

After Li Ming disappears from the Shui family mansion, he directly went to the warehouse where the Situ family store the weapons they collect. Right now Li Ming was standing at the rook of one of the building near the warehouse.

Li Ming could see several men wearing black clothes patrolling around the warehouse. They were carrying different types of guns. Each of them has a black sword tattoo at the back of their palms. They were the Black Sword Mercenary group that was hired by the Situ family to guard the area. Li Ming seeing this smile and thought to himself, 'It seems the Situ family trust this bunch of mercenaries quite deeply. They clearly leave this place for them'

For Li Ming, the Black Sword Mercenary group is just like a bunch of children. Even if they had guns in their hands, they aren't his match as his sword was much faster than their bullet and their reaction is definitely slow as they are just ordinary humans, except for the leader Black Sword himself as it was rumored that he was a martial artists/cultivator.

Holding his zanpakuto in his hand, Li Ming jump down from the rooftop and charge forward towards the warehouse. His sword reflecting the light of the moon glistens in cold radiant.


When Li Ming lands on the ground, no one noticed him as he was so fast. He then lunge towards the nearest mercenary and swing his blade. The mercenary didn't even noticed that he was already dead as his head slide down from his neck with the same expression. After killing the first mercenary, Li Ming continues his slaughter and disappear and reappear beside of behind each of the mercenaries. With every swing of his blade, a life was lost. The mercenaries can't even let out a single sound as they all died. The whole killing didn't even last ten seconds as all the mercenaries were lying in the ground dead. Their bloods painted the the ground red and the area has a thick stench of blood.

"It looks like Black Sword is not here" holding the bloodied sword, Li Ming noticed that Black Sword was not among the people he killed. Li Ming felt quite dejected as one of his main purpose of coming here was not here. His plans for going here is to kill and destroy the whole Black Sword mercenary group and destroy the weapons inside the warehouse.


Li Ming swing his sword towards the door of the warehouse and destroy it. As he enters inside, several boxes were piled up and contained inside. He opens one box and saw that the inside was guns. He then opened another one and there are body armors inside of it. There are several boxes inside and contains many different things from swords and bows to explosives.

Li Ming quickly pile up the boxes that contains explosives in the center of the warehouse. Holding a single hand grenade in his hand, Li Ming pull out the pin and tossed it to the explosives before disappearing.

After several second and earth shattering explosion shakes the whole Spring Water City. Sounds of sirens sounded across the whole city. Because of the explosion almost all of the people were afraid and terrified that they can't sleep.

Inside the Situ family mansion, a middle-aged man was sitting in a chair while his face was full of anger. In front of him was a big man with a long scar across his face was similarly angry. They were Situ Chenfeng the patriarch of the Situ family, and Black Sword the leader of the Black Sword Mercenary group.


Situ Chengfeng slam his palm on the table in front of him destroying it. Several black lines already appeared on his face as he clench his teeth hard. "How the fvck this happened! I thought you said to me that your men can easily protect the warehouse! It seems all your words are just full of bullsh!t! Now my weapons are gone and my plan will be ruined!"

Situ Chengfeng's expression was very ugly right now that it is hard to describe. Now that his weapons and warehouse was destroyed, it will certainly acquire attentions from everywhere. The police will certainly investigate the cause of this massive explosion and at the same time, they will also knew that those weapons are illegally smuggled here in Spring Water City. If that happens, he will definitely be put under surveillance and it will be difficult for him to make any other moves.

"Patriarch Situ don't forget that you are not the only one who lost something. I also lost most of my men, they are the backbones of my group. Because of this, it will take at least a year before I can rebuild my mercenary group again!" Black Sword was trembling in anger and his face turned red. The only thing in his mind right now is to know and capture the one who caused them their losses.

"Fvck your men! Do you think I care for their lives, it seems you are forgetting something very important here. I hire your group to guard the warehouse, but look what happened! My warehouse is gone along side with my plans! So fvck your men! I fvck your mom!" Situ Chengfeng continues to curse loudly towards Black Sword that the latter was already bathing on his saliva.


As he can't take it anymore, Black Sword slam his chair and went out of the room. He would investigate what happened in the warehouse personally and catch whoever did this. He promise that he will make whoever is the culprit wish that they didn't do it.

Li Ming arrived at the Shui family mansion at the front door as he didn't directly teleported inside. He opens the door and went inside. In the living room, Shui Wang and Shui Mei was sitting facing each other and it seems they were talking about something.

"Li Ming come over here I will tell you something" when Shui Wang noticed that Li Ming has returned, he first inspect his appearance if there is anything unusual or if there is any injuries. Seeing that he was fine just like earlier, he sigh in relief and called him over.

"Elder Shui what it is?" from the moment he entered the door and until now, Shui Mei who was just beside him didn't even glance towards him. 'This cold woman is really something'

"I was talking to Little Mei earlier and she said that you said to her that Meng Yan should be the one to come with her in the dorm?" Shui Wang said. Earlier when he was in his study room, his daughter came to him and talk about this. When he heard that Li Ming said that it should be Meng Yan who should come to the academy as a bodyguard to his daughter, Shui Wang cursed Li Ming countless of times inside his head. He was planning to make Li Ming the one who will accompany his daughter to the academy so that they will have time to spend together. He was sure that their relationship will definitely become close and if that happened, he would only need a single push and their relationship will be finalized.

Li Ming sat on the sofa beside Shui Mei and said, "Elder Shui Meng Yan should really be the one suited to become young lady's bodyguard"

'Fvck he really want Meng Yan to go with my daughter' the corner of Shui Wang's lips twitch as he swallowed the curses he wanted to shout towards Li Ming and just said with smile, "And here I wan thinking that it should be you going with my daughter"

"Elder Shui you should know that Shui Mei is a young lady, and I am a young man. Do you think it is appropriate for us to stay inside the same dorm and room?" Li Ming said.

Shui Wang also thought that it was a little inappropriate for his daughter and Li Ming to share a dorm together. But he quickly shake his head and thought, 'So what if it is inappropriate, for the sake of making you my son-in-law, I will be even glad if you make her pregnant right now' Of course Shui Wang couldn't saw those words out loud as he was sure he will be hated or beaten up.

Suddenly, Shui Wang's eyes brighten as he thought of something, 'If you can't stay with my daughter in a dorm as her bodyguard. I will just make you attend the same academy with her' Just thinking about this, Shui Wang suddenly laugh loudly as both Li Ming and Shui Mei stares at him not knowing what suddenly makes him like this.

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