
Going To War.

Later in the day, Adam was in a room with Peggy and Steve, watching them take vials of his blood. Taking this time, Adam looked at the rewards he got to claim'.

[Met Agent Peggy Carter; Reward: + 5 Body stats, + 5 SS coins.]

[Touched Super Soldier Serum, Reward: + 6 Body Stats, + 50 SS Coins]

Seeing the two rewards, Adam was happy, but sad that they came at a price. Looking up, the nurse was done taking blood from Steve's arm.

"You think you've got enough?" Steve was annoyed when Peggy started talking.

"All of Dr. Erskine's research and equipment are gone. Any hope of reproducing the program is locked in your genetic code. But it would take years." She tells him. "At the moment, you're the only super soldier there is."

"Erskine deserved more than that." Steve says, looking down at Erskine's broken glasses.

"If it could work only once, he'd be proud it was you."

"She's right, you know. With your success, his legacy will burn bright for centuries." Adam adds after a quiet moment.

Going down to a house with the submarine that the Hydra spy tried to use to escape being taken apart by Howard Stark With Senator Brandt and Colonel Phillips next to him, asking a question.

"What've we got?"

"Well, speaking modestly, I'd say I'm the best mechanical engineer in the country." Stark says removing a panel and looking at the advanced circuitry inside "And I've got no idea what any of this is or how it works. We're nowhere near capable of this technology."

"Then who is?" Asked the senator

"Hydra." Seeing a blank look on the senator's face, Phillips continues. "I'm sure you've read our briefings."

"I'm on a number of committees, Colonel."

At this time, Adams Group stepped forward. " Hydra is the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Dr. Erskine's first test subject, Johann Schmidt." Peggy tells the Senator

"Hydra's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt and think he's invincible." Phillips adds

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"I spoke to the President this morning. As of today, the SSR's being re-tasked." Phillips tells the Senator.

Surprised Peggy asked. " Colonel?"

"We're taking the fight to Hydra. Pack your bags, Agent. You, too, Stark, Adam. The four of us fly to London tonight."

At this time, Steve steps to the Colonel. "Sir? If you're going after Schmidt, I want in."

Looking at him, the Colonel tells him "You're an experiment. We're sending you to Alamogordo."

"As what, a lab rat? The serum worked!"

"I asked for an army. All I have is you. And you are not enough." The Colonel says it makes Steve look downcast.

The Senator waved his aid over. "With all due respect, Colonel, I think we may be missing the point. You've seen Steve here in action. More importantly, the country's seen it." The Senator says he is showing the Colonel a copy of the New York Examiner with the title ' NAZI SABOTEUR FOILED! MYSTERY MAN SAVES CIVILIANS!' with a photo of Steve blocking gunfire with a car door.

"Enlistment lines have been around the block since this hit the newsstands. You don't take a

soldier, a symbol like this, and hide him in a lab."

Steve looks surprised. He didn't expect Brandt to step up for


Brandt turns on the charm, becoming the consummate


"He needs to be out there, showing the world what the American fighting man is made of." The Senator turns to Steve. "Son, do you want to serve your country? On the most important battlefield in this war?"

"It's all I want." Steve tells him

"Then congratulations. You just got promoted." He says he's getting Steve to smile.

After that, the Senator takes Steve away after everyone says their goodbyes, With Adam saying he'll see him later. After that, Stark finished studying the sub, and their group left for the airport, getting on board a private plane that would take them to London. On the plane, Adam shakes the hand of Howard Stark and gets the reward of +8 mind stats and +30 SS coins.

Landing in London, they were taken to an Allied base, where the Colonel went to meet the others in command to get an update and orders. Stark was taken to a R&D warehouse to work on his projects. Adam was taken to an OSS building to learn espionage, sabotage, codebreaking, and disguise techniques. All about how to work on covert operations and how to work as a double agent. Being fluent in four languages helped tremendously with undercover work, and for the next few months, Peggy sent Adam on missions. One time, he went with the British special forces into German-occupied territory to blow up vital German dams. With Adams help, the people on missions with him suffered the least amount of casualties. On October 1, in one of the many war zones, Adam witnessed Hydra turn on the German army, dominating them with glowing blue weapons, and then turning them on the Allies army. Forced to retreat and regroup, Adam returns to the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

Next time you meet Captain America, remember to comment and leave some power stones.

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