
Side Story: Xiao Ke (2)


In the mansion owned by the Han family, the city mayor Han Meng slammed his palm in the table creating cracks in it. The angry expression on his face scared everyone who was in front of him. "Tell me what is happening?"

A fat man steps forward with his huge shaking belly exposed. Those who were beside him all give him a cold look. The fat man was the hotel manager of the Han family hotel. Everything regarding the hotel was his responsibilities. "C...city mayor, I...I don't know what was happening. Everything is running smoothly this past couple of days as the hotel business are receiving many guests"


A resounding slapped echoed in the room as the fat hotel manager was slapped by Han Yuan the city mayor. The fat hotel manager rolls in the ground as a red hand print was on his now swollen cheeks. Cold sweat were continuously pouring out of his forehead as he was on all four in the ground. His whole body turned into a shade of pink which makes him look like a pig.

"I entrusted you to managed the hotel, and now you were here saying you don't know what is happening! Is your brain full of fat that you can't think properly! Or maybe you don't have a brain in the first place!" Han Yuan bellowed to the fat hotel manager as his angry face and loud shout makes everyone even more scared.

"Mayor Han, I think everything that is happening right now is the doing of the hotel owned by the Shui family. I heard from one of my people that the Shui family hotel is cooperating with the famous young actress Xiao Ke to promote them. Just look at it, while we are facing problems they are making their way back. This definitely has something to do with them" a man in front of Han Yuan said.

As Han Yuan listened to the man, what he said makes sense. Now that he was thinking clearly and thought about what was happening. He now understands that this might be the doing of the Shui family in revenge to them. Just thinking about it makes him angry again. 'This is the Clear Sky City, not your Spring Water City. This is my territory and you Shui's dared to even fight back here!'

"You! What is your name?!" Han Yuan pointed at the man who speaks. Although they are people of the Han family, that didn't mean that he knows their names even if they hold a position. That is why Han Yuan asked.

"Replying to City Mayor Han, this one is Zhang Shuang" the man replied with an excited expression. He was only a relatively low key person who just do his job. But now that Mayor Han noticed him, he knew that this must be a chance for him to move forward.

"Starting from today you will be the new hotel manager. While the hotel is under repairs, you think of a way on how we can get revenge to what the Shui hotel did. I want something to happen within this week" as Han Yuan said. The expressions of everyone in the room changes. The man name Zhang Shuang has a happy and grateful expression as he was the new hotel manager. While the fat man on the ground has a paled face as his body couldn't help but start shaking.

"C...city Mayor... what about me? W...what is my job?" the fat man shakingly asked. The horrified expression on his face says it all. He was the hotel manager for over a decade, and right now he was being replaced by an unknown person so easily. Although he was feeling aggrieved and discontented, he keeps it inside and just asked in a respectful tone.

"What about you! Do you think I have use in something like yourself! I don't need useless people like you who can't do their job properly!" the City Mayor Han Yuan then leave the room.

The fat man whose face is as white as a paper staggers to stand up. He glanced at Zhang Shuang for a second before leaving the room saying nothing.


Meanwhile in the Shui family hotel. Manager Bai was discussing the promotion with Xiao Ke and her manager. Manager Bai had to admit that this Xiao Ke was really beautiful. As a manager of a famous hotel, he thought that he already seen all kinds of beauty. But looking at this beautiful young woman in front of him makes him realize that those so called beauty he saw was nothing in compared to this. Her face was made to perfection, her skin was so pale and looks smooth. Her cherry red lips could make men drool, and her bright eyes looks like a star in the dark night which were full of innocence and bravery at the same time.

"Manager Bai, now that we've discussed what we will do. I will only asked when will the shooting will happen. I am not rushing you, it is just that Xiao Ke's schedule is really tight especially next week" Xiao Ke's manager said. She was a beautiful lady who seems to be in her thirties, and she was wearing a suit for men with her long hair tied in a high ponytail.

"Of course I understand that. How about this, I will contact some of my connection today to see if we can do it tomorrow" Manager Bai said.

"Alright then, please inform us if everything is clear" Xiao Ke's manager replied. She and Xiao Ke then leave the room now that the discussion is over. While they were walking back to their room which were just a couple of feet away. They saw a young man standing in front of the room which were besides their room.

Xiao Ke look at the young man who has a silver white hair with his eyes narrowed to slits. There is a mysterious feeling rising in her chest as she stares at him and she didn't know why. What she didn't know was that a couple of days later, this young man will save her from a tragedy that will happen to her.

I didn't have time to post a chapter yesterday because I and some of my friends went to an amusement park haha. Just one ride of roller coaster and I already feel dizzy. I guess it is not just for me...

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