

Here is my great story of a toxic and unrequited love.

I introduce myself. My name is Kalliope McTeer, but they call me Kall, I am 18 years old, I was born on November 11 in Los Angeles, California. But for family reasons we moved to New Orleans, Louisiana. I live with my mother Hayley McTeer, she is 39 years old, she gave birth to me when she was 21 years old, I do not know my father or rather the man who gave birth to me who did not take responsibility, my family is not completely united, my mother and I separated from them when my grandparents passed away 4 years ago and we decided to live apart from my relatives.

I am about to enter university, I like to read, draw, sing, listen to music, spend time alone and write.

Physically I am not very tall but not so small, I measure 1.58, my complexion is not so skinny or so fat, I am a middle ground I have a bit of curves and thus, my hair is between brown and reddish, my eyes are blue and I think which is all of me.

After all my presentation I will tell you how everything happened and how I fell in love with an idiot ...

His name is Dean Whitmore, he is tall with a medium complexion, he is stocky so to speak, his hair is light brown, he has blue eyes with a greenish tone, he is of light complexion, he likes to play football, he studies in a different school than mine until two years ago, but he lives on the same street as me, he lives with his parents and his younger brother Landon, his mother's pampered, he is even worse than Dean is arrogant, pedantic, conceited, self-centered, the worst you can imagine , but what could be expected when dealing with them if just because they have money they humiliate people, their parents are Mrs. Dalia and him Mr. Malakai Whitmore, if I know a rare name, he is two years older than me but we go in the same year, why I don't know what it is. In the emotional sense he is arrogant, self-centered,

On the other hand, I got the best friends I could have in years, their names are Nick Morgan, Daniell Ríos, Nate Daddario, Alec Rose and Matthew Fox. They changed my life for the better, I don't know everything changed when I met them ...

The first day we found out in which rooms we were going to play that year, I was with Nick and Nate in room 30-5 and Daniell, Alec and Matthew played in room 30-6 which was good because we were only one room from distance. Everything started well we got to first class and everyone in our seats until the door opens and reveals a male figure in the doorway

K. "It can't be," I say open-mouthed to Nick who was sitting next to me.

Neither. -Who is he? Nick replies with a frown

K. - I told him a little nervously. - Dean Whitmore is my neighbor ...

N / A. - The son of Malakai Whitmore the businessman? –Says stunned Nate

K. –Yes that same one. - I say lowering my head wearily. "It's going to be a long year ..." I say finishing reloading my forehead on the cold bench.

After our little talk I lift my head and see him walking towards where we were, since the bench in front of me was the only empty one.

K. - Shit. I mutter in a low voice

D. –Kaliope McTeer. –He says looking at me from top to bottom. "What a surprise to see you here." -Finish saying when sitting down and a closed mouth smile and a wink

N / A. –Yeah, it'll be a loooong year. –Dado Nate laughing with Nick ...

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