
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · Movies
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34 Chs


No one has resolved the riddle yet.

I'm disappointed, I thought you guys were smarter. smh

Laura is winning the pool (Sad face)


Seeing his classmates start their assignments, Theon went ahead and helped each one of the groups.

Some of them had creative ideas like carving a shelter inside a giant tree others were just straight-up stupid like using earth.

As the groups worked, Storm approached Theon.

"You're doing great helping out Theon, your insights are very valuable"

'Damn she's sexy too bad my body is too young'

"Thanks, Professor" replied him with a smile.

Continuing he said: "It's fascinating seeing everyone using their abilities differently

By the session's end, the groups achieved varying levels of success. Some had sturdy shelters, while others pursued more experimental and artistic designs.

"Good job, everyone!" Storm praised her students before reminding them to document their work for the next lecture.

Amidst the wrapping up, Bobby approached Theon. "Sorry you couldn't join. How was assisting Storm?"

"It was interesting," Theon shrugged. "I got to witness everyone's powers up close. But an igloo in a forest, Bobby? Seriously?"

"It was atrocious to watch Jesus...I felt wrong just from imagining it"

"Brother, my abilities limit my constructs!" Bobby defended. "An ice castle is in the cards once I'm stronger."

"Ice castle? What are you? Elsa?" Theon teased

"Ok, it's impossible to win an argument against you"

"Exactly, now why Anna was not here?"

"Oh, she doesn't participate in lessons where you have to work with other people. We actually get the freedom to choose our class"

"Uh? So Xavier made me listen to that boring History le-"

Before he could finish his phrase Theon felt shivers all over his body, Logan was behind him.


Turning around Theon began to speak" Mr.Logan, today is a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Yea yea, what were you saying before? asked Logan with a dangerously fake smile.

"Oh, that? I was explaining to my friend here how interesting yo-" Realizing his mistake (lying) Theon attempted to flee, but Logan easily hoisted him onto his shoulders.

"You're coming with me to Combat class."

'I'm doomed'

/Combat class/

When Logan brought Theon to his class, he noticed some familiar faces; there were Sam, Prodigy, and... 'Quicksilver? This is the X-Men version. So Pietro and Wanda might still be here.' Bobby also joined the class reluctantly.

"Why are we the only ones here?" asked Theon, fearing the answer.

"Well, the others found my training... let's just say they didn't like it," responded Logan.

'I should think twice before talking about Wolv in public.'

"Today, since there's a new member, you guys will do endurance training," stated Logan, earning glares from all the students, except for Bobby, who just sighed. 

"I will teach a Taekwondo moveset, the poomsae. I want you guys to memorize the sequences I'm about to show you and keep repeating them until I tell you to stop.

Logan began demonstrating the intricate sequences, each movement flowing into the next with precision and grace. As he executed the forms, the students watched attentively, trying to absorb every motion.

The Prodigy immediately started replicating the movements, his keen observation allowing for near-perfect emulation. Quickly followed by Quicksilver, whose lightning-fast reflexes mirrored Logan's motions effortlessly. 'Tsk, these dudes are cheating, bro,' thought Theon, feeling the pressure to catch up.

As Theon projected the movements in his mind, he closed his eyes and envisioned a scenario: a HYDRA soldier standing before him, poised for combat.

At first, his movements were erratic, tentative steps and uncertain strikes, mimicking a novice's struggle. But gradually, his body adjusted. With each repetition, the poomsae became more fluid, his strikes more deliberate.

In his mind's eye, the sparring intensified. Theon's movements synchronized with his imagination as he fought the imaginary soldier. Initially stumbling, he gained confidence, weaving through attacks and countering with calculated precision. The HYDRA soldier, a mere mental projection, began to respond aggressively, keeping up with Theon's increasing proficiency.

He found himself smiling amid the imagined battle, adrenaline coursing through him. Every strike felt real, every dodge calculated.

But as the intensity peaked, a sudden jolt brought him back to reality.

"Theon! Theon!"

Startled, Theon found himself mid-kick, directed at Logan's leg. Confusion clouded his thoughts. "Uh? What happened? Where is the HYDRA soldier?"

"HYDRA? What are you talking about? That organization got wiped out a long time ago," Logan clarified.

"But there was one here!"

"No, while you were repeating the moves, I approached you since you couldn't hear and you started attacking me out of nowhere. Gotta admit, kid, you were good. Too bad your physical strength is not enough to hurt me."

"You achieved the Clear state," the Prodigy interjected.

Continuing he said, "It's a hyper-focused state of mind. Usually, only those with immense potential for martial arts can reach it. But as far as I know, it's only a legend."

'Clear state? No, it was more like Ultra instinct or... Vaapad?' Realization dawned on Theon.

'The force?! He gave me the connection to the Force!?'


Power:[Blood Constructs]


The user can turn blood into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence, ranging from simple shapes and images, to individual elements, substances and materials, to functional items such as tools and weapons, to more complex creations such as living or non-living entities, entire structures and even environments in certain cases.

He finally realized the truth, will he like it?


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