


The ability to think and process information.

1. Slow/impaired

2. Normal

3. Learned

4. Gifted

5. Genius

6. Super Genius

7. Omniscient.


The ability to lift weight.

Weak: cannot lift own body weight

Normal: able to lift own body weight

Peak Human: able to lift twice own body weight (800lb is max.)

Superhuman X: 800 lbs-25 ton range

Superhuman Y: 25-75 ton range

Superhuman Z: 75-100 ton range

Incalculable: in excess of 100 tons


The ability to move over land by running or flight.

Below normal


Superhuman: peak range: 700 MPH

Speed of sound: Mach-1

Supersonic: Mach-2 through Orbital Velocity

Speed of light: 186,000 miles per second

Warp speed: transcending light speed


The ability to resist or recover from bodily injury.



Enhanced (Captain America, Spiderman)

Regenerative (Deadpool)

Bulletproof (Hulk)

Superhuman (Thor,Captain Marvel)

Virtually indestructible (Thanos)

Energy Projection:

The ability to discharge energy.

1. None

2. Ability to discharge energy on contact

3. Short range, short duration, single energy type

4. Medium range, duration, single energy type

5. Long range, long duration, single energy type

6. Able to discharge multiple forms of energy

7. Virtually unlimited command of all forms of energy

Fighting Ability:

The proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.



Some training Experienced

fighter Master of a single form of combat

Master of several forms of combat

Master of all forms of combat.



Strength: Peak human (Viz. Black Cat) without strenghten with magic.

Intelligence: Learned

Speed: Normal

Durability: Regenerative.

Energy Projection: Medium range, duration, single energy type

Fighting Ability: Master of several forms of combat

{A/N: This is the current strength of Rimuru before he devour the symbiote.

does it help. no?? then I'll try another way or just simply put it in a way like comparing MC with other hero. and currently MC strength lies in Mystic arts and his Skills}

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