
12:oh sickness plz go away

Today I had to take care of max because he was ill. I stayed by his bed side to make sure he wouldn't do anything. he says to me "babe just lay down with me that is all I want if u do I might get better". He gave he those cute puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist so I laid down with him the next thing I know he is checking my body. He kept touching me and when he touched me in my thigh. I LOST IT. He wouldn't stop doing it so I had to be suffered in this torture. everywhere he touched felt hot.i remember I pushed him away and ran to grab something. somehow he managed to get even closer to me when I was all alone in a bathroom. He knew where my hidden places where so he easily got me to do whatever he said and he put the collar back on me this time I felt the shock through different body parts. he said "shhh don't be loud oh everyone will hear ur cute moans,Only I get to hear them understood?". I nodded in fear as he has never been this dominant with me before. he patted me and gave me a very thin and very revealing dress that wouldn't fit a bra underneath.I told him no I wouldn't wear it but he wouldn't take no as an answer so in the end I wore it and it pretty much looked like I was naked. He got behind me and whispers "ur my kitty forever ok?" I said yes and we slept for numerous hours. a couple times he woke up and wanted me to come over to his side but i know what will happen. so I pretended to not hear it over and over again.....

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