
God? Wishes?

Just as he heard the voice, instead of being afraid he was excited as he thought that the things he read in those fanfics were true and the god would grant him wishes, but how naive he was.

"Hello kid, I am well you can just say reincarnation God, you can guess what I am here for right." the voice said to Aiden.

"Yes yes, you are here to grant me some wishes and then reincarnate me right?." he said excitedly.

"Well not exactly you see l, unlike the fanfics or novels you have read before where you could get op wishes and all that, here you need karmic points to get wishes." the voice again sounded clarifying it before the boy starts to rampant as he knew the personality of the boy and he didn't wanted to waste time on trying to calm him down, the voice was going through all these trouble because he was newly appointed god and Aiden was his first customer, so he needed to treat him properly and start with a good record.

After hearing that Aiden started thinking about few things, he didn't got angry on god as it's not his fault that the process is not same as in those fanfics and novel, rather he was happy atleast he was getting reincarnated.

He had temper but he only showed it to the people he didn't like or find them annoying, he wouldn't go shouting at everybody.

"Then can you tell me how much karmic points I have?" he asked hoping that he would atleast have a decent amount of karmic points as he helped out a lot of old people while he was in orphanage and have saved a lot of abandoned animals since he was an animal lover.

"Well your karmic points till the age of seventeen is 14,219 well it's not a lot but still you have decent amount to reincarnate in some normal world with decent cheats." the voice said calmly as he find his first customer to his liking as he didn't got on rampant unlike the voice thought he would.

"Ohh well I didn't wanted to go in any fantasy world and fight some demonking or cultivate all my life while picking up girls here and there in the first place." he said after feeling quite satisfied with the amount of his KP.

"Am I eligible to reincarnate in world of Kuroko no basket with the amount of karmic points I have?" he asked as he always wanted to reincarnate in this world even before he heard the voice.

"Yes you are, it will cost you 2000 karmic points." the voice said in affirmation.

"Alright two thousand it's, now I want a system releated to sports or basketball to be more precise and unlimited stamina. How much for them?" he asked.

"Well the cost of a Sports System is 20,000 KP, While for the Basketball System is 5000 KP. And for unlimited stamina, well it's quite a lot so I won't bother mentioning it, but there is a degraded version of it which costs 4000 KP." the voice replied stating the amount.

"Man quite expensive huh, well can you explain the features of basketball system and the degraded version of the unlimited stamina you told about." he asked as he needed to know the features of the basketball system before he get it and about the degraded version of stamina.

{A/N; Any suggestions about the degraded version of stamina, if you guys have then do tell, I'll be thankful to you. And about the looks I am thinking of going with ban but if you guys have any particular favourite tell me and the most liked one will be chosen. Thanks for reading.}

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