


[skill level up {Flash step}]

[Skill level up {Flash step}]

[skill level up {Flash Step}]

[Skill level up {Gravity Control}] x3

[SKILL Level up {Sword Mastery}] x4

[Skill level up {Mana Barrier}] x5

[Skill level up {Shadow Clone}]

[Skill level up {Sprint}] x3

'that's what, I was talking about the clones are just next level, with the [shadow clone] leveling one more up I can create my third clone and increase leveling up speed but first I need an increase in my [Mana] so they can practice more skill,' I was thinking about what should do with my status point, after getting over 50 naturally any of them is not increasing not even if I use [Gravity control] running on my body whole time.


[ Status

Name: Kenzo Itomo (???)

Class: {unlock on level 25}

Title: The Gamer

Level: 23[81000/95000]








Luck: {???}

Points: 89]

"So, I need an increase in [Mana] but I want my other status to be higher also, I only get status points from leveling up, and sometimes quest So, I could distribute equally or I can put most of the Points into INT, well [mana] is important," with saying that,

[INT: 50 > 100{10}]

[Perk {Low-level Blessing of Mana} is obtained for reaching INT 100]

[Low-level Blessing of Mana{passive}: Mana has recognized, you as a being worthy of a receiving Blessing.

Effect: 50% increase in Total Amount of Mana]

[system intervention on skill {Vessel of Mana} and {Low-level Blessing of Mana}]

[{Low-Level Blessing of Mana} x {Vessel of Mana} > [Blessed Vessel of Mana}]

[Blessed Vessel of Mana {Passive}: when a [Vessel of Mana] receives a blessing of Mana on rare occasion, A Blessed Vessel is born which have potential with [mana] to the utmost degree.

1. Effect: increase control over [Mana] to a high level.

2. Effect: increase 20% of the overall [Mana] Capacity of the host.

3. Effect: increase 20% on Damage from [Mana] Related skill.]

[skill level up {Mana Core}]

[Skill level up {Mana Core}]

'What the hell, it's like I am on dope, this feeling is so euphoric increase in [Mana] is addictive, should I put the remaining into this also, yes let's get more [mana],' (author power activating [Gamer mind]).

'No, what was I about to do I have to increase another status for a good balance, let's put the remaining Points equally,' with that I was left with [39 points].






[ Status

Name: Kenzo Itomo (???)

Class: {unlock on level 25}

Title: The Gamer

Level: 23[81000/95000]








Luck: {???}

Points: 00]

"Now this Status looks like something worthy of fighting some powerhouse, and still there are so many things that can be dangerous for me, but for the time being this should do the trick, now let's have a look at my skills," after getting a good look at, my status and especially the amount of [mana],

"Skill Tab"


[ Skill Tab

{Gamer Mind} level Max

{Gamer Body} level Max

{Unknown} Level Max

{Observe} Level 11]

[{Power Strike} Level 29 Exp43%:

Mana Cost: 10/ per strike

Effect: DMG 290]

[{Sprint} Level 31 Exp87%:

Mana Cost:70/ min

Effect: 31% increase in DEX]

[{Gravity Control} Level 35 Exp10%:

Mana Cost: 35/sec

Effect: Control gravitational field within 7 meters of your body {with the level increase the limit on how you control gravitational field will be removed}.]

[{Sword Mastery} level 30 Exp5%:

Mana Cost: none

Effect: 150% increase in moment speed, while fighting with a sword

Effect:150% attack increase in attack damage, while fighting with a sword(new)]

[{Mana Strengthening} level 15 Exp00%:

Mana Cost: 115/sec

Effect: 150% boost in power in both weapon and body

Side Effect: - 10% on all status for a day] (new)

[{Flash Step} level 12 Exp90%:

Mana Cost:50

Effect: 120% boost in speed

Effect: Blur/ 1 sec only(new)]

[{Mana Core} level 10 Exp00%:

Effect: 1000 Mana]

[{Shadow Clone} level 3 Exp00%:

Mana cost: half of total Mana

Effect: Three Clones]

[{Mana Barrier} level 28 Exp55%:

Mana Cost:72/min

Effect:280 block]

"These are some shitloads of powers, my heart is racing because my mind can't," I said as I read the skill description, "some of these skills are broken AF." Looking at [Sword mastery], I thought, "One of the masteries can be this broken, I never imagined," as the sunset appeared in front of me.

"Let's go home now; Izumi said her father had sent someone to kill me; it's been two days and no one has come, and I nearly cleaned my area of [curses], so there's no more exp gain near here; I can't wait to go to Tokyo; with the population it has, there's bound to be some exp farms there," I was thinking as I drove home.

"O, I forgot to leave [shadow clones] so they, too, can level up." As I was about to use a "shadow clone," something came into my view. It was like a round black barrier. "That is a veil." "ItIt does look like one in the show," I thought while looking at the huge black barrier that was surrounding an amusement park.


Author: some skills are changed for the original so ignore the previous ones and focus on the new ones.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

jay_Godaracreators' thoughts
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