
In MHA as girl? (not working on)

Blue_Dragon_3038 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

chapter 10

The anticipation for more hands-on training was finally rewarded when Aizawa-sensei announced that we'd be having a special training session that afternoon. The excitement in the room was palpable, and whispers of what might be in store filled the air.

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Aizawa-sensei began, his voice cutting through the chatter. "Today, you'll be participating in a practical training exercise led by a special guest. I expect you all to take this seriously."

As he finished speaking, the door to the classroom slid open, and All Might, in his towering, heroic form, stepped in. The room erupted in cheers and gasps of excitement. All Might's presence was electrifying, and even I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration and respect.

"Young heroes!" All Might boomed, his voice full of energy. "Today, we're going to conduct a battle training exercise! You'll be split into teams of two, with one team playing the role of villains and the other team playing the role of heroes. Your objective will be to either protect or capture a fake bomb within a designated area."

The class buzzed with excitement as All Might continued, "However, I see we have an uneven number of students. I'll participate to even out the teams and ensure everyone gets a fair chance to practice. Let's draw lots to determine the teams!"

We all gathered around as All Might handed out slips of paper, each one bearing a different letter. I nervously unfolded mine and saw that I was paired with Ochaco Uraraka. Glancing around, I saw that Midoriya had been paired with Bakugo, and I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious for him, knowing their volatile history.

All Might divided us into heroes and villains. Ochaco and I were assigned to the hero team, and our objective was to infiltrate the building and secure the bomb.

"Remember," All Might said, "work together and use your quirks wisely. This is a test of strategy, teamwork, and execution."

As we prepared for the exercise, I turned to Ochaco. "Okay, we need a plan. My teleportation can help us move quickly and avoid detection. If we combine it with your Zero Gravity, we can maneuver around the building more effectively."

Ochaco nodded, her face set with determination. "Right! We need to find the bomb as quickly as possible and avoid any confrontations if we can."

The exercise began, and Ochaco and I teleported into the building, using our combined quirks to move swiftly and silently. We encountered a few obstacles along the way, but we managed to outmaneuver the "villains" with our teamwork and strategy.

As we approached the location of the fake bomb, we heard voices around the corner. Peeking around, I saw Midoriya and Bakugo arguing, their tempers flaring. Taking advantage of the distraction, I teleported Ochaco and myself behind them, and we quickly secured the bomb.

"Time's up!" All Might's voice echoed through the building, signaling the end of the exercise.

We regrouped with the rest of the class, and All Might gave us feedback on our performance. "Well done, young heroes! You showed great initiative and teamwork. Remember, hero work is not just about individual strength, but about working together and using your quirks to complement each other."

As the class ended, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment. The practical training had been exactly what I needed, and I was eager to continue developing my abilities alongside my classmates. This was just the beginning, and I knew that with each training session, I would grow stronger and more capable, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. After the exercise concluded, All Might gathered the class together for a debriefing session. His usual exuberant demeanor was replaced with a more serious tone as he addressed us.

"Young heroes, today you demonstrated the importance of teamwork and strategy in hero work. Each of you showed promise, but there's always room for improvement. Learn from today's experience and continue to grow."

He paused, looking at each of us in turn. "Akari and Ochaco, your use of teleportation and Zero Gravity was impressive. You moved quickly and efficiently, avoiding unnecessary confrontations. Keep refining that coordination."

I felt a swell of pride at All Might's words, and Ochaco gave me a beaming smile. It was a great feeling to be recognized for our efforts.

"Midoriya and Bakugo," All Might continued, turning his attention to them. "You both have incredible potential, but you need to work on your communication and teamwork. Remember, a hero team must function as a unit."

Midoriya nodded earnestly, while Bakugo looked away, his expression stubborn but thoughtful.

After the debriefing, we all headed back to the classroom, the adrenaline still pumping through our veins. As we settled into our seats, Aizawa-sensei reminded us of our regular studies, emphasizing the balance between practical and academic learning.

The next day, during lunch, I decided it was a good opportunity to talk more with Midoriya about our training experiences and potential strategies for future exercises. I found him sitting with Ochaco and Iida, as usual, and approached their table with my tray.

"Hey, Midoriya," I said, sitting down next to him. "I wanted to talk to you about yesterday's training. I think we could both learn a lot from each other's quirks and strategies."

Midoriya looked up from his notes, his eyes lighting up with interest. "Oh, absolutely, Akari! I was really impressed with how you and Ochaco worked together. Your teleportation quirk is amazing."

"Thanks," I replied, feeling a bit shy under his praise. "Your quirk is really powerful too, but I think you could benefit from some strategies to complement your strength. Maybe we could train together sometime and exchange tips?"

Ochaco and Iida nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a great idea," Ochaco said. "We can all learn from each other and get better as a team."

Iida added, "Indeed. Effective teamwork is essential for becoming great heroes. Combining our strengths will make us much more formidable."

With our plans set, we decided to meet after school for a training session. As the afternoon classes dragged on, I felt a growing excitement at the prospect of working closely with Midoriya and the others. This was an opportunity to refine my skills and develop new strategies that could make a real difference in our future training exercises.

When the final bell rang, we gathered at the school's training grounds, ready to put our ideas into practice. Midoriya and I started by discussing our quirks in detail, exploring ways we could use them together.

"I've been thinking about how your strength and my teleportation could work together," I said. "If we coordinate our moves, I could teleport you into advantageous positions during combat, allowing you to strike quickly and catch opponents off guard."

Midoriya nodded, his expression thoughtful. "And your light manipulation could be used to create distractions or blind enemies, giving us an edge in tight situations. We could also use Ochaco's Zero Gravity to move more fluidly."

As we practiced, it became clear that our quirks complemented each other well. We spent hours running drills and testing different strategies, each of us pushing our limits and learning from our mistakes.

By the end of the session, we were exhausted but exhilarated. We had made significant progress, and I could feel the bond between us growing stronger. This was just the beginning of our journey, but I knew that with dedication and teamwork, we could achieve great things together.

As we parted ways that evening, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The challenges of U.A. High School were demanding, but with friends like Midoriya, Ochaco, and Iida by my side, I was more confident than ever in my ability to succeed and become the hero I aspired to be.