
Chapter 2

It was a dream come true when I found myself all alone standing very close with my crush, John Paul, under the cashew tree behind the school.

JP had been holding me by my wrist, and once we got under the tree, we turned and faced each other. So close that o could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. I was shy while looking at his eyes; a special kind of goosebumps run all through my skin.

JP was such a handsome young man. He had a cutest smile that made me feel look like he owned the whole world. He had a set of sparkling white teeth, and he had a divinely chiseled gap tooth that triggered in me, instant weakness to the bones!

It was as though I was dreaming. Here I was, standing at breath distance with JP, the popular "God-fearing student", quiet and gentle guy in Tai Solarin Memorial School. I was definitely the luckiest girl on earth right then.

"Do you know what I love about you, Jenifer?" JP asked.

"Please tell me." I replied. "I really want to know." I said quite curious.

"You're very beautiful and smart. And I really love the way you smile. Your smile gifts me the same thing the moon gives to the sky every night: Peace."

I smiled so wildly, blushed, and blushed again. I was pleasingly surprised that even with his godliness and gentleness, this guy still had a degree in romance language.

"I love everything about you, JP." That was me, soaring above my shyness, goosebumps and cold feet. "Please, will you be my boyfriend?" I said, quite regretting why I sounded desperate.

What happened next moment happened so fast. It was beyond imagination.

JP held my waist, and moved me close to his body. He then touched my face, made me look directly in his eyes, and he gave me the warmest kiss I ever received in my life. I felt like I was flying in the sky filled with cupid shaped hearts.

He had a soft but firm lips. His lips were sweet as if there was sugar on his lips. The way that act made me feel, I can never explain.

No one had ever kissed me the way JP did.

But the kiss didn't last long. I personally didn't want the moment to end, but we were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the school bell. Break time was over. I wished it didn't have to end so soon.

We hurriedly came out of the orchid and went back to class as though nothing happened.

I was playing and replaying that magical moment in my head. I was smiling like a maniac all through the day. Even my friends knew that Jenifer had had an ultimate encounter.

It's an understatement to say I didn't concentrate anymore on any of the lessons we had till the rest of the day.

All I had in my mind was JP and his heavenly kiss.


The next day, I came to school as excited I was yesterday.

"Was JP also excited. Would he give. he a reply to the question I asked him." I thought smiling.

I enter our school compound searching for JP only to realize that JP was absent in school. I was awestruck. I really wanted to meet him.

Due to the fact that I didn't get to see him after school, I missed him so much. I had craved to see him the next day, only for me to realize he was nowhere to be seen.

I was so sad. I suffered a different kind of emotional catastrophe. I wished he had told me where he lived.

Due to the fact that JP didn't keep many friends, no one really knew his whereabouts. No one knew where he lived either.

JP hasn't accept my love yet. Neither had he given me an answer about becoming my boyfriend.

I needed to see him by all means, so I took it upon myself that I would check on him that day, no matter what it caused. So, after school, I didn't go home. I went in search of where my "soon to be boyfriend" lived.

I left school by 2pm, but I found JP house by 5pm.

I didn't see JP. I saw an aged woman, instead. I assumed it was his mother. I greeted her and asked where JP was

"John Paul left the house in the morning, and I haven't seen him ever since."

My heart sank. I was beginning to lose my mind.

"When will he be back?" I asked.

"I do not know. He doesn't tell me where he goes. Perhaps he went to church. He prays a lot, you know," JP's mother said.

I was disappointed.

"All my efforts today were in vain." I thought.

I turned to leave, and woman called me back.

"Are you Jenifer?" She asked

"Yes, Ma'am. That's my name, Ma'am."

"Oh. He said you might come. He gave me this to give you."

I collected a clean, neatly folded white paper from Mama smiling. It was enough consolation for the time I spent looking for his house today.

I greeted his mom again then bade her goodbye.

I walked a few steps from where his mom was staying and opened it.

First, I smiled at the beautiful handwriting. It was as cute as the one who wrote it.

But then, I read the content of the message.....

(To be continued)

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