
Meeting Family and Getting Started!!

In morning

The baby slowly opened his eyes, 'Ohh, finally I am here, now let's see where am I.' Aiden thought as he already transferred to the body when the previous owner of the body became unconscious and was not able to control the body as his soul was integrating.

He was looking around trying to move his head which ofcourse wasn't easy while observing the surroundings. 'Ohh guess I am in hospital, hmm I think I was just born, cool.' he thought as suddenly he felt a sudden pain which subsided as quickly as it came but still made him shout, well cry to be more precise. 'What was that, ohh I see it's the memories of the previous owner, huh I didn't born just now but was picked up, damn whoever abandoned me I will say only one thing, thanks for doing it, now I have such a sexy mom...hehehe' he started to grin when he thought about his mother not by blood though and started to have ecchi thoughts, though it made his face look more cute.

Meanwhile Aiko, who was sitting beside the bed with closed eyes, opened her eyes when she heard Aiden cry and looked at him, just as she looked at him she saw that he already stopped crying and was now smiling happily, "Ara! Ara! look how cute you are when you smile. Guess you had a nice sleep. Now come to mama, as we need to quickly go home and meet your sister and grandma." she said as she picked him up and stepped out of the room.

While Aiden was shouting in his mind while gigling 'hehehe this softness is the best, I just love them.' being a teenager without any girlfriend and American at that, he loved big boobs.

"Look how happy you are, guess you like being with mama. Don't worry mama will always be with you." she said as she walked out of the hospital and went towards the her car which was parked outside. "Alright sasaki let's go home. ohh and meet him he is.....well I haven't decided your name yet, anyway now sice he is my son, I can give him name anytime. Look how cute you are, you will surely be handsome when you grow up." she said as she went inside her car and introduced him to her driver as he nodded and smiled while saying hello to the new guy.

Then they drove off.

Finally they reached home. "Okay you can go your home, since you must be tired from the events in night. Go and take rest and take a day off." she said as the driver left after bowing and saying goodbye.

Then she went towards her house, which was more like a Mansion, with large gardens and all.

She rung the doorbell and soon someone opened the door.

"Ohh you are finally back, do you know how much ichika cried when you didn't come home last night and why weren't you picking up your phone, how many times did I called you. Where were you last night" she started to bombard Aiko with questions, then she noticed her carrying a baby and asked "Whose baby is this!, why did you bring a baby home.?" she said with a surprised look.

"Calm down Mother, first let me enter inside then I'll explain everything to you." Aiko said.

"Ok come in." replied her mother as she went inside.

Meanwhile Aiden wasn't able to understand anything. 'Damn should have learned Japanese before, now I don't understand shit. By the looks of it, I guess this old lady is asking about me probably.' he thought while he kept on snuggling in her boobs.

After that Will explained everything to her mother, and when her mother heard the she was crying in anger, "What kind parents are they to leave a baby on such heavy rain, such parents should be sentenced to death." She started ranting, and slowly calmed down.

Soon a melodious voice came from upstairs and we see a 4 year girl who is rubbing her eyes while yawning. "Mama mama" she shouted in happiness when she saw aiko downstairs sitting in sofa.

Then grandma quickly went to ichika and picked her up as they both came down, "Mama , I mish you" the cute little angel said as she quickly jumped off from her grandma arms and went. towards her mother.

She suddenly stopped on her way when she noticed a baby in her hands. "Mama whos thish" she said in her cute voice. "This is your brother ichika, come say hello to him." aiko said as she put Aiden towards her daughter.

Ichika poked his cheeks and giggled. "So soffttt" she said. "Who is this kid, poking my cheeks", aiden tried to shout but what came out was only wawa.

Then aiko and aiden started playing with each other, well it was mostly ichika playing while aiden trying to fight and stop her from poking his cheeks.

"Mom what should I name him. I haven't thought of a name yet." aiko asked her mother.

"Well you are the one who picked him and he is your son, so you should decide his name." her mother replied as she took ichika to bathroom to freshen her up.

"What should I name you, with your white hair and red eyes I am sure you would be a lady killer, in future but don't worry mommy will protect you from those bitches. My little Jin, yes I'll name you Masamune Jin." She said as she kissed his cheeks. 'Hmmm, I wonder why I thought of this name, well never mind since I think little Jin liked it so much, by how much he is giggling after I gave him the name.' she thought, as she smiled looking at jin whi was now laughing and was looking very cute.

'Why did I feel chill rund down my backwhen she said something just now, what is she saying well never mind, hehe since my prayers have been answered, thank you god I always wanted a cool name, Masamune Jin sounds soo cool, hehe.' jin thought as somehow was able to understand his name.

"Sorry sweetheart, mommy can't produce milk from her breasts anymore, so you will have to drink from the bottle." She said as she put him on the bed and went to the kitchen to prepare milk for him.

{A/N: Last chapter of family bonding, next will be time skip and start of the story, training to be more precise. Like it, then drop power stones. Thanks.}

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