
Saving Rogue

Started watching Oppenheimer... I must say that film is one hell of a mental trip.

Tell me if the chapter seem rushed or done badly.


As Senator Kelly lay in distress, Xavier delved deeper into his mind, navigating the labyrinth of memories. Amidst Kelly's thoughts, a startling revelation emerged—a glimpse of the mutant machine devised by Magneto.

Xavier's psychic exploration revealed fragmented images and cryptic glimpses of the device's construction and purpose. The machine's sinister design, intended to catalyze mutations in normal humans, loomed ominously within Kelly's subconscious.

"What are you doing, Eric?" thought Xavier, saddened.

"Magneto created a machine that allows normal people to be transformed into mutants. He used it on the senator," Xavier explained, his concern evident in her voice.

The poor man started swirling and convulsing, terrifying everyone in the room. Suddenly, his form destabilized, turning into a watery substance that began flooding the area, shocking those witnessing the scene.

"The radiation's effects are too strong. They temporarily turn individuals into mutants before... ending up like him," Jean explained, her voice laced with concern.

"But what does he need Marie for?" asked Storm.

"The use of the machine leaves him very weakened; he probably wants to use Rogue as a substitute" Xavier said, his steely gaze reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Theon rushed into the infirmary, breathless with urgency. "Professor, Cerebro's fixed," he blurted out, his words cutting through the tension in the room.

Addressing the X-Men, Xavier's tone was resolute. "Cerebro's back online. This might give us an edge against Magneto," he stated, a note of determination in his voice.

/Cerebro Vault/

Using the machine, Xavier located Anna inside the torch of the Statue of Liberty.

"Magneto put Marie inside the torch of the Statue of Liberty. Basing on what I've seen, he intends to mutate the human leaders at the United Nations summit."

"Okay, we will use Blackwing to reach and stop them. Storm, Jean, Wolverine, Beast, the X-Men will strike tonight," exclaimed Scott.

"Wait, I want to join too."

"Theon? No, you-" Cyclop began.

"I can vouch for him; it was time for some real experience," said Logan, interrupting Cyclops.

"Then let's go get the suits."

In the midst of their preparations, the X-Men assembled in the armory, gearing up for the imminent mission to the Statue of Liberty.

As Scott directed everyone to grab their suits, Theon hesitated, eyeing the standard suit provided for him. Swiftly, he made his way to a corner, his fingers deftly modifying the suit. He added a sleek mask and a visor that covered his eyes, a stark deviation from the others' gear.

Cyclops, curious about Theon's alterations, approached him. "What's with the mask and visor?" he inquired, puzzled by the deviation from the team's standard attire.

Theon glanced up, his eyes hidden behind the mask. "Unlike you guys, I'm not stupid enough to publicly reveal my face," he retorted, his voice tinged with a hint of cynicism. "I would like to keep my identity private."

Cyclops nodded, acknowledging Theon's reasoning. He respected the need for secrecy, especially considering the heightened risks involved in their line of work. With a nod, Cyclops continued with the preparations, recognizing the importance of respecting each member's preferences and safety measures.


Reaching the base of the statue, Theon told Logan, "For the love of god, Wolverine, do not go against a guy called Magneto."

'Who in their right mind would launch themselves at a person that can control the bones in their body?' thought Theon, remembering a film scene where Logan launched himself at Magneto.

"Okay, squad, remember the plan. We will infiltrate the statue silently, and Revan... be careful," said Cyclops, referring to Theon, who had chosen Revan as his superhero name—a nod to the Jedi/Sith who had the potential to be the Chosen One of the Old Republic.

"Don't worry, Cyclop, I'm not that weak," Theon reassured, determination burning in his eyes.

Inside the intricate passages of the statue, the X-Men ventured on their separate paths, each encountering formidable adversaries.

Logan locked eyes with Sabretooth, a familiar adversary triggering buried memories. "Victor?" Logan muttered, a flicker of recognition piercing through the haze of battle.

Sabretooth's snarl softened momentarily. "Always slow on the uptake, little brother," he taunted, the ferocity of battle resuming as claws clashed, the sound reverberating through the statue.

Storm confronted Toad, the agile antagonist bounding across the statue's structure. "Your agility won't save you," Storm declared, conjuring gusts and whirlwinds to counter Toad's venomous strikes.

"Got more moves than wind, princess," Toad taunted, dodging and striking with venomous agility.

"So be it," said Storm before striking Toad with a bolt of lightning, killing him in the process.

Jean and Scott engaged Magneto, whose mastery over metal posed a formidable challenge. "Your power has limits, Magneto!" Scott proclaimed, his optic beams meeting Magneto's magnetic forces in a dazzling clash.

"Can't you see what I'm doing for our species?" Magneto replied, his voice reverberating with confidence as metallic structures clashed with Jean's telekinetic prowess.

"Your machine is incomplete; it will kill all the people at the summit!"

"Then so be it! Those people will be able to feel a part of the pain we suffered since childhood. Why must you defend them?!"

Meanwhile, Theon faced Pyro, his disappointment evident at the lack of a true challenge. "Is that all you've got?" Theon baited, effortlessly deflecting Pyro's flames with telekinetic barriers.

"I'll burn you to cinders!" Pyro snarled, intensifying his fiery assault, but Theon's calm demeanor remained, disappointed at the lack of a more formidable opponent.

Tired, he lifted Pyro up and launched him out of the statue, making him fall into the sea.

As the intense battles raged on, Logan managed to break free from his grueling fight by doing the same thing as Theon, making Sabretooth fly into the sea, and rushed towards the torch where Anna was confined.

Using his adamantium claws, Logan breached the encasing holding Anna. Frantically, he shielded her from the residual effects of the machine, which had temporarily drained her life force. In a moment of selflessness, Logan, aware of his regenerative abilities, pressed his hands to her, transferring a portion of his healing power to stabilize her condition, almost depleting himself in the process.

With immense effort, Logan managed to extract Anna from the dangerous situation, carrying her to safety amidst the chaos of the ongoing battle within the statue.

However, as they emerged from the conflict, Logan stumbled, weakened from the exertion of healing Anna. His senses dulled, and his vision blurred, the toll of the sacrifice taking its toll. Scott and Jean, realizing Logan's weakened state, rushed to assist, supporting him as they navigated their way out of the statue.

The remaining X-Men fought fiercely, their determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. In a coordinated effort, they managed to neutralize their adversaries one by one, culminating in a showdown with Magneto at the heart of the statue.

As the battle reached its peak, Magneto, consumed by his fervent beliefs, continued to press his destructive agenda. Jean and Scott, using their combined powers, attempted to reason with him, appealing to his humanity amid the chaos.

"We can't let you do this, Magneto!" Scott urged, desperation tinged in his voice.

Magneto, resolute in his conviction, countered vehemently. "You fail to comprehend, to empathize with our plight! They must understand our suffering!"

Despite their efforts, the standoff intensified, the clash between ideologies escalating within the confined space of the statue.

In the midst of the tumultuous conflict, Logan, weakened but determined, joined Jean and Scott, his grit unwavering even in his depleted state. With their combined efforts, they managed to stall Magneto's plan momentarily, creating a small window of opportunity.

Utilizing the distraction, Xavier, Storm, and Beast worked together to disrupt the machine, disabling its functionality just as Magneto attempted to activate it.

The machine's malfunction caused a surge of energy, shaking the foundation of the statue and creating a protective barrier around the summit area, preventing the catastrophic consequences Magneto intended.

As the dust settled and the X-Men regrouped, Magneto, defeated but unbroken, made a hasty retreat, disappearing into the chaos he had instigated.

The X-Men, victorious yet weary from the intense battle, emerged from the statue, regrouping outside as emergency services arrived to secure the area.


Power:[Tattoo Empowerment]

Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they are near, come in contact with, or have tattoos, possibly to unlock abilities related to what the tattoo is based on and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from tattoos or even slow or stop aging.

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