
2. Talk to talk

The next day

It was very humid so I was enjoying my ice-cream chilled ice-cream while I was enjoying brother came home and snatch my ice-cream

" wahhhhh " I started crying I beg my brother to return my Ice-cream but instead ignored me went outside to play (15 years old).

I cry and cry and suddenly Sam (my brother's friend) came home

"Akira... why are you crying where is your brother Ben" and I cried louder and louder than before

"ok ok.. I won't asked you about your brother just tell me what happen, what do you need I'll do it for you" Sam begged me to stop crying.

"I need ice-cream.." I replied with tears in my eyes and a big bubble in my nose ( you know what I mean..)

After saying that I need ice-cream he ran straight to the C mart to buy ice-cream which was the nearest mart from my house

After 10 minutes Sam came directly to my home with ice-cream in his hand dripping wet with sweat

When Sam step the door of my house i stop crying and stared at him

"here is your ice-cream with your favourite chocolate flavor.." Sam handed me the ice-cream and I was surprised to see which was my favourite flavour

"how did you know that it's my favourite flavour?.." with a big smile on my face ,eyes red , fluffy face plus running nose I was very happy so I unwrapped it as soon as possible

"I know that chocolate is your favourite since primary.." he look into my eyes and wipe my running nose with his handkerchief

I looked blank at him as I don't knew what was he talking about 'since primary...?'(in my mind)

And we shared ice-cream talking about each other , school's, games etc. for an hour..