
Chapter 1

I sat on the swing chair at the corridor, looking at the street, enjoying the view, watching as the birds circling around in the sky. I could hear the slow music coming from a distance.

It a little past 7 in the evening, I was too tired to open the door to my apartment. I sensed it going to rain soon as the breeze became cold and I could smell the rain in air. 

I don't want to get up, I was enjoying the weather but hunger pangs were threatening to rip my intestines off. I counted 1 to 3 to get up but I sat back. "okay Linda, get up now!."

Suddenly, the chair started vibrating, the sound was coming from my bag; I reached my hand inside the bag but I couldn't find the phone. I forgot I had put it inside the small purse after exchanging numbers with the guy at the grocery store earlier.

My hand got to the key first so I decided to open the door and go in; but before I could close the door the phone started ringing again.

The bulb switch was behind the door. I turned on the light and poured everything in my bag on the table right next to the switch.

The phone had stopped ringing by the time I reached it.  I unlocked to check who the caller was but it was an unknown number. I dialed the number back, maybe it the new client that came to the store earlier—she promised to call back in the evening after showing her husband the bed sheet and the duvet.

      To my surprise it wasn't a woman that picked the call it was a man's voice, it sounded so cool and calm.

"Hey Linda, how are you?"

"I'm good, who is this please?"

"This is Richard, we meet at the grocery store earlier? "

"Oh, Hi Richard' how are you? "

"I'm good! I just want to check on you if you're home, since you insisted I cannot give you a ride."

"Yea... I'm home. Got home few minutes ago but I was too tired to go in; I just sat at my corridor, it was your call that got me up." Replied with a giggle.

"I could tell you were tired, but since you insisted I cannot take you home, I must respect your wish. You should get some rest, I will talk to you in the morning. I just wanted to check in."

"Alright,  thanks for checking in." I said and hung up.

I dropped the phone on the table, walked to the bedroom and sat on the bed to take off my shoe, then moved to the front of the mirror to undress.

      I love undressing in front of the mirror, It makes me feel more comfortable and sexy; besides, the laundry basket was right behind the mirror, it always easy to undress and thrown inside.

I stood in front of the mirror for about 15 min staring at myself, when suddenly my eyes went to the stitches on my stomach. I rubbed my middle finger around it and turned around to look at the ones on my back. I turned back and looked into my eyes in the mirror.

        "This will never happened again."


I'm not a professional writer, so thank you so much for reading.

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