mountain along with increasing your exposure to the earth.]

Okay so he knew what he was going to be doing for the next few years.

Now he just to figure out what to teach Luka first...

Hello guys hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know your thoughts and feelings. I will be releasing chapters whenever I write them so as soon as I finish a chapter I will be posting it.

Goodbye and have a good day!

Riley_Tylercreators' thoughts
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