
Mark my words

"Chloe?" She turns to me.

"What's up?"

"Can you give me a ride home?" I ask tiredly.

She looks at me in shock. "Is everything alright?" She asks worriedly.

I nod. "Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just tired and I'm afraid I might sleep off in the bus."

"I can drop you off. C'mon let's go." We walk to her car and she drives me home.

"Did you have a fight with Nick?" She asks on the way.

"Why do you ask?" I ask her softly while looking outside the window.

"Well, I saw Nick after school and he looked cranky and dejected. He even snapped at Peter. While you're just here looking sad."

"Tired." I corrected her.

"Whatever. You can't tell me it's all a coincidence." 

I don't reply her. Instead, I sigh and close my eyes.

I say my goodbyes to her and walk inside the house.

I couldn't get my mind off the fact that Nick thought me as a spoilt child.

I mean how do you get spoilt if you never had parents to spoil you?

I took in a deep breath as I opened the door. 

The house was silent showing no one was home. But as soon as I almost got to my room, Lisa stopped me.

"Are you supposed to be here?" She asks and I sigh.

I turn to her. "Lisa please, I'm not in a very good mood now."

"Do I look like I care?" She asks and scoffs. 

"Do you have anything to talk to me about?" I ask her tiredly.

"Maybe." She says.

I sigh and turn around to walk away.

"You know my dad hasn't come home since." 

I stopped.

She doesn't know, she doesn't know, she doesn't know.

I turn to her. "And you are telling me because?" 

She stares at me with her hands crossed together before she shrugs.

"Maybe you might know why he ran off."

"Ran off?" I ask her confused.

"My mom said he sent her a message telling her how he was tired of the marriage and blah blah blah." She waves her hands around.

Tired of the marriage?

"And what does that have anything to do with me?" 

"I don't know maybe because of you he ran away." 

"Me? Why would he run away because of me?" 

"You weren't giving him enough pleasure." 


I wasn't what?

What does she mean by I wasn't-

My eyes widen in realization.

"Y-you knew?!" 

She smiles. "Of course. I know how for the past few years, my daddy has been using you to get pleasure."


"Obviously he became tired of you. I knew my dad had stopped loving my mom a while ago and I knew the only reason he remained here was because of you." 

She looks at me in disgust. "Although I don't know what he saw in you but meh."

"You knew your dad r*ped me but you didn't say anything?" 

She scoffs. "What do you expect me to say? Daddy please leave her alone. She's my cousin, you can't force her." She rolls her eyes. "Please! I hate you so why should I help you out huh?!"

What the fuck is wrong with this girl?!

"That's what you get for trying to take my place."


"You think I'm stupid?! After your parents died, you came my life and ruined everything!!!! YOU TURNED MY LIFE UPSIDE DOWN!! You came and took everything from me." She shouts. "My daddy sexually hurting you is just serving as a mini punishment." 

"How long have you known?" I was starting to feel myself get angry.

"Does that matter?"


She gives me a sly smile. "Four years." 

I could feel and hear everything around me shattering. 

This girl has known her own father r*ped me but she did nothing about it. She said nothing about it. 

She just watched as it all happened. She watched as I fought each time. She watched as I struggled each time. She watched as I cried for help and begged for mercy each time, she watched as I cried after. She watched as I hated myself after. As I felt filthy and disgusted.

She saw it all but said nothing. She stayed out of it.

She stayed behind closed doors.

I didn't know when my legs moved to her. I didn't know when my hands raised on it's on accord, and I was not aware when I slapped my hand across her face not once, twice but repeatedly.

"I hate you." I say with hate dripping with every word.

I grab her hair and smashed her face on the wall. 

"I hate you." I repeated.

I pushed her away and walked to where she was on the floor. 

I started kicking her repeatedly. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!"

I didn't stop kicking her.

couldn't stop.

All I could see was red.

Deep bloody red.

All I could think of was how I hated her and how deeply I wanted to kill her.

"Oh my god! LISA!!!!!" 

I was pushed away by aunt Mary and only then did I stop hitting Lisa.

"What has gotten into you!!!" Aunt Mary shouts at me but I ignore her.

She helps Lisa up. "All what happened to you served you right." She smiles even though her lip was bleeding and her cheeks were red. "You deserved it all and much more!!!!!" 

"You are a stupid bitch you know that right?!" I shout.

"Raven!!" Aunt Mary shouts my name.

"You came as a cursed person. You're cursed Evan! YOU ARE CURSED!!!" She tries to come at me but aunt Mary holds her back. "You killed your parents, took my parents love from me, seduced my dad! And then drove him away!!!!!"

"You little!" I shout but I restrain myself.

"You don't deserve to live." She continues. "You should just die. Die! Die! DIE!!!" 

"Lisa that's enough!" Aunt Mary speaks up.

"Die you bastard!!!! That's the only way you can have peace you hear?! Because mark my words, I'm going to make your life a living hell!!!! You will hate ever being born!!!! You are going to hate your life because I will make it unbearable for you!!! Mark my words!!!!" She shouts and frees herself from her mom's hold.

"URGHHHHHHH!!!!" She shouts and then gives me a glare before walking outside the house and slamming the door behind her.

Aunt Mary turns to me and rests her hands on her hips.

"Care to explain to me what just happened?!" She asks but I just stare at her before entering my own room and slamming the door behind me.

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