
Chapter 1; Tales not tails..

On a summer's day, Prince Arthur was walking down the shore with the tides crashing on the sand and rocks. After five minutes and saw some glinting on the shore behind a rock... He walked up to it seeing more of the glinting as he got closer, When he finally got there he saw that It was a mermaid tale and he was looking at the most beautiful woman or mermaid he had ever seen!

"What the--- Hey wake up!"

The mermaid was asleep , or knocked out, but she wouldn't wake up

"This-- This is fake isn't It!,"

The mermaid began to stir, Her eyes opening showing beautiful emerald eyes that shimmered in light

"Where am I, This isn't a-" Began the mermaid

Shed realised she was on the shore, Looking at the human and then headed for the sea

"WAIT!" Fillip shouted over the crashing shore

The mermaid Looked back at the human, Her eyes showed horror like she was scared

"Cant- You tell me- What you are?" Stuttered fillip

The mermaid Looked relived and hope filled her eyes

"I'm Kira, Princess of the mermaids.. You are?" Said Kira

Hed realize her question and answered quickly

"Prince fillip of the humans..." Hed Answer

Shed be happy but needed to go

"I may speak to you later, Bye!" Said Kira Happily

To be continued. . .