
In MHA with Omnifabrication

Mano Yoshiro finds himself in the world of MHA with the power of Omnifabrication. Read on as Mano Yoshiro becomes the strongest person in the multiverse!

Shzoinks_ · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: The final piece

After finishing eating his ramen, Yoshiro grabs the remaining amount of scraps and yeets them into his living room. Sitting down at on his couch, Yoshiro begins working on the mask.

"Well if I'm going to make it so that the mask can analyze opponents, then I'm going to have added a system where analyzes the person's body" Said Yoshiro

Yoshiro gets his computer modules and system modules and gets to work. Yoshiro planned to add a database with all fighting styles along with karate, taekwondo, etc. Yoshiro starts coding and connecting the modules to the mask.

(Ok I'm changing it, I'm turning the suit into a hoodie)

Adding the final piece, Yoshiro wipes the sweat off his face. He sighs and takes a deep breath.

"Ok. I finished the analysis system, now I just need to create the mask and I'll be done"

He begins working on the mask and adding a separate layer for the modules. The mask worked like the iron man mask. The mask would turn on and allow the person to see through the mask with no problem at all. The mask also has a hud but it's mainly used for vital information and analysis.

After a full 4 hours, Yoshiro finishes working on the mask with dark circles under his eyes.

"If I knew it was going to be this much work, then I would have just created an AI to do all of this for me from the beginning!"

"I'm finally finished though. Now....*yawns* I can go to sleep again"

Yoshiro falls asleep and you guessed it! Another dream! However, this dream was a lot more terrifying. In this dream, they lost. They lost the fight against these 3 mysterious figures. However not without a fight, The 3 mysterious figures were injured and were heavily breathing.

He tries to stand up and run towards one of those figures before getting hit by a purple beam that pushes him back. He falls back on the ground groaning in pain. Yoshiro looks to his left and finds a person wearing the Godspeed costume. Except this time, his face was completely exposed. Looking to his right, he finds a person with a force field laying on the ground.

Before anything else could happen, his vision fades to black.........!?*#!

WHE?R#?$(& T+_E% AM (+_IY&^$#)

WH*(A^#*% T_=H F0CK IS A&93!?L OF TH^&*S #*CO!_#&% AND WOR_)!DS?!






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Yoshiro wakes up on the couch sweating again.

"Ugh....what was that. I saw....words and code...."

"I saw some sort of Logo. Something like.....01110111 01100101 01100010 01101110 01101111 01110110 01100101 01101100"

Yoshiro looks outside and sees the sun shining brightly on his window. He sighs...










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