
In Marvel With Multiple Mutations!

Nathaniel Howard wasn’t at all remarkable. He was the classic shut in gamer and comic book reader, who had an overall shit life. So what happens when he gets transported into a world that is nothing like his own, and instead a combination of all Marvel properties? — I am sorry for my absence on this site, but too clarify I only make new stories if I: A) Don’t know where to go with the plot B) Want to drop them (Possibly for a rework, Like I’m doing with my Homelander fic as it has a special place in my heart as my first real fic) C) I’m so bored of an idea it actually mentally pains me to continue writing chapters (Doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does it stresses me out. I don’t know why this happened but I believe it’s something to do with my ADHD or Autism Idk) But luckily, I’m not dropping any of them (maybe my fallen order fic for a rework because survivor has come out) … Yes this is Harem story, if you don’t like it you can leave at anytime I don’t really care. If you read I’m open to harem suggestions. MC isn’t OP, and I am not using the word filler technique on any of my stories as that is completely fucking disgusting, like how can you be so lazy? Get on that Grindset dude...

DarthVanagis · Anime & Comics
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Vanishing Through Space-Time

I have returned! As an apology, I give you this 2k + word chapter. I have worked hard on making this one of if not my best fics I've ever written, that being said, Please accept this bribe- I mean apology and enjoy!

My Discôrd: https://disc ord.gg/ UUtBCFvEUt

My Patrèon: https:// www .pat reon. com/DarthVanagis (Remove the spaces? no extra chapters, just a way to support for now)

PS: I'll be Plugging my Disc ord and pat r è on at the top from now on!



"I guess that concludes today's lesson, I expect at Least 8 paragraphs by tomorrow." The professor grabbed his stuff quickly and left, as did I.

I wanted to go home and lay down. I couldn't wait to order across the spider-verse for blueray. It was a great movie, albeit one I never got to finish.

I speed walked down an alley, ignoring the gangsters and obvious trouble makers while also not trying to stand out too much.

I felt a sudden sharp pain in my feet, "My feet were killing me-" I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, hitting my head hard on the pavement. Thankfully, no blood trickled down my forehead as I shook the blur from my eyes.

"Let me rephrase that, My feet are literally trying to kill me." I got up and tried to walk, but fell again.

"What…the…fuck?" I cursed as I found myself in a pitch black world, 'How hard did I hit my head?'

Buildings were split in two, the debris floating in place. It was as if they were in statists…

I kept walking, skeletons littered the area, human and animal alike. Despite all of that, I could tell that this is still Harlem. My home.

"Damn, That must have been the smoothest transition between dimensions I've ever done. Good job me." I turned around at break neck speeds to see the source of the voice…

I almost pissed my pants. The figure was around 6'3 towering over my 5'7 form, with platinum blonde hair and dead blue eyes. What stood out the most was the black horns and the invisible aura that the man-No, monster exuded.

"Now, you must be wondering why you are here, standing in front of THE Lucifer." He trailed off for dramatic effect, I didn't care though, because I was too focused on not pissing myself, "That is because I want someone to test my ability to create. Who else than some nobody that has nobody to miss them right?"

I could only shake and take a knee as the pressure was too much.

"In exchange for you living the rest of your pityful existence in a fabricated universe I will be giving you a total of 3 abilities…. Wait, why are you- Oh, my bad. I forgot about the pressure thing, not used to being around humans yet." The pressure vanished, and I took in deep breaths, trying to regain my balance.

He waited a bit before I could fully process what he had said, and as soon as I could I spoke my answer, "Yes!"

I didn't even know what type of world he'd be sending me to, and to be honest? I didn't care. I had no family and barely any friends, I was a 21 year old Virgin that had never experienced the touch of a mother let alone a woman, and had an abusive alcoholic father who drove said mother to an early grave shortly after I was born. In other words? A Death world would be more preferable than my current life.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, "What? Just like that? You aren't scared of where I could potentially send you?"

I cocked my head, "Not particularly, Anything would be better than the dumpster fire of the world I live in." It gave me a look. "What? Was I supposed to be difficult on this? I quite literally have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. You said it yourself." I deadpanned.

"I know, but father said it would be more challenging…" it furrowed it's brows in disappointment.

I sat in the awkward silence for a bit, "Sooo…do I tell you my wishes now?"

"Sure I guess. I already brought you here."

"I want all fiction!" It cocked a eyebrow, before scoffing, "kid, I definitely ain't giving you that, And before you ask I'm not giving you a gamer system of any sort." Damn, worth a shot.

"How about…" I thought about something that could potentially help me in the possible Death world that Lucifer would be sending me too… Holy shit I never though those words would come out of my mouth, "First, I want Unlimited blade works!"

"No can do," I frowned, "But I can give you a buffed version of Sword Birth from DxD." I thought about it for a second. before ultimately agreeing and continuing to think about my options. 'Still an OP sword ability, something I could definitely get behind.'

"Deal." I thought about something else that could potentially increase my chances of surviving in a multitude of worlds, "Second, I want a skill that can let me change any aspect of the body."

"Hmmm….I guess I'll allow it."

"Third, I want a place where I can retreat to…Kind of like my own hunters dream."

"Alright, That is actually pretty reasonable. You know what, I could use the entertainment so fuck it, wishes granted. Have fun." I cocked my head this time.

"What?" A sharp pain erupted from my neck, My body burned white hot before my vision went black.

I snapped upwards from my laying position, "Damn, that was…Unexpectedly fast and painful," I stood up from the bed I had more or less 'Spawned' on, and walked into the bathroom. "Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised that actual SATAN isn't exactly a nice person."

From the memories in this body, this life was an exact replica of my old one. Same name and Living area Only differences were; in this reality, I wasn't a looser! I didn't live in my hateful ass dad's basement, instead I lived in a decent apartment in a pretty nice neighborhood within Harlem. Though I would be relocating to my own 'Dimension' soon.

I observed myself in the mirror, I was chiseled. Not like marble Chiseled, but like Comic Batman chiseled. I still had my birthmark on my chest, which in my eyes was cool. It was in the shape of a Star, something that reminded me of my father before he was an unemployed alcoholic scum bag.

Focusing, I 'felt' three strings string inside my mind. Pulling on one, an image of my body with a menu appeared that had my name, race, genetic make up, height, Weight, and age on display. 'Is this my 'Customization' ability?' I 'clicked' on my back, and a drop down list appeared.

I skimmed through it until I had found something that caught my eye. "Wings?" Curiosity overtook me, and I selected the option and confirmed it. A few seconds later I felt my back began to morph to make room for my new appendages, and after a few seconds of numbness and discomfort, I had myself wings.

Flapping them a few times I found myself hovering above the ground, my head almost touching the ceiling. It didn't feel unnatural at all, it felt like I had been doing this my whole life. As I floated around the apartment with graceful ease, I pulled one of my the other 'strings' and a short black sword popped into existence and fell to the ground. Picking it up, I felt a connection form between it and myself.

The blade itself was unique, the more I observed it, I found out it wasn't just black, it held no light. As if the entire blade simply 'Rejected' illumination. I swung it with an ease I couldn't even fathom having in my old life, I was like a master attempting a Kata I had done millions of times to perfection.

Picking up an apple from my fruit tray, I threw it in the air. I swung my sword, and watched the apple fall to the ground cut in small, yet perfectly even pieces.

"Nice. I wonder If that's a perk of the sword or I'm just that good?" I thought about it for a second, "Maybe a bit of both."


I pressed the button on the alarm clock and took a look outside my window. It was seven on the dot, The time I would normally get ready to go to school. Conveniently, I went to school at Midtown high. The same school that Peter Parker goes to, and from 'my' memories he looks more like Tom holland than Tobey or Andrew, which should put me in the MCU or some other version of Marvel, right?

Well, One of the reasons that I doubt that it is the MCU is because of the two 'MJ' (MJ's? MJs? Whatever) and an Eddie Brock that go to our school. This body hasn't seen Eddie, only knows of him, so it could just be someone else but I doubt it.

More over, there has been talk of a cat themed thief going around Harlem (and if that isn't Black cat then my name isn't Nathaniel Howard.) I mean, Even if this was just an extended version of the MCU, my 'Future Knowledge' probably wouldn't happen to a 'T'.

Pulling my 'mental string', the sword and the wings on my back dissolved into nothingness, And I hoped in the shower.

'School is going to boring as hell.' I put on a shirt and jeans and grabbed my phone and left for the 8 and a half hour torture known as Highschool.

'Sad that I don't know how to give myself powers. Maybe It'll come to me after I meet mutants? Or Maybe I could capture one and try to alter their body?'

My first class was Biology with Mrs. Marconi. She was around 30 and had little to no blemishes or imperfections on her face the only noticeable one was the poorly covered scar on her left cheek and over her nose.

Maybe she was S.H.I.E.L.D? She didn't look like Natasha or any other shield agent I'd heard or read about, but then again you never know what type of technology people can come up with.

"I trust you brought your homework, Mr. Howard?" Ah, that's why my memories said she was a bitch. She always like to call me out.

"Of course, Mrs. Marconi." I handed her my homework, 'I hate this bitch already.' I calmed myself.

I had to reframe from killing her, I had plans and I don't want to end up a national threat right now at least.

What? you thought I was gonna be some self righteous idiot with a hero complex? Tch, Save that for the people who own spandex suits, and people who have daddy issues with billion billion dollar companies. I just want to have fun. But that doesn't mean I'll just go around killing innocents, I'm not completely insane.

As I had zoned, out the class went by in a flash. It was child's play for me as Biology was something that I had majored in before…all this happened.

The rest of my classes were just as (if not more) simple. The only thing of notice was the detention I got from Mrs. Marconi for 'Disrespect'.

Checking the time, I sighed and walked into the classroom that served as the detention room. There was two other occupants, a girl wearing a big grey hoodie, and the sleeping teacher who I couldn't bother to remember the name of.

Sighing I sit down next to the girl who jumps at my presence. "Oh..I-I thought I was the only one here." She was paranoid, and looked like she hadn't slept for days. Her hair was unkept and her hoodie had a red stain on it, and it didn't take a genius to figure out she had recently gotten into a fight.

I realized I had taken to long to answer, "Yeah, me too. Feels like there just out to get one specific person sometimes." She shuffled back and forth awkwardly in her seat. 'heh, cute.'

I checked the time on my watch, I had been here for 5 of the 85 minutes I was supposed to be here. Glancing at the girl besides me I spoke, "What's your name? Gonna be here for a while and I'd like to know you."

She gave a weak and obvious forced smile, "Eddie…Eddie Brock." My heart sunk. 'What the fuck?'


Ooooo Looks like Nathan has his work cut out for him. Pop in next week for the continuation of this story, and leave your harem suggestions!

Next chapter is sometime next week! If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!

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