
Chapter 3: Time to Grind Some Skill Leve- ...Oh Wait...

-6 years later-

-Drust POV-

So, I must admit, living the life of a new-born child is truly not as easy as it sounds, those reincarnation fanfics were completely right. If only my 'Instant Mastery' could've helped me master not pooping around everywhere at anytime, maybe life would've been easier, but apparently, 'Pooping At Will' is not considered a skill.

Also, I'm starting to doubt whether other reincarnators have been going to different Harry Potter worlds from me, because for the life of me I am completely incapable of sensing magic within me. I still had some magic bursts during my life, although my 'Natural Occlumency' made such accidents relatively small thanks to the diminished amount of emotional outbursts I had, but I have found myself incapable of finding where the origin of such magic bursts come from in my body. I also do not seem to have any mage sight as of now. I guess in the Harry Potter world I'm in, magic and possible magic cores will only truly be unlocked at 11 years old. Pity, I truly hoped to become a supreme wandless wizard at 2 years old, but I guess I still gotta wait for a while.

Anyways, except for magic type skills, I managed to get a bunch of other skills that make you wonder how they are not considered actual magic. For example: 'Running' -> 'Shunpo' -> 'Short-Range Teleportation' -> 'Long-Range Teleportation' -> 'Space Manipulation'. And what would you know, every evolved ability costs just as much energy to use as running regularly, which means it does not use mana or any other magic energy, as I still don't have those available. Plus, when the evolution reached the end, 'Space Manipulation' became a passive ability. These are all the skills I managed to get and evolve:

{ - 'Running' -> 'Shunpo' -> 'Short-Range Teleportation' -> 'Long-Range Teleportation' -> 'Space Manipulation (Passive)'

- 'Eating' -> 'Fast Digestion' -> 'Life Return' -> 'Regeneration' -> 'Fast Regeneration' -> 'Instant Regeneration (Passive)'

- 'Jumping' -> 'Double Jump' -> 'Hurricane in a bottle' -> 'Moonwalk' -> 'Floating' -> 'Flight'

- 'Punching' -> 'Boxing' -> 'Wuxia Martial Arts Shenanigans' -> 'Normal Series' -> 'Serious Series'

- 'Physical Damage Resistance' -> 'Physical Damage Nullification (Passive)'

- 'Lying' -> 'Lying but better' -> 'Lying even better' -> 'Devil's Tongue (Replica)' -> 'Mephisto wants his tongue back (Passive)'

- 'English Language' + 'Japanese Language (Anime Version)' -> 'All Speak (Passive)'

- 'Algebra' -> 'Calculus' -> 'Numerology' -> 'Theoretical Mathematics'

- 'Hiding' -> 'Stealth' -> 'Invisibility' -> 'Senses Immunity' -> 'Intangibility'}

These were all the skills I was able to obtain while giving out the impression of a genius without becoming an outright monster to be detained and experimented on by dark organizations around the world, however I was completely fine just with these. Anyways, there was not much else I could find in the orphanage that could help me learn more.

I did however find a couple of interesting things about the orphanage. The front door was already a bit familiar to me the day I appeared on its porch, but after a while I realised where the familiarity was coming from.

My Wool Orphanage was the same Wool Orphanage that saw a great part of Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort's childhood. I even found the room in which he grew up in, everyone else would ignore the room when passing by as if it were never there, so i suppose there were some anti-muggle enchantments on the room, however I never personally entered the room as I do not know for sure what other enchantments are in the room and I'm not yet immune to magic attacks.

I truly wondered if the beach next to the cave full of inferi that Voldy created to house his soul-possessed Slytherin's locket was in the possible visiting places for any orphanage excursions, but apparently the beach's location was already forgotten by my caretakers, although I believe the memory of such was removed from the minds of the previous caretakers by Voldemort as security measure, thus the new generation does not know.

As to why I'm not that interested in going there? Other than the fact that I would have to use blood to open a door, dive in a pool of cold, cold water to pass through another door, and fly over a pool infested with zombie frauds, finishing with having to drink a weird potion to which I do not have immunity to, only to find myself with the fake locket, well, there's the fact that by the time I'm in my first month of Hogwarts I'll probably have enough power to duel the Founders and Merlin together with my hands tied behind my back and still steamroll them even just because of my broken passive ability 'Space Manipulation', I mean, just make it so that any hostile and harmful attacks gets teleported away from me and onto them, and I win. So a poor wraith that looks like an ugly and pale white version of Red Skull (at least he had an excuse for not having a nose) should probably be no problem by that point.

Anyways, back to skill crafting.

I was wondering, if I were to learn how to craft watches, would I be able to get 'Time Manipulation'?

For those of you wondering "Isn't he getting too OP too fast?", I answer to you, yes, yes he is, that's the point of this fanfiction. Will it be bad because of it? Maybe yes, maybe no, who am I to care. :)

Lord_Popocreators' thoughts
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