

Sneaky,Sweet, Dangerous was all she was . APHRODITE is every man dreams but too dangerous to get close to,Who would win her hard heart VOLUME 1:First meeting (High school) VOLUME 2: Separated VOLUME 3:Strange Meeting (Unfortunate Event)

Royal_Ink · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Damn ........Skirt

"Mommmmmmm..."Aphrodite screamed loudly looking furious, really furious ,her eyes kept sending burning gaze at the clothes laying on her bed,her body was still wrapped in a black bathrobe,her sliver hair dripping of water ,her pretty face still flushed .

"The door opened and her Mom entered ,fully dressed to take her to school , hearing her scream she already knew what happened .

"What's it"She asked nonchalantly , Aphrodite without taking off her eyes from the clothes,she point her finger at it .

"Momm,Can you please explain what the hell is this"Aphrodite said through her teeth , trying every of her wills not to burst out in anger .

"Your new school uniform ,put it on we are getting late"She said nonchalantly acting this way is the only way to excape her ranting.

Aphrodite picked up the clothes ,a pair of short skirt and a white shirt .

She held the skirt and showed it to her Mom

"Mom,Am not going to put on this trash .Am not going to wear a damn short skirt "Aphrodite said then got ready to fling it away but her mom caught her hand in time then with a strict look "Put it on girl , Don't try to wait my time"She said forcing Aphrodite to shut up ,She humped then walked into her dressing room staring dagger at the skirt .

Damn it,she already hate the school by just looking at the skirt .

Her Mom smiled in satisfaction seeing her angry , Getting her to wear a skirt was always almost impossible . It's actually a surprise ,she obeyed this time around even though she was angry .

They are fair this time around too,One:One .

She smiled then walked out of her room .


"Good morning,Miss Aphrodite"The old house keeper greeted as soon as She climbed down the stairs,his head bowed purposely avoiding looking at Aphrodite .He would definitely lose control of his laugh if he look at her. FIrst day ... She was wearing a skirt,Short one at that

Aphrodite nodded still angry about the skirt.

She walked robotically to the car parked outside ,Her Mom already sat in the driver's seat waiting impatiently for Aphrodite to come down .

A Proud smile cropped on her lips seeing Aphrodite ,She was really beautiful in the uniform.

Dressed in the white and grey skirt showing off her great body ,She wore a white socks and a white canvas to match with it ,her long sliver hair was shiny ,beautifully dangling on her back ,a gold hair pin holding one side of her hair to the side while the other side tucked behind her ear exposing more of her face . Ocean blue eyes ,aqualine nose and a baby pink pouty lips , putting on a smile will definitely send guys crawling to her ,she was beautiful .

Aphrodite opened the car door then slammed it close back as if to tell her mom she was still angry .Her Mom ignited the car to life then drove out of the estate building .

The Ride was silent as Aphrodite was still fuming about the skirt and the Mom trying her best not to laugh ,She is just too..... adorable when she is angry .


The Car pulled up in front of the school gate , Expecting her to get out of the car, Her Mom waited patiently expecting her to get off the car but She seems not to be having that plan yet as she just stare out of the car looking at the students going in .

After about 5seconds , Her Mom looked at her

confused of the reason why she wasn't getting down

"You want me to accompany you to class ,Aph"She called out , Aphrodite finally looked at her,she opened the door then climbed out of the car .

"Bye Mom"Aphrodite said weakly,the fact that she was going to school already dump her mood ,Her Mom smiled then drove off . Aphrodite looked at her self then felt angry again .

This damn skirt ....