
In MHA as girl? (not working on)

Blue_Dragon_3038 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

chapter 6 exam

As the gate opened, I sprinted forward while the others hesitated, staring at me as if wondering if I was mentally sound. Present Mic's voice boomed, "What are you doing? Go, go, go!" They snapped out of their stupor, realizing the exam had already begun.

Recalling the layout and strategy, I teleported behind a robot, pressing the button on its back. It was only a one-pointer, but it was a start. Five minutes later, I had racked up 34 villain points, but hero points remained an unknown variable.

In the observation room, the examiners discussed the candidates. "There are some promising ones out there. That girl with the teleportation quirk looks interesting. She can transport up to three others with minimal side effects."

"They're already strategizing against my teleportation," I muttered, realizing I needed to switch tactics. My second quirk, inherited from my maternal grandfather, was about to come into play. "Flashbang!" I shouted, sending out a blinding burst of light. As the robot reeled, I yanked the wires from its head, disabling it instantly.

With three minutes left on the clock, the ground began to tremble ominously. The Zero-Pointer. Panic erupted as students fled, but I spotted some who needed help. I grabbed two people, teleporting them to the front of the exam site to safety.

Determined to prove my worth, I prepared to face the real challenge head-on. Determined to prove my worth, I prepared to face the real challenge head-on. The massive Zero-Pointer robot loomed ahead, a towering mechanical giant causing chaos and destruction. The ground quaked with each of its steps, and the air was filled with the sound of crumbling debris and panicked shouts.

I spotted a girl trapped under a pile of rubble, struggling to free herself. Without hesitation, I teleported to her side. "Hang on, I've got you," I said, my voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through me. Using my light manipulation quirk, I created a blinding flash to disorient the Zero-Pointer, buying us precious seconds.

With a quick burst of strength, I lifted the debris off the girl and teleported her to safety, just outside the immediate danger zone. She looked up at me with grateful eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Stay safe," I replied before teleporting back into the fray. The Zero-Pointer was wreaking havoc, and I knew I needed to find a way to disable it or at least minimize the damage it was causing.

As I darted through the battlefield, I used my teleportation quirk to avoid the robot's attacks, staying just out of its reach. My mind raced, searching for a weak point. The instructors had emphasized that the Zero-Pointer was a distraction, but taking it down would surely earn me significant points.

Spotting an exposed panel near the base of the robot's neck, I knew what I had to do. I teleported to a nearby rooftop to get a better angle. Focusing my energy, I unleashed a concentrated beam of light at the panel, hoping to short-circuit its control systems. The robot convulsed, sparks flying from the damaged area.

But it wasn't enough. I needed to act quickly before it recovered. With a deep breath, I teleported directly onto the robot's shoulder, feeling the heat and vibration from its internal mechanisms. Ignoring the risk, I used my light manipulation quirk to create a series of blinding flashes, temporarily paralyzing its sensors. I then ripped open the panel and started pulling wires, my hands moving with a mix of desperation and determination.

The Zero-Pointer shuddered violently, but I held on, yanking out key components until, finally, the massive robot ground to a halt. I teleported to the ground just as it began to topple, making sure I was clear of the crash site.

As the dust settled, the arena was eerily quiet. Then, slowly, applause broke out from the students who had been watching. I breathed a sigh of relief, my heart still pounding from the intensity of the battle.

In the observation room, the instructors exchanged impressed looks. "She's got potential," one of them said, nodding approvingly.

"Definitely hero material," another agreed.

Present Mic's voice echoed through the area, signaling the end of the exam. "Well done, everyone! Please make your way to the exit for your results."

As I walked towards the exit, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I had faced the ultimate test and come out stronger on the other side. The real journey was just beginning, but I was ready. Ready to become the hero I was meant to be.