
Chapter 65 - An Unhuman Woman

Awoken very early in the morning, I received a called from Kohta stating that someone was approaching the gate. The person approaching them was over nine feet tall, grey skinned, and looked in very rough shape. Groaning as I got out of bed I got dressed, and put some shoes on. Glancing over to the clock to see if I should wake my lovers, it said it was only 4am. Deciding against waking them up, for my own safety, I silently left our home for the gate. Seeing the guards nervously pointing rifles at her I hurriedly told them to stand down before she got annoyed with them.

"Stand down, your weapons aren't going to do more than piss her off.", I said approaching them, "Kohta, has she said anything to any of you?"

"She asked for help.", he reported to me, "She-"

Stumbling forward in severe pain, she accidentally bumped into him. Clocking him with her rack, Kohta went into a daze as his nose started bleeding. Regaining her composure after a moment, she went to say something...but Kohta cut her off.

"Choke me Mommy...", he laughed in a delirious state.

Hearing say those word the whole area went dead silent. Her face immediately turned red, and I knew she was going to disembowel him in moments. Stepping in to stop that, I sent him back to the guard shack to regain his sanity. Removing him from the situation calmed her down enough that she was willing to talk with me.

"That comment aside...", Itami said clearing his throat, "Do you happen to know her?"

"I know of her, yes.", I stated with a nod, "You are one of Miranda's servants, right?"

Glaring at me, it was obvious being branded as such really pissed her off. Being a Countess herself, I was sure she'd want to be called by that title instead.

"I heard you all were overrun in the mountains of Europe.", I jabbed to see her reaction.

"That is correct, all we saw was a wall of death come crashing down over the mountains", she admitted, "When my home was breached my daughters froze within moments...I was unable to do anything to save them."

"I am sorry for your loss, I assumed that was the case as I knew about their...situation.", I told her with an apologetic look, "So what brings you to our doorstep? Shouldn't you have gone to Umbrella Corp in Raccoon City for aide? I am sure my father would have taken you in, he is the Commander after all."

"Wesker almost killed me, if I didn't flee when I did I would be dead right now.", she stated with an irritated tone, "I am surprised you aren't as aggressive as your father. You are both assholes!!"

"Wesker isn't my father...", I growled with annoyance.

"He most certainly is, Wesker is the one leading Umbrella Corp and has been so since the initial outbreak.", she said matter of factly, "Why would I need to lie about that?"

Staring at her to see if she was lying it took only a moment to realize she wasn't joking. If Wesker really was my father...that explains a lot about my mother. Crazy attracts crazy...

'I have to have Red Queen confirm that...there is no way I am that man's child.', I thought nervously, 'I never bothered to check because my last name isn't Wesker!!'

"Is something wrong?", she asked with labored breathing.

"I am fairly certain he isn't my father, my last name isn't Wesker.", I told her, "Either way I have method to confirm that. So what do you want from me?"

"My family home has been reduced to rumble, my daughters are dead, and the people I thought were my allies have put a bounty on my head.", she wheezed, "I have nowhere else to go, and I am...running out of time. Please help me..."

Seeing blood dripping from her side, she looked at me like a dying animal. The reason she didn't catch George was likely due to her injuries. If I did nothing she'd die in an hour or so, and I wouldn't have her blood on my hands. That said she was responsible for countless deaths as she slaughtered everyone in her domain.

'Wait...it's not 2021 yet so she hasn't done that yet. Still though she has killed a lot of people for their blood though.', I thought, "Midna what is your take on this?"

"She is a major asset to your team. No one else can fly, and in her massive dragon form she can carry several of you to anywhere you want.", Midna stated popping out of my shadow with a grin, "I think you should help her, and make her submit to you...both as a subordinate and in the bedroom."

"You are joking right?", I sighed, "You are just as bad as Kohta..."

"First of all, even I agree his statement was way over the line.", she snapped, "Secondly, she will outlive your lovers by a lot. That parasite living in her will keep her alive for centuries so she can be your companion. If you don't take people like her, you are going to end up burying your wives every hundred years or so. Is that really what you want?"

Seeing her point there, I still wasn't convinced that this woman was wife material. She looked nice on the outside, but I knew she had a cruel personality. I remembered what she did to Ethan Winters in the game, and all the lives she took under Miranda's orders.

"If you want my assistance, I want you to swear you will not harm a single person without my approval. That is my condition, and it's non-negotiable.", I told the wounded vampire.

Twitching with anger I could tell she wanted to tell me to fuck off, but she also knew she was dying. Whatever Wesker did to her, her regenerative ability wasn't working. Understanding that death was awaiting her if she refused, she soon caved to the single request.

"I agree to your terms.", she agreed, 'It's better than being forced to be his pet. I know Heisenberg would have made me grovel at his feet for aide...'

"Good, now follow me so I can get you patched up.", I told her, "You men continue your watch and...slap some sense into Kohta."

"Already on it!!", Kuribayashi shouted from guard shack.

Following me to the Clinic, she ducked under the doorway to get in and almost fell over in pain. Catching her before she did, I picked her up and carried her to the operating room. Looking at me in shock, she must have thought I wasn't strong enough to carry her so easily. Given her height and size, I estimated she was probably around six hundred pounds.

"Take your clothing off.", I ordered as I got my hands washed.

"How rude!! I thought you wouldn't treat me like this, you are no better than-", she started to say

"You are no good to either of dead!!", I snapped as I glared at her over my shoulder, "Take your dress off, and lay the fuck down on the operating table!! If you refuse I will strap you to the damn table myself!! If you don't strip off your clothing how the hell am I supposed to patch you up!!"

Taken aback by my tone and glare, she did as I asked without another word. Taking a look at her injury, it appeared to be some sort of poison that was eating away at her. Her body was trying to regenerate, but every time it touched a part of the initial wound it would immediately decay again. All signs pointed to this being something deadly to the parasite in her body.

"Interesting, what did he stab or shoot you with?", I inquired as I cut infected pieces off her body.

"Something he intended to use on Mother Miranda...to keep her in line.", she said trying not scream as I removed the infected flesh, "It was a canister of gas...the moment it touched me my skin felt like it was ablaze. The parasite in my body almost ripped itself free when the gas got close to me. If I were to guess...it was far more painful than childbirth...though I have never birthed any of my own."

"Do you mind if I have the flesh analyzed? If he attacks here I want to have an antidote for this.", I stated putting pieces in a vial.

"It doesn't work on humans.", she grunted with confusion.

"You will be staying here with us so having an antidote will be necessary. Besides, they may have a variant that works on humans.", I told her.

"You would make something that potentially only helps me?", she questioned.

"Yes?", I replied like it was stupid not too.

"What sort of fool are you?", she spat trying to hide her shock.

"Listen very closely woman.", I growled grabbing her by the throat, "You are only alive right now because I can use your Dragon Form to help our situation. If it weren't for that I'd have finished the job Wesker started. While you live under my roof, you will have my protection end of discussion. If you have an issue with that, I will send you to Jesus, and you can complain to him. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes.", she replied with an even more shocked expression.

"If you say or do anything to harm my wives and children...I will deliver you a fate far worse that Wesker could ever get you.", I said with a cold tone.

"I...I understand...", she said meekly understanding that her usual tone was going to get her killed by the monster standing next to her.

---3rd Person POV---

'I thought Wesker was a monster...this man is a million times more frightening than him.', Alcina thought, 'Ever sense I saw him every fiber of my being told me to run. If I weren't on brink of death I would have fled from here. Now he tells me I am staying at his home...what have I gotten myself into. He is sending me mixed messages with his words...does he intend to ravage me or make me his servant?'

Watching the man before her operate on herself with skillful precision, he was done in less than ten minutes. A short time after that the wound closed up, and the pain was gone completely. In all her years alive she hadn't seen a doctor work that quickly, it was like he could see where ever infected piece was on instinct alone.

"Should I worry about any side effects?", Alcina asked touching the area that had just healed.

"No, based on the properties of the chemicals and your explanation if you had any in your bloodstream you'd die the moment it reached your heart.", Victor told her, "I strongly recommend you get some rest though, your body is exhausted from all that abuse."

Thinking carefully before saying anything, she selected her words carefully.

"Thank you for saving my life.", Alcina said with a slight bow.

"Since you are staying here, you will likely want some warmer clothing. We don't have anyone close to your sizes so I will have to make you something.", Victor stated getting up from seat, "May I take some measurements?"

Agreeing to it, she carefully observed how he measured and was surprised to see he did his job so thoroughly. It had been a long time since she had actually spent time around someone other than her daughters. Usually staff would be killed within days of being employed, and she rarely dealt with them choosing to let her daughters handle it. It had been so long since having an interaction with someone new that she felt emotions she hadn't experiences in a long time. Having someone wait on her personally was well...it reminded her of fonder times in her life, back when she was still a normal human.

'Why am I thinking of these things now? Did being on death's door effect me this much?', she thought as the man jotted down the sizes.

Telling her to wait there, he stepped out of the room for a few minutes before returning with some cloth, needle, and thread.

"You know how to sew?", Alcina asked with surprise, "Men usually don't take up such hobbies."

"Yes, it's something I learned a while ago for this eventuality. I knew that this shitstorm was coming, but no one believed me.", Victor laughed, "I am sure you can tell that I am not human, but I am not like Wesker or anyone you have met."

"That is correct...I doubt I could scratch you even if I wanted too.", Alcina admitted.

"Haha.", Victor chuckled sewing her a flannel outfit.

After fifteen minutes of work, he gave the dress to her so she could put it on. Stepping out for that, she was a bit confused why he was being so courteous to her.

'Wait...does this mean he actually sees me as a woman? How long has it been since someone saw me as one?', she thought with a fond smile, 'I can't remember the last person who saw me like that...it must have been before I came home when my parents died. The villagers always looked at me with disdain and hatred...'

Putting the dress on, she was quite amazed that it fit so well. Even when her father had dresses custom made for her, none of the seamstresses could compare to this. The clothing, though made from cheap fabric, was surprisingly well sewn together. Everything was secure with no rips or tears appearing anywhere.

"I am done.", Alcina told him as she tucked her assets in properly.

"Any issues?", Victor asked, "If anything feels wrong please let me know."

"This is the best work I have had done.", Alcina praised him, "Now about that bed you were talking about...if it's all the same to you I would like to rest a bit."

"Before that, apply this medicine if you wouldn't mind.", Victor said giving her medicine, "That will help curb your porphyria condition."

"You knew that much?", Alcina gasped.

"I have read your records extensively, Umbrella doesn't have the best security.", Victor chuckled, "That cream will help minimize your conditions harmful effects. I can imagine that have sunlight all day long in this area is quite painful."

"Why are you being so kind to me?", she questioned with curiosity, "If you are trying to curry my favor it won't-"

"You need to get over yourself lady, you may be a looker but you have a nasty attitude.", he remarked.

"Haha.", she laughed for the first time in nearly forty years, "No one back home would have dared say that to my face. It's actually refreshing to have someone say that to me."

"Well get used to it.", he said, "Follow me and I will get you situated."

---Victor POV---

Taking her next door to my home, we walked inside and I took her to a guest room on the main floor. It had been a request of Shizuka, Yuko, and Sayo to have it in case they had a really long shift and they needed a power nap. Our bed was apparently so comfy that they were unlikely to get up after a short nap so this was their solution. I ended up having to rearrange some things so she could sleep comfortably, being nine foot tall she'd have barely fit on our bed length wise.

"Alright, you can sleep here for now. If you need anything come find me, I will be upstairs or around town somewhere.", I stated, "The town isn't all that big so you should be able to find me easy enough."

"Thank you...what was your name again?", she inquired.

"It's Victor.", I told her, "Now go to bed, and recover your strength."

"My name is Alcina by the way.", she replied as I such the door.

Leaving her be after that I went back upstairs to lay down for a while longer. Getting only an extra hour of sleep, this time I was awoken by Ilulu's loud stomach. Opening my eyes to see her laying on my chest, she looked at me with a big smile.

"Good Morning, I take it you are hungry?", I chuckled softly giving her our usual morning kiss.

"Yeah, I didn't want to wake anyone but my stomach had other plans.", she giggled.

"Alright, let's make something to eat.", I said sitting up.

Catching her before she fell off me, she slid right onto my lap. Feeling my Morning Wood against her crotch, she looked down to see the bulge with a gulp.

"You okay?", I asked with a smirk knowing what she was thinking.

"The others told me that is what you use to make children.", she replied touching my shaft, "Will I get to see it soon?"

"Yes, but right now I think you want food more than you want to see it.", I teased her.

"Yeah!", she replied with a smile, "I want to see sometime though."

"When it's time to show you, I will rock your world.", I told her.

"Are you really that strong!?", she gasped.

"Haha, what he is saying is he will make you feel really good.", Yuriko said before whispering in my ear, "All of us are excited to start this process. You are still sure you want to do this? I know we are pushing you, but you do have a voice in this."

"I am fully aware, we are as safe as we can be short of making a flying base.", I replied pulling her into my embrace, "I can give you a life here that I couldn't out at sea. We built this home with our own two hands for the future, I am ready to take that step with each of you. That said...I really hope it's not all of you at once."

"You and me both.", she laughed giving a kiss.

It wasn't as safe as I would like, but out here I had control over where our enemy could come from. Umbrella was too busy to worry about us at the moment, and there wasn't any large hordes within a 700 hundred miles of here. Everything numbered in the thousands so I was more than capable of dealing with them easily. I knew how important having children meant to them so there was no more putting it off now. Giving Ilulu another kiss, we got out of bed and went to make something to eat.

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