
Can't wait for Tomorrow

"So which world would you like to go to?" The entity (old man) asked casually .

"Let's go to Marvel" the soul said very enthusiastically.

The entity nodded and the soul was then sucked inside a portal. When he open his eyes , he was in a field. Behind him was a big red barn. He entered the barn only to find some pictures of himself , a T.V. , a clock and a calander. He looked at the date and it was 2012 . It was about a two months left till the the events of Avengers 1 will happen.

Our protagonist , Ethan clenched his fist and thought 'Things are going to be fun' and laughed.

He checked his phone and bank account. He only had about 20,000 dollars. He was broke right now but he didn't really care as he had the creative access of minecraft. He quickly open his system which showed

Name - Ethan Griffin

Age - 20

Race - Human

Job - farmer , Minecraft God

Money - $20, 347





Well he had to earn more than that , also he already can use all the powers he had , he just have to get used it.

First he opened the blocks section and yes this is exactly how it looks like in creative mode. All the blocks were there. He selected an ingot of gold and it materialised in front of him. He picked up the ingot which was very light for him as it's only about 11-13kg ( according to google ). He opened the shop and clicked the exchange feature. The ingot disappeared and he got a notification saying "$690,500.50 has been credited to your account" , he felt satisfied and got outside of his barn . He was currently in Texas and had quite alot of land most of which was being used for farming. He searched inside his mind to find a way to form a barrier here as things soon will get dangerous.

He took out some barrier blocks and started putting them around his field. He put the blocks forming a dome that only had one entrance. Now you might ask how other people will enter? Well as far as he could remember he never made friends in this world and didn't interacted much with people. He also was very far from the nearest city so there were no people who would visit him. He then started practicing his powers like sharingan , physical abilities and ofcourse his Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis.

He wanted to be ready for the battle of the New York so he trained very hard. He also made a wall from bedrock around his field which he later covered with cobblestone and stone bricks so it looks good. Why did he do that , well let's just say it looked and felt good. He also made a big door with he got from one of the mods. Now this place looked like a sacred traning place from outside, definitely not like kamartaj

He also spawned some zombies and the like for his training. He was starting to get used to the powers he had. He trained for a month and now Its only little less than 1 month remaining for the New York event.

Ethan wanted to make his appearance In the battle. He wanted to see how the 'Avengers' will reacts when they see a kid destroying the army alone. But it is too soon to say anything right now.

He went to the shop and found out something interesting. He can also buy skills from the shop , which he didn't really expected as it's just a Minecraft system (shall I make a different novel with this theme? Comment )

Now he wasn't really excellent in magic but he could still summon a portal(without that ring ofcource). He was following the training schedule of a certain bald hero and I don't think I have to name him.

He bought many things such as land around his field. And ofcource some basic machines like refrigerator and the likes, The time was passing but he couldn't wait to make his appearance and see the faces of the Avengers , specially black wi- , nevermind I said that.

The time flew by and tomorrow the New York battle will take place but Ethan couldn't control his smile and started laughing like a maniac. He thought 'Damn, just 15 more hours!'


Howdyy People, Comment if you want to see some harem (I personally don't want it) and like always if you find any mistakes or have doubts , just comment it or dm me on discord-Arch Tysonoo#8342

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