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"Awoooo--" Suddenly there was a howling of wolves from a very nearby place. Ryan used the immortal magical skill and concluded that it was as if the pack of wolves chasing the man on the horse.

Soon, a man riding a white horse appeared in their sight.

Regardless of whether the armor is seen on the horse or the person, this should not be the filial son, and Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. But immediately the Knight looked a little distressed, and was chased by the wolves behind him from the road, and ran to a fork on the side of the road.

"Ryan, I saw it, she seemed to be a woman without a weapon. She might be in danger. We should go over and see if we can help." Hermione seemed to have seen something just now and said to Ryan.

"Okay, I can hear some noise coming from there, let's take a short-cut from the forest." After speaking, both of them walked out from behind the tree and drove in the direction of the Knight and the wolves. After all, this was the first living person they saw after they arrived in this world. If the person was to be eaten by a wolf, God knows when they will meet the next person.

Not to mention that the wolves just ran and didn't use any magic, and the five or six ordinary wolves obviously couldn't cause any harm to the two wizards.

Hermione walked out of the hiding place and followed Ryan's guidance. One has to say that Hermione is a very serious person. She has been practicing since Ryan taught her some assassin training methods last year, so even if there is snow. She can still keep up with Ryan's footwork and move forward quickly.

"Wait, the person on the horse just now seems to have been trapped. Oops, the wolves are surrounding that person." While running, Ryan suddenly said, so he grabbed Hermione. "At this rate, we wouldn't be able to reach there in time, Hermione climb on my back, and I'll run with you on my back."

Hermione nodded and climbed to Ryan's back without asking any questions. Ryan's immortal magical power circulated all over his body, and then he quickly began to move in the forest. Soon they rushed through the hundreds of meters of woods to a frozen pond.

They made it just in time. The rider was standing by the side of the horse, and a monster standing on two feet that looked more than two meters high was besieged by a pack of wolves.

"Stun curse, let's knock out everyone who is not human first," Ryan said as he put down Hermione. Because he hasn't figured out what's going on, for the time being, he simply planned to stun everything that seemed threatening first.

The spell "Stupefy x2" emitted from the wand heads. The wolf and monster biting into a fight were good static targets, so the two spells stunned the two wolves smoothly.

After the battle, wolves and monsters were well beaten into unconsciousness. The Alpha with a scar on its eyes tried to sneak up on Ryan and Hermione, but the immortal magical power broke the element of surprise.

When he approached, Ryan pulled out the Liberator's pistol from his left leg and incapacitated it with a single shot.

At this moment they saw the rider standing beside the horse hesitating for a while and then run to the monster, to check the monster's condition.

"Uh, we seem to have accidentally injured an ally," Ryan said embarrassedly to Hermione.

"I didn't expect that there are inhuman intelligent creatures in this world. Fortunately, it's just a Stupefy spell. We should go down now." After saying that Hermione took the lead and walked towards the two people (?).

"Hello, what can we do to help you?" Hermione walked towards the monster that was beside the female Knight and asked.

And not so surprisingly the reply wasn't in English.

Therefore, the myth of all of the multiverse speaking Chinese or English or Japanese, made up by those authors or directors to save trouble has been finally broken. Fortunately, the language spoken by the female guard is also a language familiar to them, it is French.

Fortunately, Ryan and Hermione, both can understand French: French is often selected as a foreign language in British primary schools. Hermione, as a bookworm, naturally knows this language as well, while Ryan has gained the inheritance of the many languages including French in a part of the Assassin Edward's inheritance. After all, Caribbean France was also one of the powerful forces in those days. Whether be it French pirates or the French navy, they both terrorized the world, Haiti was still asking for reparations in his last life.

In French just now, the woman was asking for help, because the monster was injured, and she hoped to bring the monster back to the castle for healing. The comatose monster was too heavy for her to move, so she hoped that Ryan and Hermione could help put the monster on the go.

"No problem, ma'am." Ryan stepped forward and pronounced a spell at the monster: "Wingardium Leviosa." He directed the monster to float towards the horse with a magic wand, while Hermione released some healing magic from the sidelines. The spell keeps the monster's wound from bleeding.

After they put the monster on the horse, the woman thanked them again and again, and Hermione turned to comfort the woman after releasing a hemostatic spell on the last wound: "Okay, please rest assured, your friend—" At this point, Hermione looked up and saw the other person's face, and then the conversation suddenly stopped.

"Hermione, wha...?" Ryan saw that Hermione froze her words halfway, and suddenly the silent snowy winds were all that was there to hear. He was a little worried and bypassed the horse to check the situation, but he was surprised to find that Hermione and the woman were standing there face to face without exchanging a single word.

"What the hell are you two doing? Although his bleeding has stopped, he should find a warmer place as soon as possible, otherwise, it will not be good for the wound." Ryan looked at two of them, then rubbed his eyes in surprise, because he saw two Hermiones.

No, it's not right. After reading the situation carefully, Ryan found that what he actually saw can be said to be an underage Hermione and an adult Hermione standing together.

"I know it's amazing to meet someone who looks a lot like yourself in a huge crowd, but there is nothing else I can say about this. Standing in the snow is not a good idea." At this time, Ryan felt like he finally knows which world he's in.

"Oh, good." "You're right, Ryan." The two ladies reacted at the same time, and then the three of them guarded the beast on the horse and walked along the road to the distant castle.

"Bell, my name is Belle, thank you very much today." After walking quietly for a while, the one who looked like an adult Hermione broke the silence by opening her mouths first.

"Ah, my name is Ryan, and her name is Hermione. We are apprentice wizards, and we were using a great magic to do long-distance travel this time, but unfortunately, we made a mistake and landed in the woods. If we hadn't met you, we might have had to camp in the snow tonight."

"That's right, I live in his castle for the time being." After speaking, Belle pointed to the beast on horseback. "The castle is huge, so there should be no problem hosting you for one night."

"Thank you, then." Hermione thanked. At this time a wrought iron gate appeared in front of them, and they arrived at the castle of the beast.

(N:- bruh this guy is living a dream. Two Emma Watsons)

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