
Chapter 63: "Where is Obito?"

The four elders focused on Fugaku and his Susanoo.

Even then, they were struggling to contain the monstrosity.

Without the assistance of the Uchiha patriarch, the corpses of his clan members piled up in other areas.

Not that it mattered, the ultimate goal was there complete annihilation.

Afterwards, Danzo intended to come along and pick out their eyes slowly.

However, unbeknownst to them, a third force was contending for benefits.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Susanoo and ninjutsu of the elders caused deafening roars to ring in everyones ears.

Pakura led a squad of cloud Anbu into the Uchiha clan compound.

They could see the corpses of Uchiha and Konoha shinobi strawn about all over the ground.

Pakura trembled slightly.

Witnessing these scenes of infighting caused bad memories to resurface.

She shook her head and drove the distracting thoughts out of her mind.

She ordered in a calm facade,

"Stick to plan A."

The squad around her scattered themselves.

Making use of transformation jutsu, they discreetly mixed in with the Anbu from Konoha.

Ocassionally, they would take a test tube from their ninja bags filled with a solution for preserving organs and stuff a sharingan in.

They weren't hiding all that well, but because most people were focused on their senseless slaughter, they got off with little more than a glance.

Pakura noticed the noise of battle waning and used a medium-sized jutsu to remind them to move faster.

In the underground of the Naka shrine.

Sasuke Uchiha collapsed to the ground.

Countless corpses belonging to his clansmen were littered along the ground.

Their blood decorated the floor a bright red.

But that wasn't what held his attention.

The body in front of him belonged to his beloved mother, Mikoto Uchiha.

Sasuke clasped his mother's hand, with tears streaming down his face.

Her hand was cold signifying her status.

She was dead.

Opposite him was his elder brother in blood stained clothes, he was holding a Kodachi.

His only brother, that he sincerely admired.

After returning from the academy, his father asked him to immediately head to the secret hideout he had shown him before.

Although, he didn't know why he wanted him there, he listened to his dad's order regardless.

When he first arrived, he was displeased to find that his dad had told everyone in the clan about their secret rendezvous point.

His mother placated him before his brother walked in.

Silently he slaughtered them all causing the warmth to leave their bodies and their life to come to an end.

"Nii-san... Why?.."

He couldn't believe it. No, he would never believe it.

It was a Genjutsu! A lie! All of it was a lie!

Sasuke made a handseal and said,


It didn't work... impossible... It can't be...

His black eyes twisted themselves and distorted into a one tomoe sharingan as water built up in his eyes.

Itachi pushed down his turbulent emotions and said,

"There is no value in killing the likes of you...My foolish brother...If you want to kill me...Curse me! Hate me! And live a long and unsightly life... run away... run away... and cling to your pitiful life. And some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me."

He repeated the famous lines from Hachiro's old planet, he didn't use Tsukuyomi as he was sure Sasuke would be forced to accept what happened whenever he watched the end of his clansmen's lives with his own eyes.

If it hadn't been for his insufficient chakra, he would have undoubtedly awoke the feared Mangekyo skipping through three stages.

After saying his piece, he threw a genjutsu on Sasuke making him faint.

He left after muttering, "Forgive me, Sasuke."

White zetsu noticed Itachi leaving the Naka shrine and emerged from a wall.

He was grinning strangely,

"Ready to set off to the Akatsuki's base?"


Before the teenager could reply, the sounds of fighting resounded from the distance.

Itachi looked at the grey demon made from chakra swinging a sword about.

Judging by the chakra that was struggling to keep form, he could tell that the shinobi in control had reached their limit.

He said with a solemn expression.

"I'm going to go see what the commotion is about, I'll be there right after."

White Zetsu hummed in reply. He didn't care about what was happening if it didn't involve the Akatsuki.

Itachi leapt into a tree before he felt chills down his back.

"No Obito? I'm heartbroken, after coming all this way, my old friend didn't bother to even show up."

He looked up to were to voice came from.

He saw someone dressed in casual clothing sitting cross legged on top of the Torii gate standing proudly in front of the Naka Shrine.

They had bright coloured hair and looked at him half condescendingly.


Itachi"s pupils shrunk as he drew his sword and got into a fighting stance.

"Yo. White block of earth, where's the other guy?"

"Obito? You must be referring to Lord Madara's alias? Right?"

White Zetsu played dumb and continued,

"Unfortunately, Madara-sama is occupied with important business in the Land of Demons."

In fact, a while ago, a White Zetsu had noticed the large party of unknown shinobi approaching Konoha.

To be on the safe side, Obito was waiting just outside of Konoha for more information on them.

The objective this time was to take a few sharingan, it wasn't necessary for him to be there in person and could be entrusted to White Zetsu.

Once, he found out it was the freak who knew about his Mangekyo, he would probably be happy with how cautious he was.

Hachiro scratched his head in disappointment.

"I guess I really came in vain."

He pondered and figured that aside from helping the few Uchiha the few escaping Uchiha that he encountered earlier, he could go see if there was anything interesting in the Hokage's office.

Itachi yelled, "How did you get in?!"

He could accept the thing made from earth being capable of escaping the barriers detection. But only a handful of people had mastered the fuinjutsu for the surveillance barrier.

It was originally a technique made by the Uzumaki and their clan head before their destruction.

Madara would know, how to break in with his spatial ninjutsu or just mastery in seals.

He had lived for a long time and with a sharingan it would be easy to pick up fuinjutsu.

It was impossible as long as one had chakra, they would be detected in advance.

"Why would I tell you?"

Hachiro looked over at Itachi and said,

"Just pretend, I'm not here. If you're going to help the old man kill your father, don't tell him about my presence or I will use your brother against you."

Next chapter