

Ding... Mission: Attend the Battle Front Academy.(COMPLETED)

Ding... Successfully finishing the mission, host receives 5,000 system points. Congratulations and please look forward to the future missions.

While Li Ming was inside their dorm with his roommates, the mechanical voice sounded inside his head. He quickly arrange his things inside the room and took out his wallet. "How about we found some place to eat. I'm hungry as I didn't eat anything earlier"

Xie Ming and Chen Yu stopped and glanced at Li Ming. Xie Ming then said, "Now that you said it, I also feels a little hungry right now. Glasses come on we will go out and celebrate in becoming students in the academy"

Chen Yu hurriedly take out a small notebook and look at it. After a little while he said, "From the information that I gathered before going here, there is a very popular restaurant just near the academy. They serve delicious foods and they have many beautiful waitresses. We must go there and see it for ourselves if it is true"

Li Ming and Xie Ming watched Chen Yu as he took several cameras from his bag. It looks like he was going in to take pictures rather than to eat.

Noticing that the two were staring at him, Chen Yu smiled smugly and said, "Don't look at me like that. You guys didn't know but my hobby is to take pictures, but not any ordinary pictures. I like, no I love taking pictures of beautiful ladies and save them as treasures. As long as I have their pictures, I would be able to preserve their beauty through time"

Black lines appeared in both Li Ming and Xie Ming's faces as they watch glasses who had a fanatical expression on his face. They both thought that this young man will definitely be arrested in the near future. The trio then leave together and went to the restaurant with Glasses leading them.

With Glasses as the lead, the three of them arrived at a restaurant called, Heavenly Fragrance. Just like what Glasses said, the waitress inside were all beautiful ladies. They were greeted by a beautiful lady and was escorted to a vacant table. The whole time, Glasses couldn't take his eyes off of the beautiful lady that greeted them. He even sneakily took pictures of her in a weird angles. Li Ming and Xie Ming couldn't help but get angry at the perverted actions of this Glasses guy and cursed at him.

Because it is currently noon, the restaurant was busy. The three were just waiting for their orders to be served. The three were talking with each other when a group of people enters the restaurant. They were all wearing white clothes and black pants with small golden sword emblem in their chest.

Glasses who noticed first their clothes whispered to them, "Brothers did you see those people who just came in. They are students of the Battle Front Academy, but they are our seniors. But what took my attention is the gold emblem in their chest, that emblem signifies that they have an S grade talent"

Li Ming and XIe Ming look at those people and also saw the gold emblem on their chest. They also noticed that the customers inside where all afraid towards those students.

"Young lady do you have time for tonight? We brothers wanted to have some fun and maybe you can accompany us" one of the students with gold emblem said as he hold the wrist of a beautiful waitress. The man has a perverted expression on his face as he licked his lips while staring at the body of the waitress who was shivering.

"Or maybe you can also bring some of your friends. We promise you that we will treat you very well" another man said. His expression was the same as his friend as they harassed the waitress.

The customers around glanced at the waitress with pitiful look as they shake their heads. They all knew that if this continues, the waitress will probably be played with by this group. While the other waitress glanced at their co-worker with both pity and envy in their eyes.

"Young masters please give this old man some face and stop harassing my people. I will deeply appreciate it" suddenly an old man came out inside and said. His head is full of white hairs making him look extremely old, but his eyes were still full of life as if he was young.

"Old man you should be gratefu" it was clear that the young man holding the waitress wrist was angry at the old man interrupting him. But before he could finish his words, his friend wit him stop him shaking his head indicating to stop. The man then let go of the waitress and sit in a vacant table.

The young man who let go of the waitress look at his friend who stopped him and said, "Wang Li why did you stop me? Do you know that old man?"

The young man named Wang Li look at his friend and said, "Mo Sheng that old man is not simple. Not only he is the owner of this restaurant, his reputation around the area is also great. Even the elders in the academy act respectful towards that old man"

Mo Sheng look surprised that even the elders of their academy act respectful towards the old man. He wanted to know what as the identity of the old man, "Do you know the reason about the elders being respectful towards the old man. As I can see the old man has nothing special about him"

"Even I don't know the reason about that. The only thing I know is that the old man is someone well known in the past and something happened so he build this restaurant" Wang Li said. He is also curious about who the old man really is.

Mo Sheng remained silent and didn't continue to ask any further. He was the type of guy who bullied the weak and feared the strong. If he knew that someone has no backing or any power behind them, he will target them. But if he knew that they have a powerful backing, he will not touch them. As he came from an ordinary family, he knew that there are some people who he cannot offend even if he had a grade S talent.

"Those scums are really too much. To think they would harass one of my goddess. If they do it again I will shove my feet into their ass" seeing that one of the beautiful waitress that he was admiring was harassed by the other students. Chen Yu felt angry but he didn't even do anything to help the waitress as he sit there afraid to move.

"To think that there are students who acted this way really opens my eyes. They are even grade S talent, it seems that their arrogance and pride to themselves already reach their brains" the silent Xie Ming said. Li Ming glanced at Xie Ming and feel that this man had some sort of grudge against those who had an S grade talent.

After a couple more minutes, their dishes had arrived and the trio eat. Li Ming was surprised to know that the food in here has such a unique flavor to them. It is much more tastier and delicious than the other food he eaten in this world.

"Glasses I must praise you for bringing us in such a great restaurant. Your usefulness shows up in this kind of situation" Xie Ming give Glasses a thumbs up before lowering his head again and continues eating. Chen Yu didn't bother to look up at Xie Ming and busied himself eating. He was also shocked to know that the food here is delicious. He thought that the only good thing here is the beauties, he didn't thought that even the food is good.

There will be a bonus chapter that will be posted 12 hours after this...

AkiraHNTcreators' thoughts
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